Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Abundance is Yours

Should you save or spend? I came across this post in the A.R.E blog titled Abundance is Yours, Part I. The article was adapted from an article by Barbara Burgess Bullard in the Circulating File Economic Healing Part I.
The law of supply presupposes that all we could ever truly need will be made available to us if we are seeking to obey the universal laws, especially that of love. Supply is merely the natural result then of working in harmony with these other laws; we do not need to dwell on how it works. But neither should we interfere with the workings of this law through denial. Many people that I have talked with give much thought and energy to the belief that poverty is a virtue and that somehow God wishes us to live in want. The readings stress that we should never be self-indulgent with the supply, but that through the proper use of supply it becomes abundant, infinite, and available to us as we need.
It is interesting that the universal law emphasizes love, and not patience or cooperation. With love we recognize ourselves and others to be a spark of the divine. We should "waste not, want not" to keep our supply coming. It also ties in with our ideal.
…what is thine ideal. What is thy purpose in life? Is it to get, through the attitude of “Gimme—Gimme—Gimme!” or is it to give—give—give! If it is the latter, then there should be the knowledge and security from within as given of old: “Let others do as they may, but for me—I will know the living God.” 815-3
It also is important to believe that we will be given what we need and not fear what lies ahead.
When fear of the future occurs, or fear of the past…put all such away with this prayer— not merely by mouth, not merely by thought, but in body, in mind and in soul say: “Here am I, Lord—Thine! Keep me in the way Thou would have me go, rather than in that I might choose.” 2540-1
Remember, my children, it is the fear of the material conditions that wrecks the material body. It is the fear of this or that, that prevents a channel from making for the greater supply. 254-85
As the following quotes imply, it is not only important to believe that you will get what you need, but also to expect it.
Expect much, you will obtain much! Expect little, you will obtain little! Expect nothing, you will obtain nothing! 5325-1
Expect much, demand much; but when ye do, be willing to give much. For as ye give, or as ye measure to others, so is it measured to thee again. This is the spiritual law, this becomes the mental law—and the mind is the builder. 1532-1
Don't lose faith, but be guided by the desire to help others.
Ask and ye shall receive. Knock and it shall be opened to you …The supply will come from that storehouse that is of His building…Be thou faithful, then, guided, guarded, directed, by Him. 294-41

Monday, December 28, 2009

A.R.E. Meeting for 12/28/09

Leader: Nancy
Reader: Eric

We started the chapter on "Love," and next week will start with the section "The Test of Love."

Our experiment is:
Select and write down one stimulus to which you often react in an automatic and inharmonious way. Then decide on one interrupting behavior or mudra. Make an agreement with yourself that for at least a week you will use your mudra anytime the chosen stimulus happens in your daily life. Keep a record of how you respond after completing the mudra.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Edgar Cayce Principles of Holistic Health

Here is a short summary of the video: True health comes from a harmony of the body, mind, and spirit. This is holistic health. Having a great physical body but being emotionally sick is not healthy. The same goes for having an excellent intellect but a frail body.

Edgar Cayce believed it was important to know the origin of an illness rather than to just treat the symptoms. Dr. Harold J. Reilly summarized the Cayce approach with the acronym CARE.

C=circulation (exercise and massage)
A=assimilation (taking what is needed from food, water, and air)
R=relaxation (meditation, sleep patterns, recreation)
E=elimination (getting rid of toxins, both physical and mental)

An Eastern concept is that you must feed the body good food, feed the mind with good thoughts, and also nuture the soul. We can face air and water pollution, but today we also must contend with mental pollution.

Monday, December 21, 2009

A.R.E. Meeting for 12/21/09

Leader: Nancy
Reader: Greg

We finished the chapter "The Lord Thy God is One," and next week we start "Love."

Our experiment concerns fear. The reading below was advice for a woman on how to use her will to overcome fear so as to have atonement and at-onement:

Then, with that just given above, there may be seen the varying forces that produce karmic influence. But, that that may be found in oneness with that of 'He--God--is One,' and making self in an at-onement, is not only denying any other influence but acting in the way knowing that he will bear thee up--and give His angels charge concerning thee in the way thou goest, lest thou dash thine self against a barrier. Then, when there arises those experiences where fear comes from faltering in self or another, force self--by will--'I will!'--to give, live and know that He doeth all things well in and through the expression of the Father in every soul! Then may the body in the present, the body-consciousness, the mental-consciousness, have that peace that passeth understanding, that comes from an at-onement in the consciousness of His love dwelling within.

With that reading, comes this experiment:
Try the recommendation from the reading above. Whenever you experience the influence of fear, affirm that 'God is working purposefully and well through my life.' Then act on that belief. Record any specific situation in which you were able to overcome a feeling of fear in this way.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Reflections: The Wisdom of Edgar Cayce

You may have heard me mention this radio show on occasion. It broadcasts on Sundays on Psychic Radio. You can find the Reflections schedule of upcoming programs at the A.R.E. website. What I didn't know is that you can also listen to or download previous shows. They don't all appear to be there, but the majority of what I consider to be the better ones are there.

Monday, November 30, 2009

A.R.E. Meeting for 11/30/09

Leader: Eric
Reader: Nancy

We started Lesson XI "The Lord Thy God is One," and made it to the section "The At-onement Through Jesus, the Christ."

Our experiment is:
In your daily meditation periods try to use distractions to take you deeper into a oneness with the meaning of your affirmation. Use each distraction as a gift. Have the attitude that says of each distracting thought, 'Here is another great opportunity for me to bring some part of my life into the awareness of the oneness.'

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Arizona A.R.E Blog

I found another A.R.E. blog. This one is from Arizona. Someone there is taking on the task of putting the Search for God readings (262 series) into everyday English. So far I see the first two readings are done. Here is their intent:
I’ve begun rendering the Search for God readings, the 262 series, into plain English. I hope they help your appreciation of the book that is the basis of my study group in Fountain Hills, AZ, and of study groups everywhere.

Monday, November 23, 2009

A.R.E. Meeting for 11/23/09

Leader: Eric
Reader: Greg

Lesson X (10) is history. Next week we start Lesson XI: The Lord Thy God is One.

Our experiment is the last one in "The Cross and the Crown" chapter, and one that goes well with the week of Thanksgiving:
Look for joy in living. Express joy in dealing with others. Live with an attitude of enjoyment of being alive in this place and in this special time in man's spiritual evolution.

Monday, November 16, 2009

A.R.E. Meeting for 11/16/09

Leader: Eric
Reader: Eric

We are still in "The Cross and the Crown" chapter, having read three more sections. We will start on the section "Does the life lived according to our own faith, our own understanding, and our own walking in His presence explain why each soul must bear a cross?" Wow, that is some title.

For our experiment, Eric says to do one that calls to you. But a few of us settled on this one:
Select and write down one cross in your life. Then consider how the Master would take up that cross and move with it. How would He act out in materiality His acceptance of that situation? Write down you answers to this question. For at least a week try to live and act the way He would towards this situation.

Monday, November 9, 2009

A.R.E. Meeting for 11/9/09

Leader: Eric
Reader: Sylvia

We read the first two sections in "The Cross and the Crown" chapter. We will start on the section "Why was it necessary that He, the Maker of heaven and earth, should bear the cross?"

For our experiment we have a choice of two. Cindi recommends reading the experiments book to decide which one you want to do:
"Select a person with whom you feel you share a common ideal or a common spiritual perspective of life. Let this also be someone with whom you occasionally experience a difficulty in your relationship. Work on (1) accepting what you perceive as the shortcomings of that person, and (2) truly meeting that person as a soul. Keep a record of your experiences."
"Select one area of your life in which you are suffering (physically, emotionally, or mentally). Write down the inner resources which might be available to you which would aid in overcoming this condition. Consider each day the possibility that you are suffering so that you will become obedient to the Christ's awareness that these qualities are within you. Affirm each day in prayer and meditation that the needed inner resources are becoming available to you."

Monday, November 2, 2009

A.R.E. Meeting for 11/2/09

Leader: Greg (for Eric)
Reader: Greg

We finished the chapter "In His Presence." Next week we will start the chapter "The Cross and the Crown."

For our experiment:
Whenever you find yourself talking about another person, speak as if God and the soul of that person were present in that place at that moment.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Your Personal Mission Statement

Here is a short five-minute video from Mark Thurston and the A.R.E. on writing a mission statement for your life. They mention three steps:

1. Clarify the core value in your life (your spiritual ideal).
2. Identify your four or five most prominent talents, abilities, and strengths.
3. Choose how to word your mission statement. This gives you focus, not only for an occupation, but for the way you meet any new situation.

Monday, October 26, 2009

A.R.E. Meeting for 10/26/09

Leader: Sylvia
Reader: John

We started the chapter "In His Presence," and read two sections. Next week, we will start the section "The Preparation of Self."

For our experiment:
Each day make an effort to listen and feel God's presence (within and without) in the ordinary and the commonplace of life. Keep a record of your experiences of recognizing it in these situations.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Fruits of the Spirit

Some readings related to the experiment this week on qualities of the Christ Consciousness.

Reading 1662-1:
25. First - patience, love, longsuffering, gentleness, kindness; speaking not of anyone in a resenting manner. For know, as He hath given, all power that is in the influence of an individual, a nation, a country, is only lent of the Lord as an opportunity for the individual according to that it has once purposed - or to carry forward that He hath willed respecting each soul!

Reading 5752-3:
19. Do that which is good, for there has been given in the consciousness of all the fruits of the spirit: Fellowship, kindness, gentleness, patience, long-suffering, love; these be the fruits of the spirit. Against such there is no law.

Reading 281-16:
24. (Q) In what form does the anti-Christ come, spoken of in Revelation?

(A) In the spirit of that opposed to the spirit of truth. The fruits of the spirit of the Christ are love, joy, obedience, long-suffering, brotherly love, kindness. Against such there is no law. The spirit of hate, the anti-Christ, is contention strife, fault-finding, lovers of self, lovers of praise. Those are the anti-Christ, and take possession of groups, masses, and show themselves even in the lives of men.

Monday, October 19, 2009

A.R.E. Meeting for 10/19/09

Leader: Sylvia
Reader: Eric

We read about a page and a half to close out the chapter on "The Open Door." Next week we start on "In His Presence."

For our experiment:
To your mind, what are the qualities of the Christ Consciousness? Write them down. Select one from your list to focus on for a week. Then choose and write down one area of your life in which there is special need to manifest that quality. Keep a record of situations in which you are successful in your attempts to express it in that part of your life.

Affirmation for Obtaining Desires

From Reading 462-8

(Q) What affirmation should I use to help coordinate myself and the Forces to obtain my desire?


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A.R.E Meeting for 10/13/09

Leader: Sylvia
Reader: Nancy

We covered three sections in "The Open Door" chapter. We have one section left to finish the chapter: "The Kingdom of the Father."

For our weekly experiment:
Look at life as being essentially good. Make choices each day for a week that reflect your belief that God is good and has as His deepest desire that good things would come to you. Record the decisions that you make from this point of view.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Incarnations of Jesus Christ according to EDGAR CAYCE

The following was posted on a blog called the Homeless Nation. There is more to this article about the incarnations and more on the life of Christ.

The Incarnations of Jesus Christ:

AMILIUS was the first expression of Divine Mind (the logos)the Keeper of UNIVERSAL KNOWLEDGE; the Christ soul before his incarnation into a physical body (corresponding to Genesis 1); the entity that Cayce described living in the lost civilization of Atlantis who redirected the process of human evolution by creating a more appropriate physical form for the influx of souls to incarnate into rather than incarnating into the ape-like human form which souls had entangled themselves in.

ADAM was the first "son of man" and "son of God"; the Christ soul after his incarnation into a physical body (corresponding to Genesis 2).

ENOCH was the antideluvian patriarch who journeyed to heaven to receive mysteries...later transform to ARCHANGEL METATRON.

HERMES, also known as THOTH, he was also the last KING of ATLANTIS, later he move to EGYPT, he was the architect of the Great Pyramid and the sage who began the Hermetic tradition.

MELCHIZEDEK was the mystical high priest and king of Salem (ancient Jerusalem).

JOSEPH was the son of Jacob who became the Prince of Egypt.

JOSHUA was the warrior who led the Israelites into the Promised Land.

ASAPH was the music director and seer who served under David and Solomon.

JESHUA was the high priest who helped organize the return from exile and the rebuilding of the temple (as recounted in the books of Ezra and Nehemiah) and who is claimed by Cayce to have compiled and translated the books of the Bible.

ZEND, also spelled "Zen", "Zan", "Sen", or "San," was the father of Zoroaster who wrote the Zend Avesta and founded the religion Zoroastrianism

JESUS was the man who attained complete "at-one-ment" as the divine-human unity known as "the Christ"

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Edgar Cayce Diet

At our last meeting the subject of the Edgar Cayce diet came up, and what foods should or should not be eaten. According to Cayce, 80% of our diet should consist of alkaline-producing foods and the other 20% could be acid producing. The A.R.E has an online sheet that shows which foods fall into what categories.

In summary: Alkaline-Forming Foods (80% of the daily diet should contain these foods):
• All vegetables except dried beans, lentils, asparagus tips, and garbanzos.
• All fresh fruits except cranberries, plums, olives, prunes, and blueberries (preserves and canned fruits are usually acid-forming).
• Almonds, chestnuts, Brazil nuts, and hazelnuts.

Acid-Forming Foods (20 % of the daily diet should contain these foods):
• All meats except beef juice and bone meal.
• All grains, cereals, and bakery products except for soybeans.
• All dairy except buttermilk, yogurt, raw milk and whey.
• Peanuts, pecans, and walnuts.

Certain food combinations are difficult to digest and may cause problems in the digestive system. Here is a brief list of food combinations to avoid:
• Two or more starchy foods at the same meal.
• Sugary foods and starchy foods.
• Milk and citrus fruit or juice.
• Cereals and citrus fruit or juice.
• Large quantities of starchy foods with meat or cheese.
• Coffee with milk or cream.
• Raw apples with other foods.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Celebration Metaphysical Fair

Friday: 1:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Saturday: 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM
Sunday: 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM

Daily Admission is $5.00

Readings are $20 for 20 minutes

221 E. Kiowa St., Colo. Springs

Lots of parking at the bus terminal across the street.
Click here for details.

Booth # 3 - ROBERT BLOND, Edgar Cayce Style Past Life Readings

I offer thorough past life readings that are of significance to present circumstances in one's life. These are done from the Akashic Records within the universal sub-conscious mind, similar to Edgar Cayce readings. These readings can aid you in having a deeper understanding of yourself and ways to create harmony in your life. Sedalia CO 303-688-8276

Monday, October 5, 2009

A.R.E. Meeting for 10/05/09

Leader: Sylvia
Reader: Greg

We began the chapter on "The Open Door." We read two sections and are ready to start on the one titled "How to Open the Door."

For our experiment:
Choose and write down something in your life that seems like a barrier to you (e.g., a problem in a relationship, a difficulty in meditation). Write down a constructive purpose which that barrier is serving (e.g., it is making me work hard on improving that relationship instead of taking it for granted; through this difficulty a particular positive quality is being awakened in me). During the week look for and respond to doorways that may open that barrier. Do not expect the barrier or difficulty to suddenly disappear, but be attentive to the ways in which the Christ Spirit is speaking to you through this situation. Keep a record of your experiences.

Barrier: I don't seem to be getting anywhere in meditation.

Purpose the barrier serves: Helps me to awaken the qualities of patience and persistence within myself.

Doorways: I became aware that what the Christ asks of me is to let go and let Him do the work in my meditations.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Directory of Edgar Cayce's Treatments

For sites dealing with Edgar Cayce's approach to treating specific diseases, visit the Directory of Edgar Cayce's Treatments.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Another Cayce A.R.E. Blog

I discovered another A.R.E blog from New York City. It's called The Open Door ARE NYC. They even publish a quarterly newsletter.

Monday, September 28, 2009

A.R.E. Meeting for 9/28/09

Leader: Cindi
Reader: Sylvia

We (those of us present; about half) rejoiced at concluding the chapter on Patience. Our patience may have been wearing a little thin, but there may have been a reason for us to stay on this topic. Next week, when Sylvia takes over as leader, we will start the chapter "The Open Door."

For our experiment:
Select and write down some experience that you have been impatient to have happen to you (e.g., to get well, to get a different job, to get married, to have more friends). Each day affirm that you are having learning experiences that will allow you eventually to have that which you desire. At the end of each daily meditation period take a few moments to listen within and know that there is something within your soul that is directing and ordering your life. Write down insights that come from this listening and which help you better to understand how your current experiences fit into your growth toward what you desire.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Positive Patience

Nancy pointed out that the Experiments book had a good description of patience as "a dimension that measures how we are responding inwardly to what is happening in the material world." I also found some quotes on the topic of positive patience from the readings that sheds a little different light on the subject for me. Positive patience doesn't mean letting others walk over you.

From Edgar Cayce Reading 3161-1:
That primarily needed is patience, persistence and consistence. Then we would define for the entity what we mean by the entity having patience--in an active, positive manner and not merely as a passive thing. Taking or enduring hardships, or censure, or idiosyncrasies of others, is not necessarily patience at all. It may become merely that of being a drudge not only to self but an outlet of expression from others that may never be quite satisfying because there is no resistance. Passive patience, to be sure, has its place; but consider patience rather from the precepts of God's relationship to man: love unbounded is patience. Love manifested is patience. Endurance at times is patience, consistence ever is patience.
From Edgar Cayce Reading 1402-1:
As has been indicated, a little more patient, a little more tolerant, a little more humble. But . . .not a tolerance that becomes timid--this would make rebellion in self. Not a patience that is not positive. Not an humbleness that becomes morbid or lacking in beauty. For as orderliness is a part of thy being, so let consistency--as persistency--be a part of thy being.

A.R.E. Meeting for 9/21/09

Leader: Cindi
Reader: John

We only made our way through two small sections in the Patience chapter, but we had a long discussion on the subject and its application to the story of Roxanne and Summer, grandchildren of Don and Ginger. We are on the last section of the chapter, titled Personal Experiences.

The experiment for the coming week is:
Select an aspect of your life that involves one of the three points above (overdoing something, feeling rushed, or being impatiently concerned about another person). Write down the person's name or the nature of the frequent situation (e.g., I feel rushed every day to get my work done at my job). Work each day for a week on replacing your impatience with a new sense of patience which comes from affirming the continuity of your life as a soul. At the end of the day make notes about how you did with recognizing your timeless nature in this part of your life.

Friday, September 18, 2009


The site Greg links you to is good. Poke around. There is more available about dreams there. I especially liked the suggestion to pick out a symbol from your dream and then explain what it is, what it does, how it works, etc., to an alien. This could give you insight into what the dream is trying to tell you.

Also, I'm reading the book How to Interpret Your Dreams: Practical Techniques Based on the Edgar Cayce Approach by Mark Thurston, Ph.D. I highly recommend it to everyone in the group.

Monday, September 14, 2009

A.R.E. Meeting for 9/14/09

Leader: Cindi
Reader: Sylvia

It was so great to see everyone, old and new, at the meeting tonight. Don and Ginger rejoined the group after a long absence and Cassandra was led to us for the first time. We began the chapter on Patience and ended at the section titled "Means through which Patience is Gained."

This week's experiment is:
Use the following affirmation in your daily life whenever you confront a frustrating or painful situation: "Everything happening around me is in the past. What's happening now is the way I choose to respond." Let this affirmation re-orient your understanding so that you can respond with patience and love. Record situations in which you are able to use this affirmation effectively.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Interpreting Your Dreams

This ought to help Cindi out. The Discovery Health website lists twelve positive and twelve negative dream motifs and their interpretations. Just click on any one and you get a description and interpretation of common dreams.

Here are groupings of the negative and positive dreams you can select:
 -I am being chased
+I am being embraced or loved

-I am injured, ill or dying
+I am being healed, born or reborn

-I am having car or vehicular trouble
+I am having a pleasurable experience with a vehicle

-My house or property is lost or damaged
+My house or property is improved

-I fail a test or perform poorly
+I excel on a test or in a performance

-I am falling or drowning
+I am flying, swimming or dancing joyfully

-I am naked or inappropriately dressed in public
+I am well dressed

-I have missed a boat or a plane
+I am traveling happily

-A phone or machine malfunctions
+A phone or machine works perfectly

-I am in a natural or manmade disaster
+I experience natural beauty or miracles

-I am lost or trapped
+I am discovering new spaces

-I am being menaced by a spirit
+I am being guided by a spirit

Thursday, September 10, 2009

How to Tell a Young Soul from an Old Soul

How to Tell a Young Soul from an Old Soul
by Jose Stevens, Ph.D.
(Who is a long time observer and reader of the Edgar Cayce Readings.)

The following is a brief description of the characteristics of five basic soul levels. Each level has many lifetimes of lessons to teach us wisdom through trial and error.

INFANT SOULS choose lessons of physical survival. They live in simple situations that include intense experiences - famine, plagues, floods, wars, oppression, etc. They don’t know the difference between right and wrong, though they can be taught to be decent human beings. They don’t usually seek higher education and often don’t seek employment, as such. Infant souls don’t question authority and willingly adopt the religion of their parents as is.

BABY SOULS display less fear than infant souls and are more sophisticated. But they tend to over apply rules. Black is black as far as they’re concerned. Their strong early beliefs remain fixed in their minds, regardless of lack of their wisdom or tolerance. Baby souls love to become big fish in their little puddles...but hate being opposed. Because of this they may spend much time in litigation. Baby souls don’t spend time navel-gazing into their own lives. They’re often “good students” that learn “proper subjects,” and are attracted to fundamentalist religions.

YOUNG SOULS are the “Donald Trumps” of the world...the movers and shakers. They usually set the bar too high for themselves. Achievement is paramount. They chase after what they believe will bring success without ever stopping to think why - because they’re so limited in their perception. They fear death and must have all the toys, experiences, fame and money they can possibly accumulate before they die. They are designers of civilization. Young souls usually seek higher education and graduate-level degrees. Their views of orthodoxy are at one end of the spectrum or the other. Monks and nuns are at one end and a belief in total sexual freedom, the other. They have difficulty with insight into other people’s behaviour.

MATURE SOULS challenge the young soul’s desire to “have it all.” It is a hard cycle that demands seeking answers to life’s tough questions. They are attracted to gentler faiths, such as Quaker, Unitarian, or Buddhist. Mature souls are not as open to the occult as old souls. They look for and question the motivation for all of life’s actions. They often continue with inappropriate relationships - perhaps believing that through self-sacrifice, or tough lessons they will ultimately prevail. Often they can’t shake their sense of duty. Mature souls suffer from stress related illness that sometimes results in schizophrenia, psychosis and a higher suicide rate than other souls. [Cayce emphasized the role that ‘stress’ plays in not only physical illnesses but also mental illnesses; he believed it was ‘stress’ that wrecked havoc on the brain chemistry/balance] . But they’re smart enough to seek professional help without urging. Mature souls often make huge contributions to knowledge - particularly philosophical and scientific. But altogether they don’t necessarily have the drive for fame, many still achieve it. They’re emotionally high maintenance.

OLD SOULS live and let live. They seek the route of least resistance.. .they’re individualistic and usually easy going. They have an inner knowing of the waste of time in pursuing fame and fortune and therefore create the appearance of being “laid back.” Old souls are highly competent - even in roles they don’t particularly like. They tend to choose work that is pleasant and undemanding, leaving them free to pursue their desired goals easily...unless the job adds to the spiritual search. They may or may not seek higher education... but definitely will seek it if they sense it’s needed for their chosen path. Old souls create confidence in animals. And their choice of medical care tends to be alternative and holistic. Old souls are here to teach others their spiritual understandings. Their philosophies and writings are simple and easy to read. Old souls religion is far reaching and has no label. A grove of trees is a sacred place to them. They seldom cling to dogma and prefer personal spiritual practices. However, old souls are wise enough to be discreet in their religious practices and know how to pass in public undetected. They focus on searching for the spiritual truth and have a finer sense of knowing what is true than any other souls level. Old souls all over the world share the experience of emptiness and a longing for that feeling of home.

You may start noticing these characteristics in people around you - and perhaps better understand why they think and act the way they do.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Edgar Cayce Therapeutic Touch Healing

Mark Thurston from the A.R.E. talks about the concept of therapeutic touch. The Chinese believed that energy meridians existed in the body called "Chi." Disease resulted from an imbalance of the Ying and the Yang.

Edgar Cayce also believed that disease could be caused from an imbalance of the energy fields. Therapeutic touch is based on the concept of the Law of Resonance and that humans are energy fields. This touch healing is useful for physical injury or emotional trauma. The video mentions five steps in the process.

Monday, August 31, 2009

A.R.E. Meeting for 8/31/09

Leader: Greg
Reader: Eric

We finally finished the Fellowship chapter. Not that we were in any hurry, but we were going to run out of experiments soon. So after the Labor Day holiday on September 7th, when the library is closed, we will convene the following week and start the chapter on Patience. In the meantime, send energy to Bonnie (John's wife) who is getting a heart catheter procedure done, and to Sylvia's neighbor, so that she may stop her intrusion into Sylvia's space.

The experiment for the week is the longest one that Eric could find (just kidding):
Give of your life to someone else. Select a person and write down his or her name. Then choose one of the three approaches to giving your life which have been described: (1) making a special effort to give of your life energy to that person through whatever activities are needed most, (2) making a special effort to share with that person the truths at the center of your life which you have discovered through experience, or (3) giving up one of your habits, desires, or opinions that is causing that person difficulty. Keep a record of your experiences in giving of your life to this person.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Essiac Tea as a Cancer Cure

Interesting article on the benefits of Essiac Tea at this link. A nurse in Canada named Rene Caisse (note that Essiac is her name spelled backwards) used this tea to treat patients at no charge. The recipe for the tea came from an Ojibway Native American medicine man.

Rene was told about this tea from an elderly patient she met in the hospital in 1922 who told a story of how 30 years earlier that she overcame breast cancer with this tea. Rene was given the recipe, which she then tried on her own family and cured them.

The original recipe consisted of four ingredients:
  •  6 1/2 cups of burdock root (cut)
  •  1 pound of sheep sorrel herb (powdered)
  •  1/4 pound of slippery elm bark (powdered)
  •  1 ounce of Turkish rhubarb root (powdered)
These amounts of ingredients combine to make 8 quarts or 2 gallons of the tea. Cutting each amount in half makes one gallon at a time. Some instructions say to mix all the ingredients well before placing them in water, store the dry herbal mix in a glass jar in a dark dry place, and take out one ounce per 32 ounces of water (one quart) at a time.

Which ever way you wish to parse it out, the herbs are boiled hard without a lid for 10 minutes, some say 20; then, cover with a lid and steep over night on the stove. In the morning, heat it up to steaming hot (not boiling), then let it settle and pour into glass or ceramic containers. Use stainless steel or cast iron pots for boiling, and glass or ceramic containers for storing. Keep the containers or container with the tea capped in a dark cool place until first used. After opening, it must be refrigerated.

The dosage depends on the condition. For immune tonic use or very mild ailments, 2 ounces once daily. Increase the frequency up to 3 times daily with up to 3 ounces each time according to the severity of the ailment, which is usually cancer. The refrigerated tea can be added to hot water or warmed up for consumption. Cancer patients undergoing other treatments, even with allopathic drugs, have used the tea as well.
However, cancer or AIDS should be treated holistically by abstaining as much as possible from toxic medicines, toxic foods, toxic household and cosmetic items, and toxic thinking. The cancer patient should also have a meatless diet of organic food and get as much sunshine and Vitamin D and C supplementation as possible. Using Essiac tea while indulging in old life style habits that probably started the cancer or any other disease is not the best way to heal.
Rene Caisse was constantly harassed by the authorities for her use of this tea even though she made no money from it. Right after she died, the authorities ransacked her home and burned her records. One other point the article makes is that "The quality of the ingredients is the most important aspect of beneficial Essiac."

Monday, August 24, 2009

A.R.E Meeting for 8/24/09

Leader: Greg
Reader: Greg

Due to poor leadership or lack of guidance from spirit guides, not much progress was made in the Fellowship chapter, but considerable discussion took place. We're still in the chapter, about to being the section titled "Duty of Those Who Have Fellowship with the Father." So those not present did not miss much as far as reading material covered.

The experiment is kind of a hybrid, should you choose to accept it. We're taking the original suggestion that states:
Since the lesson had teachings that "we must give account for every idle thought," and "would we dare to bind others by our thoughts," possibly take the experiment above and modify it to "take the initiative in thinking kindly and positively of others (especially strangers)..."
Take the initiative in speaking to others (especially strangers) and showing your love for all mankind. Do those things that you know will be helpful, risking the possibility that you may not be understood or appreciated. Record your experiences.

Monday, August 17, 2009

A.R.E Meeting for 8/17/09

Leader: Greg
Reader: Greg

We decided to start from the beginning of the Fellowship chapter and had such passionate discussions that we barely made it much further than last week. We're in the section titled "Our Fellowship with God," and will start at the paragraph "Let us remember the Master's words to Simon: 'Feed my sheep." Even that sentence caused some discussion.

The experiment is:

Select one person who has asked you for prayer. Take responsibility for the fact that through your faith--through your experiencing of the reality of the spiritual dimension of life--healing forces can be awakened that lie dormant within him. Use a period at the end of your meditation to feel your faith having a constructive, uplifting influence upon this person. In your daily contact with him, hold in mind and express this same feeling.
Give some thought as to whether you want to attend the "Medical Intuition" lecture from Dr. C. Norman Shealy on Saturday, 26 September, in Denver. We can car pool and also get a larger discount when more than one registers at a time. I'll see if I can get some price guidelines by next week and we can start thinking about registration.

Monday, August 10, 2009

A.R.E Meeting for 8/10/09

Leader: Greg
Reader: Nancy

We finished off the chapter on "Virtue and Understanding" and started the chapter on "Fellowship." We completed the first two sections of the chapter and will begin with the section "Our Fellowship with God." It was good to see John back again. Maybe Nancy had had her fill of fellowship, because she will be gone next week. Just kidding. Cindi should be rested up and have some dreams to share next week. And Elizabeth, I hope we didn't scare you off.

The experiment is:

Select one pattern that you frequently hold of resentment toward or irritation with another person. Each day for a week work with letting go of that pattern. Stop feeding it and giving attention to it when it comes to your mind. Even though a part of you may enjoy entertaining it, affirm that the reward of knowing fellowship with God will be a greater experience. Keep a record of your experiences of knowing a greater sense of fellowship in this way.

Monday, August 3, 2009

A.R.E Meeting for 8/3/09

Leader: Greg
Reader: Greg

We enjoyed the presence of Elizabeth Norton at our meeting tonight, who was given Nancy's name, and found her way to our room at the library. Please add her name to your e-mail distribution list.

We started the "Virtue and Understanding" chapter and almost finished it. We are at the last section titled "The Effects of Virtue and Understanding on Ourselves and Others."

Our experiment for the coming week is:
Select an area of your life in which you have recently been worried or especially concerned about making things turn out right (e.g., a financial worry, concern over a specific relationship). For at least a week turn this particular area of your life over to God. Affirm each day that God seeks to express His truth through this part of your life. Listen for and be aware of His presence active in shaping your life. Record any meaningful experiences that occur as you work on this experiment.

Monday, July 27, 2009

A.R.E Meeting for 7/27/09

Leader: Nancy
Reader: Eric

We finished the chapter on "Faith." Next week we start "Virtue and Understanding."

Our experiment for the coming week is:
Select an area of your life in which you wish to experience greater faith. If you have not already set ideals for that part of your life, be sure to do this before continuing with the experiment. Write an affirmation for your mind to use in daily life. This affirmation should express the nature of your ideals and be used whenever necessary each day to awaken the experience of faith. Each day have a period of reverie and imagination concerning the application of these ideals. Also be sure to have a daily prayer and meditation period. This is a specific threefold experiment from the readings that links our understanding of ideals to our experience of faith. Record any meaningful experiences that arise from the application of this approach.
We now have added light going out to half the group (and more if you count Don and Ginger). There's Sylvia and John, but also start sending healing energy to Cindi in the area of her kidneys. Cindi will be out the next two weeks, so maybe we can fix the problem before she returns.

Monday, July 20, 2009

A.R.E Meeting for 7/20/09

Leader: Nancy
Reader: John

Started the chapter on "Faith." Next week we start at the section "How Faith is Developed."

You have a choice of two experiments:
As a step towards a deeper awareness of faith, try to awaken the consciousness that you are a timeless being--that all which you desire in spirtual unfoldment and fulfillment will come to you. If you have asked for something in His name and then find yourself doubting or impatient, use this affirmation in your daily life to re-orient your mind to faith: "As a spiritual being, I am forever. All I have asked in His name will be fulfilled." Record the situations in which you are able to use this affirmation in a helpful way.
Be aware of instances each day in which you feel a sense of confidence (either in some quality of your own, in some condition in the material world, or in some other person). Don't deny the good feeling that may come with such a sense of confidence; instead, build upon it by affirming the source of this which is good in you or your life. Record each day those situations in which you are able to make this recognition.

Monday, July 13, 2009

A.R.E Meeting for 7/13/09

We finished the chapter on "What is My Ideal," but before we start the chapter on "Faith" next week, Cindi wants us to read the "What is My Ideal" chapter in the "Experiments in a Search for God" book.

Then we are to apply the last experiment, which reads:
Choose one of your mental or physical ideals which you have set. Each day be aware of instances in which others are able to manifest that ideal (e.g., if you choose "kindness" you would look for situations where others were expressing kindness). As you are aware of a person expressing the ideal, affirm that this quality is also within you or you would not have noticed him maninfesting it. Record the person's name and the situation each time you complete this experiment.

Friday, July 10, 2009


I looked up another Cayce quote to a study group member that said:

27. (Q) [538]:
(A) Let mercy and justice be thy watchword rather than judgment upon others. For "Judge not that ye be not judged" is the same as saying show mercy to those that are wayward, to those that are awkward, to those that are unkind, to those that are rude - if you would have God show these to you. For in thy awkwardness, in thy stumbling, ye oft find fault in thine self. Do not judge thyself. Let God's mercy and love rule thee.

It sounds like the adage "Hate the sin, but love the sinner." Maybe we can judge anything except another soul. But if that other soul commits murder, I would like justice to be carried out. (As long as the justice is carried out mercifully.)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Judgment and Dimensions

A message from Cindi:

Fellow Explorers of the Truth:

I just read The Soul Truth, information given by Theo (12 archangels), channeled through Sheila Gillette. There were 2 topics we mentioned last Monday.

1. Judgment

It is no one's responsibility or ability to judge another's soul's experience. For the soul chooses perfectly what is appropriate for its growth. Those who would judge another don't know the soul's purpose. Correct? They are judging another's path by their own fear-based emotion, their own fear-based intellectual thinking, not from a soulful or mindful place, not from a fully integrated place. If one is fully integrated in themselves and taking full responsibility for themselves, they would not want to judge another, they would not be going outside themselves to judge another, thinking it their responsibility.

2. Dimensions

There are twelve dimensions that are about this earth plane: the third being that which is the physical structure, as you know; the fourth being an awakening to spirit, the fifth being a full implementation of the interaction on the total soul level. And, as this is achieved, there is the sixth, which will be expressed and experienced in the physical structure, which is more shifts of consciousness and a higher vibrational frequency that allows beings to be fully expressing their full spirit upon the earth, and all the modalities of healing, and all the modalities of awareness that are inherent in the experience of a full Soul Integration. The other dimensions are etheric and will be expressed out of the body.

Question: When we are out of our body in the astral plane, what dimension are we experiencing?
Answer: In the astral, that would be the seventh.

Monday, July 6, 2009

A.R.E Meeting for 7/6/09

We finished the "Know Thyself" chapter.

The part Eric wants us to think about is:
"Be what you seem. Live your creed. Hold up to earth the torch divine. Be what you pray to be made. Let the Master Jesus' steps be thine."

For the experiment:

At the end of the day review the things you have done with others. Try to step outside yourself for a moment and imagine how other people understood the things you did. What would they likely have assumed your ideals or standards are from having observed your actions? Write down the ways they might possibly have perceived you. Work each day to let your actions express to others what your ideals really are.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

A.R.E Meeting for 6/30/09

This is the first time in awhile that everyone has been back, so you really don't need to know where we left off...but I'll remind you anyway. It's the "Know Thyself" chapter, the "The Mental and Spiritual Bodies" section, 5th paragraph, where it begins "When we are seeking to lose ourselves..."

The experiment is "Each night before falling asleep say a prayer asking that in your dreams you will be guided to experience that which is best for your growth. Try to retain this sense of seeking as you fall asleep. Keep a careful record of your dreams and of your feelings when you awaken in the morning."

Finally, I did some research on the quote I heard on the Sunday morning Internet radio show about Edgar Cayce, where he supposedly said "Every time you sit down to meditate, you lift 10000 souls."
It seems that this quote came from Robert Grant, who has been writing a lot about Cayce. I found it at this link.

The quote was from another source, the book The Secret of the Golden Flower. Here is the part of the interview where he mentions it.
Rob: One woman asked me, "Okay, you're talking about levels and realms of the after life. How can I make sure that I go to the highest realm possible in the afterlife?" I said, "Move from the heart, mean well for others, and know that the act of meditation (as Hugh Lynn Cayce, Edgar's son, taught me), is the seeking to attune to God that builds the light body we move into after death. So, meditation not only quickens us here but it also helps us move toward the light faster on the other side. I think that it was in the book, The Secret of the Golden Flower by Tung Pin Lu, that it was said that every time we sit down to meditate, we lift 10,000 souls. The vibration of our seeking attunement to God sends out ripples…

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A.R.E Meeting for 6/23/09

Nancy, I don't know if you knew this was going to happen, but Sylvia joined us this week. It gave the group some extra positive energy. If you didn't know this, then know that we're all going to send Sylvia some energy as she is going to try to medically help out her sister.

We started the Cooperation chapter and are in the third section titled "Method of Obtaining Cooperation." We’re about halfway into that section at the paragraph that begins "It is a oneness of mind, a oneness of purpose..."

The experient is the first one: "Live with the awareness that what you are thinking is actually creating and is very real. At the end of each day, review your thought patterns. Record those that you feel were especially constructive or helpful. Without a sense of self-condemnation, record those that you feel were not consistent with your ideals."

John sent out an e-mail that we have the library room through July, and it looks like the library will be open the Monday after the 4th. Thanks, John.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A.R.E Meeting for 6/15/09

Another night of heavy discussion and insights, and we barely made it to the end of the Meditation chapter (1.5 pages) and our meditation before the library turned out the lights. In our hurry to pick an experiment, the last one in the "Experiments" book was chosen:

Choose and write down one attitude, habit or physical condition which could be eliminated by conscious effort and which you feel may be a hindrance in your spiritual search. Then decide on a constructive attitude or way of behaving that could replace that hindering one (and write down the replacement). Work each day on manifesting that replacement attitude or behavior. Record situations in which you are successful in manifesting this replacement attitude or behavior.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Chi Energy

A pretty amazing video showing John Chang, a healer with extraordinary power, who decided to share publicly what you can achieve through meditation.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

John Van Auken Creates Meditation Blog

I just discovered that John Van Auken created a blog very recently about meditation. You can find it by going to this link.

Today is June 10th, and he just started it on June 5th, so it's pretty new. You should be able to see his most recent post and scroll down to see his previous ones. Here's his first posting:

The Value and Joy of Meditation

In this incarnation, I would not have endured this far without the many benefits that come from meditating. Edgar Cayce's discourses encourage all of us to budget time to meditate, and now, after 40 years, I understand why. It is one of the best ways to experience personal contact, attunement, and union with God, to enhance the flow of the Forces of Life through our bodies and minds, and to keep ourselves centered and mindful. Meditation brings health, peace, guidance, a good disposition (or at least a better disposition), love toward others, and truth in one's heart and mind. It so enhances our energy levels. Edgar’s son Hugh Lynn Cayce first encouraged me to meditate regularly - if for no mental or spiritual reason, do it because it is so good for the body. Meditation became a part of my daily life, and now, after all these years, I've written may latest book about meditation and meditating. It is my hope that in some small way this blog will encourage and help others to learn how to meditate and to make the practice of meditation a part of their daily lives.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

A.R.E Meeting for 6/9/09

We had a night of heavy and intense discussion so we're still in the Meditation chapter, but at the last section called "VI. CONCLUSION." We left the library as they were turning out the lights, so we had to rush to get an experiment assigned.

The experiment is: "Choose a specific time and place for meditation. Keep it each day."

Monday, June 1, 2009

A.R.E Meeting for 6/1/09

OK, Cindi...we're still in the Meditation chapter, but we're at such a high level of attunement, I'm not sure you can catch up with us. 8-) We're up to page 15, Section V. Methods of Meditation.

The experiment is also on page 15 of the other book: "Use the prayer of protection given in the reading at the beginning of each meditation period. Make a special point of experiencing the inner meaning of the prayer as you use it and not just saying it by rote."

The prayer of protection, as already memorized and quoted by Nancy, is: "Father, as I open myself to the unseen forces that surround the throne of Grace, Beauty and Might, I throw about myself the protection found in the thought of the Christ."

Monday, May 11, 2009

How to Meditate Deeply

Since we're currently into this subject, I felt this would would be a good time to send this tutorial by Van Auken. This was found at this link.

How to Meditate Deeply
By John Van Auken

Of the many meditation techniques available, the best for deep meditation is one that Edgar Cayce taught and used himself. It has been the most successful method that I have found for getting into a truly attuned-to-God state. And the side effects of this method are clearer dreams and more intuitive “knowings.”

The method is simple. Sitting or lying down (if lying down Cayce wanted you to cover your solar plexus with your hands), you use your “imaginative forces” (Cayce’s term) to “see, feel, and know” that you are making your way through three stages of transition:

STAGE 1: First, “remove the earthly portion and your personality.” In this stage I simply imagine myself removing the earthly aspects of my being and my outer personality self; moving them out in front of my body and letting them be suspended there for the duration of the meditation. I know, you’re wondering what else is there to me if I remove all my earthly elements and my personality. You’ll be amazed how much more there is to us.

When Cayce did this first stage, he actually had a substantial “beingness” suspended in front of his body. In fact, on one occasion during the World Affairs readings in New York, some one thought of another question to ask and attempted to pass a note to the conductor of the reading. Reaching over Cayce’s body he struck some unseen thing floating above Cayce’s body and it caused his physical body to flip over. When Cayce awoke he had a sore bruise on his physical body, yet the man never struck his physical body. Later that day he gave a reading on this strange incident, and it explained that Cayce removes the earthly portions of his being and his personality and suspends them in front of his body while giving a reading. So substantial and yet connected to the physical body is this suspended portion of his being, that if struck it moves the body. It is like a thought-form body that is so connected with the flesh body that bruises on it will reflect eventually in the physical body.

The first stage is to remove the earthly portions of your being and your personality from your body and suspend them in front of your body for the duration of the meditation.

STAGE 2: Next, he instructs us to “subjugate” control of the physical body to the subconscious mind and soul-self, explaining that these two are in the deeper, autonomic nervous system. At this stage our central nervous system is quite still (we are not moving or using our five external senses). He wants us to turn over control of the system to the deeper self: soul and subconscious mind. When I first attempted this, I simply imagined what my soul-self and subconscious were like, and allowed my whole body system to surrender to their control. Cayce said that a key indicator that this was happening would be a shift in our breathing pattern, a shift toward deeper breathing. I noticed this clearly. As I began to “subjugate,” my breathing shifted -- very similar to the shift that occurs when we are falling asleep.

STAGE 3: At this point in the process Cayce reminds us that the subconscious mind is always amenable to a suggestion, and, as he did, he wanted us to give ourselves a powerful suggestion to rise up and expand into the spiritual levels of our being and God’s presence. I used the suggestion: “Arise my soul, and enter into the infinite, universal mind and spirit of God.” In addition to saying and feeling the suggestion, I would imagine myself doing it. I would “see” myself doing it.

Cayce explained that during this stage we may feel ourselves expanding or becoming “buoyant,” even “levitating” (not necessarily physically, but our soul-self levitating and expanding as it rises). I found that my physical head would be drawn up and back slightly as I felt this ascending and expanding.

It’s important to understand that this is not an out-of-body experience. Rather, Cayce clearly teaches us to avoid going out of the body at this stage, but to “go through dimensions of consciousness.” Imagine and feel yourself rising through the mind’s levels of perception; expanding from individual, finite perception toward full, infinite, universal perception.

Cayce’s indicator that this stage is being achieved is the sense of rising and expanding. After months of practice I drew several illustrations of this process; see one on this page. (There isn't an illustration on the page. -Greg)

STAGE 4: Now, we need to sense the Presence of God and connect with It. This is not a human-like God, but an infinite, universal God of the entire Cosmos. Therefore, we must realize that we are entering an altered state of consciousness. We are leaving individualness and finiteness, and entering into universalness and infiniteness. It fits well with our expanding sensations from the previous stage. Just continue to expand into the God’s Presence.

Of course, I had to use my imagination in order to sense God’s Presence. I simply imagined what God was like in His/Her infinite state.

STAGE 5: Once we have the slightest sense of God’s Presence, we need to connect with It firmly, completely. I actually envisioned myself plugging into It, like an electrical appliance plugging into the source of power.

Now, after all of this seeking to get here, we have to stop our will-driven efforts and become completely receptive and expectant. Seeking becomes receiving. Cayce recommends that we say the little phrase, “Thy will be done in and through me, now.” And “see, feel, know” it is happening. Allow it. Imagine it. Abide in a receptive state in the Presence. I feel the Infinite flowing into the finite at this point. It’s rejuvenating and uplifting.

When you sense that the session is drawing to a natural close, retrace your steps through the stages until you are completely back into your body with your earthly portion and personality intact. Then, take a deep breath and go live life. Magically, the inner experience will affect the outer life in many wonderful ways.