Monday, November 26, 2018

A.R.E. Meeting for 11/26/18

Leader: Greg

Four met in fellowship to finish the chapter on Glory. We read from the SFG, and finished the chapter, then we finished that chapter in the Experiments book. Next week we start the chapter on Knowledge.

Here are the experiments from which to choose this week:

Experiment: What is something seemingly "evil" or "bad" in the personality or behavior of one person with whom you interact? What is the essence of good—good misapplied or misconstrued—that is in that apparent flaw? Try reinforcing or reflecting the essential good which is there.

Experiment: What is some seemingly unrewarded effort you have been making for good—something you have recently been considering giving up? Try for one week just "carrying on" even though it may go against common "practicality" to do so, and see what happens.

Experiment: Give of yourself and your resources to others without expectation of something back. Find ways to be of loving service to others without their knowing who has been the source of the aid.

Monday, November 19, 2018

A.R.E. Meeting for 11/19/18

Leader: Greg

Four gathered in thanksgiving to continue our study of Glory. After reviewing the experiments from last week, we decided to go back to the Search for God book and read the first two sections on Glory again.

Afterwards, we read the next two experiments, down to the middle of page 100, and felt more prepared to tackle them. Of the two, choose thou:

Experiment: Make it a discipline each day for a specified time period (e.g., half an hour) to read or study in some way which opens up a new area of knowledge or learning for your conscious, rational mind. Then, see if you can find ways of using the rational mind in what you have studied and learned in service to others.

Experiment: Examine an area of your life in which you are facing a reversal, setback or obstacle. Is some part of your self-image being frustrated or even humbled? Might this situation have come to you in order to help you overcome some sort of pride? From this new perspective try meeting the situation with a new consciousness.

Monday, November 12, 2018

A.R.E. Meeting for 11/12/18

Leader: Greg

Three chilled students arrived and soon were warmed by attunement and oneness. After a guided meditation by Kevin Todeschi on the Lord’s Prayer, we discussed the experiment from the previous week.

We read the Experiments book from pages 95 to 97. A choice of two experiments are available for application:

Experiment: Expand the scope of how you think you can serve in the world. For a week try serving others in a way you do not normally do.
Example: Visit a shut-in neighbor or friend. Spend time with children (perhaps offer to babysit to give parents a night off).

Experiment: Recognize and respect the unique ways in which people around you are able to serve. Even if you are not directly aided by such service nor are you normally interested in such types of action, notice others in this way. If possible, find ways to reinforce these people with a word of support or appreciation.

Monday, November 5, 2018

A.R.E. Meeting for 11/5/18

Leader: Greg

Seven of us met as we finished out the “Destiny of the Soul” chapter in the Experiments book. Next week we begin the Glory chapter in the Experiments book on page 95.

We had some discussion on last week’s experiment on disappointments and changing your attitude. Then we played a 20-minute audio with Elsie Sechrist and Judith Stevens on Destiny of the Soul.

There are three experiments to choose from this week:

Experiment #1, Pg 91:
Work on being more sincere in your relationship with others, with God, and with yourself. Be clear about your singleness of purpose in relationships. Demonstrate more clearly to others just what that purpose is.

Experiment #2, Pg 92:
Measure and evaluate self, loved ones and problem people in your life with the same process-oriented standards. What are the specific types for which you find yourself being judgmental of others?  Even though some may come more easily for you, what are your own areas of challenge and struggle? If you need to evaluate how others are doing in their areas of weakness, make your comparisons based on the same standard of how well you are doing with your own unique areas that need growth.

Experiment #3, Pg 94:
Especially at the material level try using what is already at hand to meet new needs which arise. Use your creativity and ingenuity to discover a greater variety of potential in the resources which you already have.