Tuesday, February 28, 2017

A.R.E. Meeting for 2/27/17

We read more in the Experiments in a Search for God book, Chapter 6 on Virtue and Understanding.  We read up through the experiment on page 60.  There are 3 experiments to choose from.

1.  Unless it would result in the violation of a principle or ideal you hold, allow others to do the acts of service and caring that they offer you.  (pg. 56)

2.  Each day allow a sense of peace to fill your life by being tolerant of others or of inharmonious patterns within yourself.  (pg. 58)

3.  Choose an example from your own life of an experience of faith in which you feel you touched the purity of the soul (a meditation experience, a dream).  For at least 2 minutes each day, recall that experience and you learned from it.

Peace and love,

Saturday, February 25, 2017

A.R.E. Meeting for 2/14/17

Leader:  Cindi
Reader:  June

We read in "Experiments in a Search for God" pages 54-56.

We discussed last week's experiment on Purity--finding God's presence in ourselves and everyone else, even those we don't admire.

This week's experiment on page 56:
"Choose one principal that you have been recommending to others that they apply.  Write down that teaching or principle (e.g.  'we must be patient,' a particular dietary regime.)  Each day make an effort to (1) refrain from telling others to apply this principle and (2) apply it in your own life.


We skipped the previous experiment for now, because we wanted to know more about spiritual laws.

I found a list:
•Like Begets like
•As you sow so shall you reap
•The spirit of you actions multiplies the results
•Like attracts like
•Opposites repel
•As you seek you attract and are attracted to that which will fulfill your search
•As you seek you repel and are repelled by that which will not fulfill you search
•For every effect there is a cause
•There is nothing by chance
•Nothing happens by chance: there is a purpose to everything that happens
•As thought and purpose and aim and desire are set in motion by minds, there effect is as a condition that is
•Know the truth and the truth shall make you free
•God is
•As you honor respect and love your own unique individuality, so you honor respect and love the individuality of others
•Your true needs, wants, desires, hopes, dreams, wishes and their fulfillment are as important as those of any other soul in existence
•You must first 'save' yourself if you would 'save' another
•As you put the God within first in you life, so you manifest the God you are
•As you become master of your lower self, so all things, conditions, and elements become subject to you
•Spirit is the life, mind is the builder, physical is the result
•Life is the experiences of your choices
•If you will be my people, I will be your God
•Seek the Spirit within and all things shall be added you have need of
•Seek first the Spirit within and you will find
•Ask the Spirit, with faith, and you will receive
•Knock, with faith in Spirit, and the door will be opened
•All exchanges balance
•As you believe, so it becomes for you
•Whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith
•Love transforms
•True giving manifests love
•As you give so it is measures to you again
•As you give you gain in understanding