Monday, October 28, 2013

A.R.E. Meeting for 10/28/13

Leader:   Bob 
Reader:   None

We listened to Elsie Sechrist talk about Desire and discussed the experiment for the week. No new reading was accomplished, but the experiment for this coming week is:

Select a desire pattern for which you alternate between taming it and feeling guilty for allowing it to control you. Try to get clear on what it is you really desire. Is the apparent desire only a mask for deeper desire? Try to see clearly how a change in this habitual desire pattern could also benefit others. In order to keep a sense of openness to receive help, use this affirmation or write another version of it in your own words: ‘I cannot bear this alone, my Savior, my Christ, I seek Thy aid.’

Monday, October 21, 2013

A.R.E. Meeting for 10/21/13

Leader:   Bob
Reader:   Marsha

We finished reading the chapter on “Desire,”  but still have some reading to do in the Experiments book (starting on page 50). The experiment is:
Look at the example on page 51 of the man that wants to heal his skin condition as a conscious desire (first column). The second column heading is “Experience or Feeling if Desire fulfilled,” and the third column is “How to Bring Those Feelings to Others.” Use that as the basis to “Work with the principle of giving to others in order to fulfill a specific desire which you select. Create a chart similar to the example, using the personal desire you have chosen. Try to apply the items you list in the third column."

Monday, October 14, 2013

A.R.E. Meeting for 10/14/13

Leader:   Bob 
Reader:   Sylvia and Greg

We read one more section from the chapter on “Desire,” taking us up to the section “The Wisdom of Unselfish Desire.” Then we read a section in the Experiments book and decided on the following experiment:
When you find yourself desiring something for the future, refocus that desire away from “pre-forming” how it will happen. Instead focus attention on the spirit of what you desire to have happen. When the time arrives for these future events, try to be in the now and to be creative. 

Monday, October 7, 2013

A.R.E. Meeting for 10/7/13

Leader:   Greg (for Bob)
Reader:   Nancy, Greg, and Eric

We started the chapter on “Desire,” and read three sections, up to “Spiritual Desires.” We read to the bottom of page 48 in the Experiments book, and decided on the following experiment:
Be aware each day of how past desire patterns have created or led you to specific conditions which you count as blessings. Use this remembrance as an aid to keep a hopeful attitude toward the future fulfillment of spiritual desires you now hold.