Monday, June 29, 2020

A.R.E. Meeting for 6/29/20

Eight souls searching Zoomed to an ASFG meeting this evening.

We met and shared how the week's experiment of praying for our country and for any children in isolation that may be in an at risk situation had gone. It seemed to me that most felt calmed by their prayer efforts.

We said the Lord's Prayer, did our head and neck exercises, our breathing techniques and the Prayer for Protection before our 15-minute meditation. After meditation, we individually sent our light, love, and energy to those we care about.

Several readers took turns at reading. We read Sex and the Individual beginning on page 175, Sexuality in Relationships and Decisions, and the conclusion of the chapter.

We discussed the information as we read. Homosexuality, DNA, gender designations, masturbation, spiritualizing desire, and soul mates were discussed. We find sexuality has more changes, challenges, politics, and press these days. The warning of the readings was to "judge not" and to remember that what one condemns one may meet in the future to achieve understanding of that which you condemn. The Edgar Cayce readings seem to see marriage as an optimum structure for humans and sexuality as a physical expression and to spiritualize desire in earth.

We chose as our experiment for the week being less judgmental of others' expression of their sexuality and to try to be aware when a judgment is forming.

John will be the leader next week as we begin Chapter Twenty-Two C.A.R.E. -  A Positive Approach to Health. (C.A.R.E stands for Circulation, Assimilations, Relaxation and Eliminations.)

Thank you for your patience in letting me lead!

Peacefully Yours, June

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

A.R.E. Meeting for 6/22/20

What a fun, forward thinking and fruitful meeting!

We had a technical delay starting, but had six come together for a Zooming meeting.

We discussed our experiment of having greater "Acceptance" and most felt the week's on-goings kicked our butts and we couldn't accept lots of what is going on in our country at this time. Some people are protesting peacefully and sanely to make valid points and improve our country for all, but some are not protesting to advance and better our country, but are causing uneducated vandalizing, looting, sensationalizing media poisoning and promoting selfish and controlling and damaging behaviors. Some of us sincerely tried to be friendlier, more understanding and accepting of the many issues on top of the economic damage and continued loss of jobs, health, and lives because of Covid-19. Pray.

We took turns reading Mind is the Builder, pp 174-175. We discussed how male/ female relationships have changed so much that it can be hard to be relaxed communicating with the opposite sex. There have been villains of both sexes - men who prey on women and use women sexually and women who use their sexuality to manipulate men and those of both sex who get hurt by rapists, psychos, and manipulators. For honest women, men, and children to have the ability to bring charges against those who sexually abused them is one step in a process to change our culture from a culture that allowed abusers to get away with abusing others. (Honesty is the Key - I have known of innocents whose lives and reputations have been damaged by false accusations.) Pray.

Most of us believe most people still want a healthy, monogamous, serious, loving relationship. So we agreed that we should watch the "Hallmark" channel more than shows that exploit the sexuality of others. How we can help guide and teach and instruct and support our youth towards healthy sexual relationships when there are so many rules, sexual orientations, and preferences and fears of sexual abuse by people in positions of trusts because of it happening in church, school, and sports? Pray.

We had a 15-minute meditation after saying the Lord's Prayer, doing head and neck exercises and our breathing techniques. We shared our light, love and healing energy.

We said the 23rd Psalm.

We decided our country and any children confined in the Covid-19 imposed lock-down with an adult that may be harming them need our attention and prayers more than we need to have a separate experiment on Sexuality at this time. Pray.

See you next week. We will read Sex and the Individual, pp. 175 - 177.
No costume needed, but wear one if you want to show your "future desired incarnation."

Leaders are as follows - Correct me if I am wrong:
July - John
August - Cindi
September - Melanie
October - ?
November - ?
December - Greg
January 2021 - ?
Please contact John to select a month to lead.

Thank you all.
Sorry again I didn't make sure last week's minutes got to everyone.

Peacefully yours, June

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

A.R.E. Meeting for 6/15/20

Yea, we had our Full - Zoom House again tonight!

Thank you all for participating!!! I am so grateful we can continue these spiritual meetings during this time of different daily challenges and happenings! As I stated last week, "I am so grateful for having the Edgar Cayce readings to comfort and help me process all that is going on in our world this year!!!!!!"

Before reviewing this week's meeting I wanted to bring up that I only have 2 more Monday meetings to lead.

John likes to keep the leadership of the meetings tracked and conveyed to all of us and does a good job of it. Please let John know if you have a favorite month you want to lead for the rest of the year and through January 2021. We had discussed only meeting Dec. 7 and Dec. 14 in December and I am all for that! Do we still all agree to that? Please email John.

I love that we are getting a 15-minute meditation done with head exercises and breathing focus!!!!!! Am I doing O.K.? I can take kind feedback.

I apologize if I cut you off or interrupt inappropriately. I am trying to let everyone participate and yet keep the meeting fluid and functional. (I personally find "gate keeping" the hardest part of running a meeting. I want to hear everyone's stories and opinions!)

We had our meet and greet beginning. As we all highly value getting a meditation done, we said the Lord's Prayer and prayer of protection and performed our neck exercises and breathing exercises. We had a 15-minute meditation. We each shared our concentrated love and healing energy as we chose. Thank you John for reminding me to say the 23rd Psalm!

We discussed the book Sex and the Spiritual Path by Herbert Puryear, PH. D based on the Edgar Cayce readings on that topic, and that our current chapter is based on.

We discussed DNA searches through "Ancestry" or "23 and Me" and how interesting it can be to discover where your ancestors were from. Some experiences of being contacted by distant relatives came up and that can have good or stressful consequences. One could discover that your relatives' sexual behaviors were not what you might have expected and there might be "kinks" (or "kinky") in your or another family member's DNA.  It seems one needs to be ready to accept "it is what it is" when exploring one's ancestry. One who is too sensitive may want to avoid possible surprises and not have it analyzed.

We discussed the different gender and gender identities and pronoun usage in the interest of greater equality in identifying or addressing sexual orientation these days. It can be very confusing.

A discussion of acceptance or lack of acceptance of others' different genitalia at birth was begun. Some babies born with abnormal genitalia have surgeries to decide their sexual orientation by a doctor or by a doctor conferring with the baby's family and some are allowed to remain with altered but functional enough to live genitalia. Acceptance has to mean so much to these individuals as they grow up and as adults.

It was brought up how believing in reincarnation can help one to understand that an individual may have some feelings from a past life that influence their sexual preference in their present life.

Setting your own ideal is so very important in your life according to the readings and this is true of having a clear setting of your own ideal for your own sexuality.

We read the Body is the Temple, pp. 172-174. Discussed the body for the purpose of surviving in the earth plane and "to provide a place and an instrumentation through which the soul could become aware of its oneness with God."

We will begin with Mind is the Builder on page 174 next week.

Our experiment for the week is to try and practice greater acceptance of others.

Until next week - Keep Safe, Keep Sane, Keep Praying.

Peacefully Yours,

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

A.R.E. Meeting for 6/8/20

Blessings to All,

We began our meeting at 7 p.m. We discussed very briefly the members we knew would not be attending and those we expected.

We said the Lord's prayer. We did our head and neck exercises and breathing techniques. We meditated for 15 minutes. We sent out our healing thoughts, love and energies. We said the 23rd Psalm.

We began Chapter 21 Sexuality and the Spiritual Path on page 169 of The Edgar Cayce Primer. We took turns reading and discussing as we went along. We ended reading on the bottom of page 172. We will begin reading next week "The Body is the Temple."

For an exercise this week we will think of the last two lines of tonight's reading, "The true still, small voice is always forgiving and always encouraging. The first step then is to set out our own spiritual ideal and to begin to measure decisions about our sexual life according to that ideal." Consider what this means to you or how you interpret it or how it unfolds in your life.

Or if there is something else in our reading tonight that you want to discuss for an exercise.

Next week's meeting - is a Costume Zoom - consider wearing a hat or costume that shows us of a past life you believe you experienced. Edgar Cayce had a sense of humor and there were enough readings to create a small book on the good of Humor. So join in for some fun! We can all use a laugh!

Peacefully Yours,


Monday, June 1, 2020

A.R.E. Meeting for 6/1/20

Leader: June

We had an interesting "follow the zoom link" with two 40 minutes sessions during the ASFG meeting this evening; interesting in both discussion &  content on osteopathy and massage, the Reilly-Cayce CARE systems and how all works together as one for our health and healing. We also reported on our favorite or helpful, gentle chiropractors: Dr White, Dr Bonnie May, etc., and lamented osteopathy falling out of a Healing Arts Practice, likely due to no osteopathic insurance coverage to support it financially.

Of course we reported on how our experiment went. And got to meditate and send out prayers together, even doing head and neck and breathing exercises in preparation to meditate as our leader June guided our process.

We discussed spiritual healers and their healing, like Malcolm Smith whom the ARE brought from London, helping spirit guides at work, sometimes doing a healing process on the person they "guide" without being detected by the recipient of the healing energy.  

We wanted to continue working with our same experiment as last week; talking to every cell and reminding it that it is One with God, has the intelligence and ability to help us maintain perfect health; or telling our bodies that God created them perfect so that illness has no power over this body and is not real. Or exercising, or following treatments or whatever is "for us" to do.

And finally we got an astrological report that Pluto has lined up to activate "Elimination" here on earth and this is seen as lasting several weeks more. We hope to see you next Monday at 7:00 pm in our Zoom meeting room.

Sylvia Raye