Monday, May 20, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 5/20/19

Leader: John

A fabulous five of us gathered to carry on with the chapter on reincarnation. First, however, we had some banter on various topics. John brought in a Scientific American to show how the Rubella vaccine was affecting the country in 1969, and how a magnetic storm in 1918 pretty much provided its own power on transmission lines. Another topic was the essence of flowers in drinks to improve health.

By the time we got through our meditation, the snow was getting so heavy that the library decided to close an hour early. We did get a chance to read one section, “The Law of Karma.”

Next week the library is closed for Memorial Day, so our next meeting won’t be until June 3rd.

Monday, May 13, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 5/13/19

Leader: John

The magnificent seven met again to converse on the Cayce teachings. We had a little discussion about autism and vaccines after a recent Coast-to-Coast show over the weekend. The question was asked what Cayce thought of vaccines. Here is one excerpt:

On July 12, 1935, a twenty-three year old woman, planning to travel to the British Isles, asked:
“(Q) Are inoculations against contagious diseases necessary for me before sailing in September? [from N.Y. to England and Scotland]
“(A) As we find, only where the requirements are such as to demand same would this be adhered to at all. So far as the body-physical condition is concerned, the adherence to the use of carrots, lettuce and celery every day at a meal or as a portion of the meal will insure against any contagious infectious forces with which the body may be in contact.” (Cayce)
She followed this with another question:
“(Q) Can immunization against them be set up in any other manner than by inoculation?
“(A) As indicated, if an alkalinity is maintained in the system—especially with lettuce, carrots and celery, these in the blood supply will maintain such a condition as to immunize a person.” (Cayce)
The experiment from the previous week consisted of words that we would dwell upon, and some of the answers given were mindfulness, moderation, perspective, and love. We heard a little John Van Auken talk about how Ra-Ta dealt with old age by getting rid of the things that made him old. We not only need to get rid of toxins in the physical body, but also in the spiritual body.

In the Edgar Cayce Primer, we started Chapter 3, Reincarnation, and read to the middle of page 21, stopping at “The Law of Karma.” No experiment was discussed.

Monday, May 6, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 5/6/19

Leader: John

The holy seven were back from last week. We started the discussion on what we were thankful for, and several mentioned how much they appreciated eyesight. Eric handed out numerous remedies for eyes, and Sylvia mentioned the following sneakers that were being shown on social media. What color are they? Pink and white, or gray and teal.

Here’s the story:

We listened to the Cayce Lord’s Prayer as recited by Tom Baker (see the link from last week). Supposedly Jesus said this at the Last Supper:

Our Father who art in heaven
Hallowed be thy name
Thy kingdom come
Thy will be done
As in Heaven
So in earth
Give us for tomorrow
The needs of the body
Forget those trespasses
As we forgive those that have trespassed
And do trespass against us
Be Thou the guide in the time of trouble, turmoil, and temptation
Lead us in paths of righteousness
For Thy name’s sake

We read the rest of Lesson One, and finished Lesson Two in The Edgar Cayce Primer.

For an experiment, look at the Summary and Some Next Steps at the bottom of page 17.

  1. Write a list of words that have an impact on you.
  2. Choose one word and dwell upon it, making decisions based upon the quality of motivation which is awakened by that word.
  3. Establish a quiet time when you read something that quickens a high sense of meaning and purpose.
  4. Choose one thing in your life which you have been intending to change for the better.