Monday, February 25, 2013

A.R.E. Meeting for 2/25/13

Leader: John (for Sylvia)
Reader: Greg

In our SFG book, we started with the second section of "The Cross and the Crown" chapter and read to the section titled "Why did He come into the world as a man that He might bear a cross?"

For an experiment, we chose:
Meet each of your crosses as if your work were symbolic of all humanity's attempt to deal with this specific type of difficulty. Record your experiences of working with this attitude in mind.

Monday, February 11, 2013

A.R.E. Meeting for 2/11/13

Leader: Greg (for Sylvia)
Readers: Marsha, Eric, & Greg

We read soley from the Experiments book, starting at the beginning of "The Cross and the Crown" chapter, up to the top of page 112. So we are still at the same place in our SFG book, the section titled "Why is it necessary to bear a cross? Because one was borne by another."

For an experiment, most chose:
Select one area of your life in which you are suffering (physically, emotionally, or mentally). Write down the inner resources which might be available to you which would aid in overcoming this condition. Consider each day the possibility that you are suffering so that you will become obedient to the Christ's awareness that these qualities are within you. Affirm each day in prayer and meditation that the needed inner resources are becoming available to you.

Monday, February 4, 2013

A.R.E. Meeting for 2/4/13

Leader: Sylvia
Reader: Greg

In our SFG book, we began the chapter "The Cross and the Crown," and read one section. Next week we will start with the section "Why is it necessary to bear a cross? Because one was borne by another."

Everyone decided they would pick their own experiment for the week, either from the handout, or from the Experiments book. In case you lose your sheet or your book, here is an experiment:
For a week be especially aware of the crosses borne by others. 'Take on their crosses' by feeling compassion and empathy for their situations. Then pray for them, offering yourself in service as you are called.