Monday, June 24, 2013

A.R.E. Meeting for 6/24/13

Leader: Martinaya
Reader: Nancy & Greg

We read the first two sections out of the Experiments book in the Opportunity chapter.

The experiment for next week is:

Focus on doing the little things of daily life well and with love. Choose one "little" thing, such as beginning the day with a prayer of gratitude, smiling, offering to help another. week we are back at the Ruth Holley library, and John will be our leader.

Monday, June 17, 2013

A.R.E. Meeting for 6/17/13

Leader: Martinaya
Reader: Marsha & Greg

We read four more sections in the "Opportunity" chapter. Next week we will start with the section "The Open Door Is the Way into Greater Fields of Opportunity."

The experiment for next week is:
Whenever you find yourself restless or disenchanted with a current situation, become aware of how it has been particularly created for you here and now because it perfectly meets your need for the that experience. Thank the Father for it.

Monday, June 10, 2013

A.R.E. Meeting for 6/10/13

Leader: Martinaya
Reader: Greg

We started the chapter on "Opportunity," and read the first three sections. Next week we will start with the section "The Higher the Ideal the Greater Are the Opportunities."

We are free to choose one of the first four experiments, but most seemed to have a preference for this one:
 Practice a sense of release, or turning things over to God. Ask for His help frequently. Do the best you can, but know (and live as you know) that by yourself nothing can be accomplished of real value. Write and use as needed your own 'release affirmation' such as: 'I release this person or situation into the hands of God, trusting that He will bring to both of us that which is most needed.'

Monday, June 3, 2013

A.R.E. Meeting for 6/3/13

Leader: Martinaya
Reader: Greg

We finished the chapter on "Love," and therefore finished Book I. Next week we start Book II with the chapter on "Opportunity."

Some people want to work on their own experiments next week. Others chose this last experiment:
Select and write down the name of one person in your life whom you would like to love more deeply. Write out a list of your current perspectives and feelings about this person. Each day for at least a week keep an attitude of being open to see a deeper reality. This new perspective of a greater dimension may come through a dream, a meditation insight, an intuition impression or something that someone else says. Keep a record of how a new, more loving outlook towards this person awakens in you.