Monday, December 17, 2018

A.R.E. Meeting for 12/17/18

Leader: John

Five gods met to discuss the subject of knowledge, among other topics, like near-death experiences, synchronicities, and helping others we meet.

In the Knowledge chapter of the SFG book, we read the section “Interpretation of Self.”

We read through three experiments, and Eric says we can do them all because we won’t be meeting the next two weeks. We are at the middle of page 112 in the Experiments book. The experiments are:

Experiment: Each day try to find a tempo of acting, thinking and feeling which puts you in touch with the tempo your soul wants to get done what it needs. Use that resultant extra energy which becomes available in a creative way.

Experiment: Try to let go of any embarrassment or uncomfortableness you may experience with the spiritual things you believe even though people who are "worldly wise,” may think you foolish, impractical or naive. Be willing earnestly and sincerely to share aspects of the spiritual path you are on. With sensitivity and an eye toward proper timing take the initiative in such sharing.

Experiment: Pick several routine actions in your life. For a period of several days experience your freedom from that patterned way of living your life by finding alternatives to those actions.

Monday, December 10, 2018

A.R.E. Meeting for 12/10/18

Leader: John

Six entities listened to the lesson on knowledge. John had a handout on the significance of some biblical numbers. Cindi’s dream started us on a conversation about visitations. We read two sections in the SFG book: “Knowledge is of God” and “Knowledge is Power.”

In the Experiments book, we read to the middle of page 108. The experiment is:

Make it a discipline to take some time each day to really listen to what is concerning one or two people. You do not have the answer to their questionings. Just express your love through your attention as they open up and share.

Monday, December 3, 2018

A.R.E. Meeting for 12/3/18

Leader: June

Five smart souls met to gain in knowledge. Depending on the direction traveled, you either drove in a blizzard or under clear skies. We meditated and discussed the experiments from last week along with several other topics (like the “Mandela effect” or false memory).

We read the Introduction in the SFG book, and the first experiment in the Experiments book. It reads as follows:

Experiment: Try spending the first five minutes of your daily meditation period in prayer for others. Use it to orient your mind so that your following period of silence will be more in keeping with an ideal of love and service.

Monday, November 26, 2018

A.R.E. Meeting for 11/26/18

Leader: Greg

Four met in fellowship to finish the chapter on Glory. We read from the SFG, and finished the chapter, then we finished that chapter in the Experiments book. Next week we start the chapter on Knowledge.

Here are the experiments from which to choose this week:

Experiment: What is something seemingly "evil" or "bad" in the personality or behavior of one person with whom you interact? What is the essence of good—good misapplied or misconstrued—that is in that apparent flaw? Try reinforcing or reflecting the essential good which is there.

Experiment: What is some seemingly unrewarded effort you have been making for good—something you have recently been considering giving up? Try for one week just "carrying on" even though it may go against common "practicality" to do so, and see what happens.

Experiment: Give of yourself and your resources to others without expectation of something back. Find ways to be of loving service to others without their knowing who has been the source of the aid.

Monday, November 19, 2018

A.R.E. Meeting for 11/19/18

Leader: Greg

Four gathered in thanksgiving to continue our study of Glory. After reviewing the experiments from last week, we decided to go back to the Search for God book and read the first two sections on Glory again.

Afterwards, we read the next two experiments, down to the middle of page 100, and felt more prepared to tackle them. Of the two, choose thou:

Experiment: Make it a discipline each day for a specified time period (e.g., half an hour) to read or study in some way which opens up a new area of knowledge or learning for your conscious, rational mind. Then, see if you can find ways of using the rational mind in what you have studied and learned in service to others.

Experiment: Examine an area of your life in which you are facing a reversal, setback or obstacle. Is some part of your self-image being frustrated or even humbled? Might this situation have come to you in order to help you overcome some sort of pride? From this new perspective try meeting the situation with a new consciousness.

Monday, November 12, 2018

A.R.E. Meeting for 11/12/18

Leader: Greg

Three chilled students arrived and soon were warmed by attunement and oneness. After a guided meditation by Kevin Todeschi on the Lord’s Prayer, we discussed the experiment from the previous week.

We read the Experiments book from pages 95 to 97. A choice of two experiments are available for application:

Experiment: Expand the scope of how you think you can serve in the world. For a week try serving others in a way you do not normally do.
Example: Visit a shut-in neighbor or friend. Spend time with children (perhaps offer to babysit to give parents a night off).

Experiment: Recognize and respect the unique ways in which people around you are able to serve. Even if you are not directly aided by such service nor are you normally interested in such types of action, notice others in this way. If possible, find ways to reinforce these people with a word of support or appreciation.

Monday, November 5, 2018

A.R.E. Meeting for 11/5/18

Leader: Greg

Seven of us met as we finished out the “Destiny of the Soul” chapter in the Experiments book. Next week we begin the Glory chapter in the Experiments book on page 95.

We had some discussion on last week’s experiment on disappointments and changing your attitude. Then we played a 20-minute audio with Elsie Sechrist and Judith Stevens on Destiny of the Soul.

There are three experiments to choose from this week:

Experiment #1, Pg 91:
Work on being more sincere in your relationship with others, with God, and with yourself. Be clear about your singleness of purpose in relationships. Demonstrate more clearly to others just what that purpose is.

Experiment #2, Pg 92:
Measure and evaluate self, loved ones and problem people in your life with the same process-oriented standards. What are the specific types for which you find yourself being judgmental of others?  Even though some may come more easily for you, what are your own areas of challenge and struggle? If you need to evaluate how others are doing in their areas of weakness, make your comparisons based on the same standard of how well you are doing with your own unique areas that need growth.

Experiment #3, Pg 94:
Especially at the material level try using what is already at hand to meet new needs which arise. Use your creativity and ingenuity to discover a greater variety of potential in the resources which you already have.

Monday, October 29, 2018

A.R.E. Meeting for 10/29/18

Leader: Scott

We started our meeting with everyone sharing their experiences with resentments. Since there was a high turnout (eight present), the stories lasted a little more than an hour.

We read the chapter on Glory all the way through. Then we circled back to the Experiments book to read more out of the “Destiny of the Soul” chapter. Our experiment is on page 90:

If you find yourself being disappointed in conditions or others, change your attitude by using this affirmation:  “For every apparent disappointment, God has an appointment for me with something greater” and look for the gift that can come your way with a change of attitude and new receptivity.

Monday, October 22, 2018

A.R.E. Meeting for 10/22/18

Leader: Scott

Six attendees were again present for our study of the Destiny of the Soul. In the SFG book we read the final two sections to finish the chapter. The next chapter is “Glory.”

We had some discussion on last week’s experiment and some names from the readings were mentioned, like Hector, Judas, and Achilles. Those that want to see who were in some of Cayce’s readings can go to this page on our blog:

Scott is interested in biblical literature that discusses reincarnation. One mentioned at the meeting was John the Baptist being Elijah. Another instance was when Jesus and disciples came upon a blind man and asked whether the man or his parents sinned to make the man blind.

In the Experiments book, we read down to the experiment on page 88:
Select a resentment you have been holding for something which another person said or did to you. What aspect of your self-image was undermined or called into question by what this person did? As a tool to make forgiveness easier and more natural, do some specific thing to strengthen that particular part of your self-image.

Monday, October 15, 2018

A.R.E. Meeting for 10/15/18

Leader: Scott

Six attendees started the chapter on Destiny of the Soul. We read the sections: “Introduction,” “Creation of Soul,” and “The Soul’s Association with the Mind and the Body.”

In the Experiments book, we read to the bottom of page 86. Of the two experiments we read, the one that resonated most was:
Respond to slights, slurs or any offensive behavior of others directed at you with words and deeds reflecting love.

Friday, October 12, 2018

A.R.E. Meeting for 10/8/18

Leader: Scott

Attendees were Barbra, John and Scott.

We read Destiny of the Soul, pages 83-84.

The experiment for next week is: Select an experience which might be called a dishonor for you. It is likely to be something you find yourself being ashamed of, embarrassed about or criticizing yourself for. Turn around your response to this. What was the lesson you learned from what happened? Try to put that lesson into action in your life rather than continually dwelling on those past events.
John talked about his dreams of people he knew in the past who had committed suicide and we discussed some of the reasons why people are driven to do so.

Monday, October 1, 2018

A.R.E. Meeting for 10/1/18

Leader: John (for Scott)

We had one visitor to the group, Barbara, that brought the total entities gathered to six. Barbara has had experience with Search for God groups, and we hope she will add to ours.

We finished the Destiny of the Body chapter in both the SFG book and the Experiments book. Here are a couple of experiments to choose from:

Experiment: Work on purifying your body for one week through diet, exercise, cleansing, or whatever ways you can.

Experiment: Live with a sense of contentment with the now. Let go of any feelings of being rushed or wanting the current moment to end so that you can get to the next thing.

Experiment: Treat your body in a way which reflects an awareness that it is external.

Experiment: Practice using this training exercise for meditation (the six steps listed on pages 80-81). Let it carry over as well into your daily living. In tense times take a moment to think of a spiritual affirmation, then harmonize mental awareness with breathing. This can be done with your eyes open, even in the midst of daily affairs.

Next week we should be starting the chapter “Destiny of the Soul.”

In the Now,

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Edgar Cayce on Diet

E D G A R - C A Y C E - O N - D I E T
Being a citizen of the United States of America in year 2017, it is hard for me to remember, let alone recognize, that God made only 10 foods:
01. Spring Waters;
02. Milks;
03. Eggs;
04. Meats;
05. Vegetables;
06. Fruits;
07. Nuts;
08. Seeds;
09. Grains;
10. Beans.
Everything else found for sale in a typical grocery store, which is the vast majority of what is available in a typical grocery store, is a man-made food-product, created by processing and combining two or more of the 10 foods.
There are about as many ideas in regards to diet, as there are people to espouse them.
A vegan says it is best not to consume any of the three animal foods - milks, eggs, meats.
A vegetarian says it is best not to consume any meats.
A fruitarian says it is best not to consume any food type except for fruits.
The Paleo Diet says it is best not to consume any milks or grains or beans.
And the list just goes on and on and on of the different diet ideas.
The Cayce Reading information is different.
Except in rare individual cases, the Cayce Reading information espouses the consumption of all 10 foods.
This would only make sense. That is why they exist !!!!
However, that being said, there is still a wealth more of information in the Cayce Readings in regards to diet.
For example, in regards to Eggs, most individuals were told to eat only the yolk and not the white. Why? The Readings say that the white is very hard to digest for most individuals and so the consumption of it for most individuals leads to acid indigestion as well as an acid balance rather than an alkaline balance. On the other hand, eating an egg yolk or two any day is excellent, and goes especially well with a raw vegetable salad and a bit of extra virgin olive oil.
For another example, the main Meats advocated are Fish and Fowl and Lamb, whereas Beef is to be consumed only once or twice a week, and ought to be lean and well-cooked, and Pig Ham Pork is not to be consumed at all except for a little bit of very crisp bacon now and then if really desired. The Readings also recommend Wild Game and Organ Meats as being especially nutritious and healthy, except be sure and remove the leg tendon of Rabbit. Also be careful when purchasing packaged fresh meats: Read the small print and only buy those containing up to a certain percentage of retained water rather than containing up to a certain percentage of added broth or salt or dyes or various chemicals.
Vegetables and Fruits are to be consumed aplenty, and especially well to have fresh citrus fruit or juice for breakfast, raw vegetables at lunch, and steamed vegetables at dinner with some cooked fruit for dessert. Leaf lettuces are better than head lettuce. Lettuce and celery and carrot are especially cleansing for the blood and one or more should be consumed each day. Vegetables are most easily digested if there is at least a bit of fat or oil with the meal such as found in olive oil or egg yolk or avocado or nuts or seeds or some fat from a meat. Vegetables should be well-cooked, this means tender rather than chewy or mushy. Instead of boiling vegetables directly in water, they should be steamed in a Parchment Paper pouch set in the boiling water and any juices formed should be consumed along with the steamed vegetables. Regarding white potatoes, the portion closest to the peel should be eaten and the central portion should not be eaten. Colored grapes are better than green grapes. Fruits should be picked ripe, especially the vegetable-fruit tomatoes. Fruit and sugar should not be consumed at the same meal as the healthful effect of the natural sugar in the Fruit will be ruined. Fresh Fruit and Dried Fruit should not be consumed at the same meal.
Nuts and Seeds are to be consumed but in small or moderate amount, and should be consumed with a meal rather than by themselves. Raw whole Almond is the healthiest nut. Eating several each day and every day may help to prevent and shrink tumors and cancer.
Grains and Beans are to be consumed but in small or moderate amount. And any Grain or Grain-product consumed should be whole grain only, not any refined grain.
Milks and Milk-products are great or good for most individuals, especially Yogurt. [However, if one experiences nasal congestion, they can try going without consuming any cow milk or cow milk-products, including cow milk butter, and see if the nasal congestion clears up. Many individuals have difficulty digesting the protein portion and/or the fat portion of cow milk. These individuals usually find that they do not experience nasal congestion when they consume the milks and milk-products of the smaller animals such as sheep and goat, as the proteins and fats are structured differently.]
Dry Red Wine in moderation, on an empty stomach or else with some whole grain cracker or bread, is healthful, and an excellent mid or late afternoon intake. Do not drink with other types of food or a meal. And except in rare cases and in small amount, neither Liquor nor Beer nor Soda-Pop should be consumed.
Pure Spring Water should be drunk aplenty, but before meals and after meals rather than with meals, and especially first thing upon awakening to clear the kidneys and set the stomach aright for the day. Digestion is best when the stomach is first acted upon by aqua pura (pure plain water).
Coffee and Tea should be drunk either plain or with a small amount of sweetener, as tannin in the coffee or tea will cause any added milk or cream to become indigestible and a serious strain to the digestive system and organs.
Caffeine - found in Tea, Coffee, Chocolate, and most energy drinks and products - should be avoided by someone with a slow or sluggish system, otherwise it will sit in the colon and emit toxins [and this will cause one to feel bad, as well as potentially lead to disorders or diseases].
Gelatin is an excellent dietary addition, especially when taken in the afternoon, as it increases the assimilation of vitamins and gives an energy boost.
Olive Oil - Extra Virgin Olive Oil - is a healthy fat, and makes an excellent dressing for a raw vegetable salad, either by itself, or with added fresh citrus juice and/or granulated kelp and/or soft-boiled egg yolk and/or paprika and/or whatever other healthy spice you might like [except for Black Pepper, which the Readings advise against consuming].
Salt and Sugar and Fried Food should be avoided:
Granulated Kelp should be substituted for Salt.
Raw Honey right out of the comb should be substituted for Sugar.
Baking and Broiling and Steaming should be substituted for Fried Food.
Vinegar should be avoided, as it stops the digestion of protein AND this leads to an over-acid condition, so if it is consumed it should only be in very small quantity. Lemon Juice and Lime Juice are excellent alternatives.
Condiments - such as ubiquitous ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, etc. - should be avoided or used in small quantity - due to the usual vinegar salt sugar more. A fresh healthy homemade condiment can be made from plain yogurt with ground herbs and spices added in amount and type to suit taste, then just slather on the meat or sandwich or what have you.
Charred or blackened or browned or caramelized foods, and smoked foods, and pickled foods, should be avoided.
Artificial ingredients - flavors, colors, preservatives - should be avoided.
The preservative Benzoate should be avoided. [Read ingredient labels; it is currently found in many Soda-Pops.]
Soda-Pop should be avoided, especially Diet Soda-Pop: 1. The carbon dioxide is a toxic gas our bodies are constantly expending (trying to get rid of) and it causes an imbalance between the liver and the kidneys, and "an irritation to the distressed areas", and a tendency "to produce that slowing of the emptying of the stomach and disturb the proper eliminations"; and 2. The carbohydrate / sugar content is way too high; and 3. Some have many added synthetic chemicals, especially the latter. [Note: Numerous individuals were told to avoid carbonation, but numerous other individuals were told to consume it. However, the latter was always in limited amount and frequency, and solely for individuals that it would be a good "stimulant" for or to make a liquid remedy more effective. So overall it would be safe to say that probably at least most individuals should either avoid carbonation, or else consume it infrequently and in limited amount. And naturally flavored but otherwise pure seltzer water aka sparkling water makes a great substitute for any sugary chemical-laden Soda-Pop.]
There are a number of foods that are given especial merit in the Cayce Readings, some of which are as follows:
A. Whole Raw Almonds - 2 to 4 per day, every day, beautify the skin, and counter cancer;
B. Soft-Boiled Egg Yolks - Contain gold, which cultivates youth, and are easily digested and especially nourishing;
C. Plain Gelatin - Can be made into edible "jello", or stirred into water or juice and then swallowed, but enhances the assimilation of vitamins and especially the B-Vitamins, and is excellent as an afternoon pick-me-up;
D. Dry Red Wine - also excellent as an afternoon pick-me-up, but should only be consumed either on an empty stomach or else with some whole-grain brown crackers or bread and should not be consumed with other food types or meals;
E. Plain Yogurt - has an excellent cleansing effect on the gastro-intestinal system;
F. Grapes / Grape Juice - of the red or black variety; contains cream of tartar which also has an excellent cleansing effect and for the organs and body;
G. Leaf Lettuce / Celery / Carrots - all three purify the blood, and if some of one or two or all three is eaten every day will inoculate or help to inoculate against contagion of virus or bacteria; the best carrots are the large ones, and the top portion, rather than the middle portion or bottom portion;
H. Leaf Lettuce - one leaf of lettuce "will destroy a thousand worms", meaning gastro-intestinal pin worms;
I. Potato Peelings - of white potatoes; the portion closest to the skin contains all the vitamins and minerals; the central portion is pure starch and is best to not be consumed;
J. Citrus Fruits - a meal of only citrus fruits at breakfast is very alkalyzing; raw lemon fruit eaten first thing, then a walk taken, for a certain number of consecutive mornings, will help to heal internal ulcers;
K. Jerusalem Artichoke / Sunchoke - contain natural insulin and good for diabetics.
L. Extra Virgin Olive Oil - is a food for the lining of the intestines;
M. Seafood, Fish, Figs, Egg Yolks - good for the teeth.
N. Sourdough Bread - yeasted breads are much preferred over non-yeasted as the yeast predigests the grain / starch, making it much more easier to digest and lessening the high carbohydrate content.
There are also a number of general principles in the Cayce Readings which pertain to diet:
01. Next to Nature:
As much as possible, consume foods in as close to their natural state as possible, with little or no processing;
02. Acid / Alkaline Balance:
Try to consume an 80% alkaline building and 20% acid building diet;
03. Alkaline Building Foods:
Spring Water, Milks and Milk-products, Egg Yolks, Meats, Vegetables, Fruits, Nuts, Seeds;
04. Acid Building Foods:
Egg Whites, Grains, Beans, Vinegar, Salt, Sugar, Fried Food, Meat Fats (especially Beef and Pork), Bad Food Combinations, Picked Green Fruit including Tomatoes, Unripe Fruit, Rancid Oils and Fats.
05. Bad Food Combinations:
Acid Food combined with Grains [Acid Food: Citrus, Tomato, Apple, Plum, Cranberries]; Milk and/or Cream combined with Coffee or Tea; Starches combined with Proteins [Starches: Grains, Beans, Root Vegetables, Winter Squashes] [Proteins: Meats]; Raw Vegetables combined with Raw Fruits;
06. Good Food Combinations:
Proteins combined with Vegetables; Proteins combined with Fruits; Milks or Milk-products combined with Vegetables; Milks or Milk-products combined with Fruits; Starches combined with Vegetables;
07. Acclimatization:
As much as possible consume foods grown closest to where the body resides; do not consume imported foods, especially those from farthest away;
08. Aluminum:
Avoid cooking with or storing foods in aluminum, especially acidic foods;
09. Angry, Tired, Rushed:
Eat lightly or little or nothing when angry or tired or rushed; when you do eat, take the time to do so - chew any food or liquid thoroughly before swallowing, well-mixing saliva into it first;
10. Prayer and Positive Thoughts:
It can be beneficial to pray over what you consume, and to see it providing the healthy benefit that you want it to.
When considering the Cayce Reading dietary advice, let us keep in mind what Science tells us: Proteins and Fats are essential, but Carbohydrates are non-essential.
What this means is that when deciding what to eat for most of your meals be sure and reach first and foremost for some healthy protein and/or fat.
Your body cannot manufacture protein or fat, but it can manufacture carbohydrate. That is why protein and fat are called essential - it is essential that you consume them.
Whereas carbohydrate is called non-essential because it is not essential that you consume it. If you do not consume any carbohydrate, your body will turn the proteins and/or fats that you consumed into the needed carbohydrate.
Personally, I think the number one cause of food cravings and overeating and overweight and obesity in the United States of America and similar countries IS A LACK OF REGULAR PROTEIN INTAKE, and this due to the plethora of manufacturers and advertisers of the less expensive and more pervasive high carbohydrate food-products. There are entire aisles of high carbohydrate food-products: Bakery Goods, Breads, Crackers, Cookies, Cereals, Snacks, Sodas. If one is not careful, when they are hungry they will be reaching for high carbohydrate food-products most of the time.
But both Cayce and Science say: Stick mostly with the healthy Proteins and Fats, and go easy on the healthy Carbohydrates [especially Starches].
What are the healthy Proteins and Fats?
* Milks and Milk Products -
especially Yogurt, and including Butter (except for cow milks/products if one suffers from nasal congestion when consuming them)
* Egg Yolks -
soft boiled; if turned green blue grey, overcooked and denatured
* Meats -
mostly Fish, Fowl, Lamb, and occasional Beef (lean only, and well-done/no pink, and especially swallow the juices rather than necessarily swallow all of the bulk); also Wild Game and Organ Meats
* Avocados -
make sure they are not under-ripe nor over-ripe but ripened just so, which is when the skin first starts to turn dark and the flesh first starts to have a little bit of give to it when lightly pressed; refrigerate once thus ripened just so if will not be eaten within the next day or two as this will slow ripening and extend days of quality by as much as a week or two
* Olive Oils -
especially Extra Virgin Olive Oils
* Nuts / Nut Butters / Nut Oils
especially whole raw Almonds
* Seeds / Seed Butters / Seed Oils
What are the healthy Carbohydrates?
* Sugars & Fibers -
as found in Fruits & Vegetables
* Starches & Fibers -
as found in Grains, Beans, Root Vegetables, Winter Squashes
Note: Be sure and subtract the Fiber count from the Carbohydrate count to get what is called the Effective Carbohydrate count, as Fiber is indigestible.
What are the healthy Sweets?
* Fruit -
in all its forms: fresh, dried, frozen, canned, juiced
* Dried Fruit and Nuts / Seeds -
excellent combination
* Gelatin -
homemade from plain gelatin and fruit and/or fruit juice (no added sugar)
* Yogurt -
all natural
* Ice Cream -
all natural
* Candy -
all natural
Note: These healthy sweets are listed more or less in order of healthfulness, and the first three contain no added sugar, and the last three contain added sugar. Ice Cream is more healthful than Candy. Yogurt is more healthful than Ice Cream. Candy is the least healthful sweet on this list, and any Candy or other sugary item such as Soda or Pastry should never be consumed on an empty stomach or as the entire meal but rather should be consumed with a meal or at the end of it as dessert. The Readings say that otherwise poisons will be produced in the system, and that these poisons may lead to health problems such as skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis,

Monday, September 24, 2018

A.R.E. Meeting for 9/24/18

Leader: Sylvia

Six disciples of the group where present to learn more from the chapter of “Destiny of the Body.” We discussed the experiment and what Scott sent out about the pineal gland.

The sections in the SFG book read tonight were:  “What is Meant by the Resurrection of the Body” and “How Should We Regard the Experiences of the Physical Body?

In the Experiments book, we read from the bottom of page 73 to the middle of page 74. The experiment decided upon was:
Make a list of those things for which God seems to have given you stewardship or care. Attempt to behave in specific ways which would demonstrate a more careful, responsible sense of stewardship. How could you better invest, put to use or nurture these things? Try working with a consciousness of the three principles of stewardship just described.

The three principles that were described are:
  1. It is our responsibility to apply in the world the resources over which God has given us stewardship.
  2. To receive a greater amount of physical resources or to receive higher, spiritual resources, we must first be faithful with our stewardship of what we now have at hand.
  3. “Everyone to whom much is given, of him will much be required.” (Luke 12:48)

Monday, September 17, 2018

A.R.E. Meeting for 9/17/18

Leader: Sylvia

Sylvia gave some highlights of the Peter Woodbury conference in Denver this past weekend called “Soul Lessons, Soul Patterns.” She had an affinity to the “Princess and the Pea” story, and we also discussed the definition of twin souls, and the increase in the placebo effect.

We had a short discussion on a course of study after we finish Volume II of the SFG book. A lot of people seemed to like “The Edgar Cayce Primer” by Herbert Puryear. There is at least one person pushing for the study of the Cayce 281 series readings, and he is offering this link to where you can see the order form from the ARE and a sample reading:

We read one section of the Experiments book on Destiny of the Body from page 72 to page 73, however, we decided to continue to work the experiment we did last week in visualization:

That exercise was given in five steps:

  1. Get comfortable, sitting or lying down.
  2. Focus your attention for about a minute on your breathing.
  3. Take a total of at least two minutes to move mentally through areas of your body, beginning with your feet and moving up to the ankles, calves, etc., on up to your head. At each point, feel the life and energy of that part of your body, the consciousness which is there. Speak to that part of the body, to those cells, and direct them to be relaxed and attuned to the Christ Consciousness.
  4. Work with visualization and awareness at the level of each of the seven spiritual centers. Move from the first center up to the seventh center. Fill each center with your ideal. Feel a sense of your spiritual ideal touching and healing the patterns of energy stored at the respective centers.
  5. Close the exercise by feeling your body to be a channel of light and take a few moments to pray for others for whom you have concern.
There was a brief discussion on the pineal gland and its importance. See this link:

One quote was about staying young and avoiding senility:
If the imaginative body, or the trained body (as is called in the material world)  is, trained constantly away FROM the activities of same [the soul influence], it – in natural consequence of things in physical being – draws, as it were, within self. Hence senility sets in. Keep the pineal gland operating and you won’t grow old – you will always be young! (294-141)

Monday, September 10, 2018

A.R.E. Meeting for 9/10/18

We had a nice turnout tonight and welcomed Jeri to our group for the first time. We all had a chance to give our stories of abundance and service as it related to our experiment two weeks ago. Following that, we read the next section in the Experiments book (to page 72) that discussed visualization. The experiment for next week is to complete the exercise in visualization for your body for several days. That exercise was given in five steps:

  1. Get comfortable, sitting or lying down.
  2. Focus your attention for about a minute on your breathing.
  3. Take a total of at least two minutes to move mentally through areas of your body, beginning with your feet and moving up to the ankles, calves, etc., on up to your head. At each point, feel the life and energy of that part of your body, the consciousness which is there. Speak to that part of the body, to those cells, and direct them to be relaxed and attuned to the Christ Consciousness.
  4. Work with visualization and awareness at the level of each of the seven spiritual centers. Move from the first center up to the seventh center. Fill each center with your ideal. Feel a sense of your spiritual ideal touching and healing the patterns of energy stored at the respective centers.
  5. Close the exercise by feeling your body to be a channel of light and take a few moments to pray for others for whom you have concern.
The lesson said to only visualize for self. To see a reading where visualizations are cautioned against, read this post on our blog:

In the SFG book, in the Destiny of the Body chapter, we read these sections:
“Are We Aware of the Destiny of the Physical Body?”
“What is Meant by Presenting Our Bodies a Living Sacrifice?”
“How Shall We Use This Holy Temple, Which Is Our Body?”

Sylvia put out an e-mail reminding everyone of the Peter Woodbury seminar in Denver this Saturday, 15 September.
Visually Yours,

Monday, August 27, 2018

A.R.E. Meeting for 8/27/18

Leader: Cindi

There were seven in attendance tonight. Cindi started us off with a poem on the Sphinx from a Catholic magazine. Following that, Cindi had us read a John Van Auken article in the Cayce Quarterly from the ARE. The article was “Handbag of the Gods,” which talked about symbology of handbags in ancient carvings and pine cones. The deeper meaning of this according to Van Auken was that the pineal gland looks like a closed pine cone, so this is what was being portrayed.

We each had a chance to discuss the experiment, which had to do with the precognitive nature of dreams. For those still reeling from the thought that we are gods (two weeks ago), here is a quote from reading 4083-1:
So, as in the self, whether the individual entity or soul entertains its relationship to the Creative Forces or not, the relationship is still existent or possible. For indeed in Him, the Father-God, ye move and have thy being. Act like it! Don't act like ye think ye are a God! Ye may become such, but when ye do ye think not of thyself. For what is the pattern? He thought it not robbery to make Himself equal with God, but He acted like it in the earth. He made Himself of no estate that you, through His grace, through His mercy, through His sacrifice might have an advocate with that First Cause, God; that first principle, spirit.

We had short discussion on what we would study after we finish Book II of our Search for God book. Start researching ideas and bring them or mention them in an e-mail.

We started the chapter on “Destiny of the Body” and read the first two sections: the “Introduction” and “What is the Physical Body.”

Following that, we read the opening of the Experiments book to page 70, where our experiment reads:
Practice bringing greater abundance into your life and the lives of others. Give of your excesses—your time, your money, your talents, your energy—in some area that seems to need it without any thought of what you might “get” in return.

Remember that the library is closed for Labor Day next Monday, so the next meeting (Sylvia will be the leader) will be Monday, September 10th.

Abundantly yours,

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

A.R.E. Meeting for 8/20/18

Hello Dear Friends,
In the 10 years the Edgar Cayce A Search For God Study Group has been meeting at Ruth Holly Library, tonight is the first time we have been turned away, and with no advance notice due to a plumbing problem there. The sign on the door concluded the library will reopen at 9 am tomorrow. 

Four members who arrived about the same time agreed not to let the appearance of an obstacle block our intentions to work with the Edgar Cayce material, and to support each other in moving forward on our individual paths of spiritual development. The one public table outdoors was occupied, none of our vehicles accommodated our place to meet, and we located no out of sight tables around the corner of the building.

Greg reported that he located, but had to apply, to join an A Search For God online study group on Facebook. He applied, was accepted, and in the brief time he was able to have on the group ASFG page, he determined that it has excellent information with both well written questions and well thought out answers on this unique group page.

When Donna exclaimed that McDonalds is just across the street, our quest for an instantaneous place to meet was resolved. Scott got us a table in the back as quiet as a study room at the library corner booth, and our delayed meeting was comfortable and more enjoyable over food and drinks. Not only were we sharing our metaphysical, spiritual leanings in common, surprisingly, our common experience of being rejected and thrown off our typical comfortably sitting in the same chair in the same study room came with an enhanced sense of closeness and camaraderie.

The discussion of metaphysics, of places and cultures such as India, or Shamans of Peru, combine ayahuasca tree bark with something else to create DMT. It has been described as a substance botanically similar to the DMT produced by the pineal lighting up. Drinking DMT can greatly increase the light the pineal produces. Our unanswered question discussed what possibilities creating light in meditating Monks ashrams saw when there were no physical lights in the room. No one attempted to understand levitation out loud. Iowa, Transcendental Meditation, it's local teachers, the Marharashi, his university in Iowa, living in a small town in Iowa of two thousand plus can be like living in Mayberry and the movie partially filmed there based on a true story of an older man with no drivers license driving his farm tractor rig from Iowa across Wisconsin on his mission to connect with his son. The film, The Straight Story starred Sissy Spacek and Richard Farnsworth.

Our excellent exploration of spiritual and getting to know us better personal experiences in the the ideal perfectly quiet space provided for meditation after the library's quick refusal to accommodate us, was interrupted by a waitress telling us that room was now closing, please move to the other dining room.

Our reports of the outcome of our week long experiments were very rewarding and fulfilling. Those who embraced at intervals during each day were rewarded with not only a genuine empowerment, but feelings that I am supported and being helped and God is consistently with me, supporting me.  I will not be abandoned. Everyone who choose to explore a week of asserting "I am a god" (little g ) experienced a greater sense of being enabled by this new realization. Their intentions and goals were all accomplished. The one who choose to watch what the mind is being fed (according to dietary rules) were also well rewarded. This one took the form of additional time to use one's doing of what needs to be done versus too much time poorly used in electronic media.
The meditation in the better populated music playing room was described by one as the most challenging situation ever attempted to meditate in for 45 years. We were able to incorporate the words of the louder and louder seeming song, life is better with you, as a recognition that God's presence is making life better, then along with the music and song, life is better with YOU (God). 

We read and chose to do the final experiment at the end of the chapter, Destiny of the Mind. On page 67, it reads:
For a week take special note of your dreams and note the precognitive process that is in many dreams.  You will find dreams that predict the physical manifestation of things which you have set in motion at the mental level.  If these dreams of physical events do not look favorable to you, work on changing your thought patterns. Observe whether or not such a change in your thinking immediately affects your dreams. 

We'll be interested in learning from you next Monday what your results are from working with this experiment.  Unless you choose to work on any of the three previous to this from last week.

After tonight's adventure of taking our ASFG to MacDonalds, I can whole heartedly welcome an idea suggested by our friend among a handful of creative ideas she presented to our group for keeping the meetings appealing and fragrant and fresh for our renewal. This adventure enabled us to be flexible, to see how wrong expectations of being in McDonalds an hour or two after the dinner hour were. It pulled us closer mentally, into a better sense of oneness, many, but, all one in one group.

From tonight s adventuresome ASFG, as seen by Sylvia

Monday, August 13, 2018

A.R.E. Meeting for 8/13/18

Cindi led a group of seven souls, eager for enlightenment, that attended this week’s meeting. It began when Cindi mentioned a book on near death experiences she was reading and a woman was asked about the golden light, and the response was that it was the breath of God. Cindi also mentioned that this month’s ARE topic had to do with “awareness” and passed along a few notes to the group. The wording of awareness seemed to correspond with Cayce’s definition of Christ Consciousness. Here is the reading quote:

Q-18. Should the Christ Consciousness be described as the awareness within each soul, imprinted in pattern on the mind and waiting to be awakened by the will, of the soul’s oneness with God?
A-18. Correct. That’s the idea exactly! [5749-14]

Sylvia had a nice Catholic prayer that she shared with the group.

We began reading in the Experiments book on page 64.  The first experiment, which is an option, is:
Use as an affirmation for the day (not for meditation but in waking life events) “I am a god.” Be sensitive to the creative potential and the responsibility which this entails.

Reading a little further, the other optional experiment is:
Work with applying the three dietary laws described above in the way you feed your mind.

The three dietary laws are on page 65. Summarized, they are:
  1. Certain things in and of themselves are toxic to the body and should be avoided.
  2. Certain things are to be avoided in combination with other things.
  3. A balanced diet involving a variety of food is necessary.
There was a discussion on whether Facebook was beneficial to individuals and society. The ARE happens to have a presence on Facebook at

At the end there was a discussion of Pope Francis’ recent decree that teachings of the Catholic Church throughout history about capital punishment were wrong. Then there is Genesis 9:6: “Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed, for God made man in his own image.


Monday, August 6, 2018

A.R.E. Meeting for 8/6/18

There were four in attendance, including our leader, Eric. We reviewed the past week, recounting what impact the experiment had for us. Eric kept us entertained with stories of his work dynamics.

We completed the chapter "Destiny of the Mind," by reading the two sections: "Signs Along the Way" and "Conclusion." From the applicable chapter in the Experiments book, we read a little, and came upon our experiment for this week on page 63:

At the end of the day, just as you are going to bed, take several minutes to review your thoughts of the day. What recurrent thought patterns do you observe? What is the emotional component related to each one? For those you would like to change, do one of three things:
1) Select a potential replacement emotion to hold the next day.
2) Try to resolve the emotion by thinking about it or praying about it.
3) Make a commitment to let go of the emotion if you see it is merely a negative one you have been enjoying.


Tuesday, July 31, 2018

A.R.E. Meeting for 7/30/18

Eric was our leader. It was good to welcome Melanie this evening. We missed those of you unable to attend, especially those who are away for medical reasons.

We began with our meditation and followed it by sending out love and prayers of healing for our absent members.  We discussed some interesting outcomes of working with our experiments this past week.

We read our lesson Destiny of the Mind, in ASFG, beginning with the paragraph heading,  Mind in relation to the soul body.  We wondered about the effects of a highly spiritualized mind upon the body, and whether the fact that the body of Parmahansa Yogananda was able to remain in good condition without decomposing for months and months despite his demise could be due to the highly spiritualized mind he had, among other questions in our discussion.  It included beliefs and teachings of very early Judaism and the first 500 years of Christianity, and all Christians for about five hundred years being persecuted destroyed for their beliefs until about the time of Alphoness great refutation. It included purging reincarnation from Christian beliefs. We questioned but didn't seem to know what years reincarnation was also an accepted belief of Judaism.
We read the lead into our experiment this week:  

Meet circumstances which interrupt the flow of your intentions with optimism and a belief that you can make the interruption part of a process working together for good.

As recalled from the mind of Sylvia

Happy, Healthy Light, Love and Joy filled week!

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

A.R.E. Meeting for 7/23/18

Eric was our leader, our reader. The discussion of what happened with our  experiments was quite interesting, as was the telling and discussion of our experiences with synchronicity and repetitive patterns in our lives.

We did not read in ASFG. We read down to the next experiment on page 60 of our experiments book.

This coming week we agreed to:

Experiment - Notice people around you who seemingly have no love to give right now:  those who are neither actively loving you nor actively directing ill will at you. Find ways to love people in this category of your life.

It is anticipated that by doing this exercise, we are taking an intermediate step in learning about our own capacity to care and serve. And without taking on too much or becoming overwhelmed at the idea of loving someone without them first giving us love.

Eric lead our meditation on our chapter's affirmation, beginning with The Lord's  prayer and closing with the 23rd Psalm.

Love and Healing Light to all,

Thursday, July 19, 2018

A.R.E. Announcement for 7/16/18

Hello Everyone,

We did not have a meeting last night.  It's hard to get everyone together during the summer months.  Therefore, we read no further in the books.  You can continue with last week's experiment if you like:
"Nurture a sense of trust in life.  Allow events to come to you rather than trying to force things to happen the way you think they should.  Trust that inner, directive influence to keep you on the best course.'

On another note, this is something I had planned to share last night.  The site is posting an Enlightenment Series this year: Monthly Practices for Your Soul.  The month of July is a lesson on Patience.  There are a few paragraphs to read and short video by Kevin Todeschi.

A couple of thoughts I picked up from the lesson:
* Patience is not about passivity or submission, it's about consciously being aware of self.
* Through patience, we begin to stop reactionary responses to people, to life, and to situations, and instead react towards others in the best ways we know.
* Patience is the bridge between who we are and who we will ultimately become.
* Patience allows the awakening of the divine within.

Some people were told in their readings that the essential purpose of their entire lifetime was to learn patience. Others were told that a frustrating health problem could be seen as an opportunity for learning patience.

Here is one of the 5 suggestions for homework that the lesson offers:
"Patience is the reward for learning to see God in everyone.  Spend a day looking for the spark of Divinity in every individual you encounter."

We have many members who in various stages of healing--including June, Donna, and John.  Perhaps you can look upon this time as a lesson in patience.

Peace and love to the inner divine in all of us,