Tuesday, October 31, 2017

A.R.E. Meeting for 10/30/17

We read in the Experiments book beginning on page 133 about the center of the page:

"He that does not love his worst enemy has not even begun to develop." 
Then the (1st) experiment that followed is below.

(1) Select and write down the name of one person whom you frequently view as an enemy, a rival or a troublesome person.  Then write down the good qualities that you can see in him.  If you cannot think of any, spend several days observing him in your daily life until you find something you can write down.  Finally spend at least a week thinking of that person in terms of these good qualities and acting on that perception.  Keep a record of your actions.

We read the next section to the experiment near the top of page 135. 

(2) Work with the principle of giving at the physical level.  Each day for at least a week, be willing to give of the best that you have. ESPECIALLY Try To do This with small things, such as sharing an exceptionally nutritious piece of food with someone or giving someone a favorite book.  Record your experiences with this approach to Love.

So we can choose one of two experiments that best works for us to live and experience God's Love in the world.

In addition, if you aren't already meditating daily, consider joining Sylvia @ 7:00 am each day to meditate on the affirmation for the current lesson at the beginning of the chapter.

On Monday, November 6, 2017,  we will begin ASFG book II. Bill is assuming the leadership for the month of November.

At least two of our group members have an extra copy or two to lend if you don't have "A Search For God" Book II. To my knowledge, there are no extra copies to share during our group of the "Experiments in Practical Spirituality" keyed to A Search for God, Book II by Mark Thurston. If you would like your own copy of one or both books, you may purchase those online from ARE's website  or they are also available by telephone.  The website is are@edgarcayce.org and the telephone number is 800-333-4499.

We look forward to seeing you next Monday.

Lovingly submitted,


Tuesday, October 17, 2017

A.R.E. Meeting for 10/16/17

How delightful it was to welcome four new people who were attending this meeting for the first time: Melanie, Francis, Amber, and Ozz.

Cindi told us about Echo Bodine's comments on the afterlife in Denver on Saturday. Her former neighbor of thirty years ago vouches for her genuine ability to gain spiritual information. It seems many of us missed a very interesting program.

Four enthusiastic voices enlivened the discussion lead by Eric on our choice of two experiments in the "Love" Lesson, Chapter 13.  The first is described from page 132-133. Experiment:  

Make an effort to experience the potential within you to love life.  Try to have a feeling of trusting life. Look beneath those experiences that seem "ugly or  heavy, or hard" for deeper meaning and the hand of the divine. Record instances in which you are able to see life in this way.

Continuing on, the next experiment is described and laid out on page 134 as follows:

Select and write down the name of one person whom you frequently view as an enemy, a rival or a troublesome person. Then write down the good qualities that you can see in him.  If you cannot think of any, spend several days observing him In your daily life until you find something (good) you can write down.  Finally, spend at least a week thinking of that person in terms of these good qualities and acting on that perception.  Keep a record of your actions.

We read and discussed  two sections in ASFG, Chapter 12, on "Love":  "The Test of Love" (different editions' pages are numbered differently) and "Love is Giving." Next week we are ready to begin reading "Divine Love Passes Understanding."

It was an excellent meeting. In hopes you will all join us for the meeting next Monday.

Lovingly submitted,


Tuesday, October 10, 2017

A.R.E. Meeting for 10/9/17

We began a new Lesson in Chapter 12 tonight: LOVE.  We read up to the heading, The Test of Love, and stopped there in ASFG, book I.

We read the first section of chapter 13, LOVE, through the first experiment:

Demonstrate your Love for individuals in your life by greeting them by name. Make a special effort to remember names when you are introduced.  If you do not know the names of people you see frequently, try to find out.  And then use the person's name to show your caring for him as an individual.  

See you next Monday!

Lovingly in His service,

Monday, October 9, 2017

Discovering Your Soul's Purpose

Mark Thurston was on the Edgar Cayce Reflections show being interviewed by Peter Woodbury about the re-release of his book Discovering Your Soul's Purpose. Mark shared his five-step program to discovering (and acting on) your soul’s purpose:

  1. Clarify a spiritual ideal, or get a clearer sense of one’s individuality. Know what you believe in. What is the foundation or core of your life? 
  1. Take an inventory of one’s assets, strengths, talents, and gifts. Cayce used past-life stories to tell when gifts or talents where developed. He also used astrological language to help configure some of the assets or strengths, or what Carl Jung considered your  temperament type. For example, Mars can bring certain aspects or temperaments to your personality. There can be negative influences or obstacles from the planets, but focus on the positive. There are exercises you can do to hone in on what your gifts or talents are. Astrological influences are part of your individuality (soul-self), whereas past lives influences are part of your personality (or ego). 
  1. Draft a first statement of mission and purpose or a life theme. How can you use your core talents and abilities that serves the greater good? It doesn’t have to be too specific or sound like a job title. Mark Thurston is a university professor and his mission statement is “Creating learning structures to support people in getting a new sense of themselves in their own positive possibilities in life.” 
  1. You need a plan. How are you going to do it? For example, over the next  90 days, what would the practical or baby-steps look like in your current job, in your family, in your community, or during your free time? 
  1. Watch for certain sign posts that happen more often in your life, if you are on track. Look for synchronicities, more joy, more flow, seeing other lives benefitting from your own, feeling the presence of the Creator more frequently or with more regularity. It’s not like a light bulb that is either on or off, but more like a dimmer switch.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

A.R.E. Meeting for 10/2/17

Our Leader this Month is Eric.

We reported on the outcome of our chosen experiment and had an discussion on oneness and the many illusions  of disconnected parts, separate  objects, individual beings in the universe. When in actuality, they are one.

We finished reading our chapter on "The lord they God is One." We read the section "Personal Experiences" and the "Conclusion." We read down to two experiments, from the bottom of page 122, through the experiment at the bottom of page 124. It was suggested we try doing one of them.

When you find yourself desiring something or longing to repeat an experience you have already had, use this affirmation, "I have that experience within myself." Let this affirmation awaken in your mind the realization of the oneness of all time.

Next Experiment:
Try living each day for itself. Make NECESSARY decisions for the future, but eliminate all unneeded worry or concern for things you anticipate may happen. Trust that you will be even more capable of doing the right thing when the event actually occurs. Then move your attention back to what is happening around you at that moment. If possible, spend some time in nature as part of this experiment, looking for examples of how nature does things unhurriedly and one at a time. Keep a record of specific instances in which you were able to know more fully the oneness of all time by living in the present.

In oneness,