Tuesday, July 26, 2016

A.R.E. Meeting for 7/25/16

We began Chapter II, Know Thyself, in Search for God Book I.
We read up to "Self in Relation to Others."
We did not begin the chapter in the Experiments Book, but we chose the first experiment:
At the end of each day take time to review your experiences.  Be aware of what you have thought of yourself at various times during the day (e.g., I thought I was really incapable of doing something; I had a self-image of being very knowledgeable;  I had a self-image of being really foolhardy).  You may feel that some of these self-images are not consistent with the highest spirit you know--they aren't really helping you grow.  For each of these, imagine a different light in which you would have preferred to have seen yourself in that incident.  Write that down as a possible replacement  And if the opportunity arises, try out the replacement self-image the next day.
 2016 Study Group Leader List

Aug.     Eric
Set.      Katie
Oct.      Sylvia
Nov.     John
Dec.      Martinaya
Jan.       Marsha

Feb.       Cindi

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

A.R.E. Meeting for 7/18/16

Blessing to All,

Our healing energy meditation last night was powerful.  I felt so good afterwards.  I hope everyone else did, too.

We included even you members who aren't coming (even Nancy), so hopefully you'll feel the benefits.  And we hope you'll come back to us.

We did not read in the Search for God book, since we finished the chapter on Cooperation last week.  This week we finished the Cooperation chapter in the Experiments book.  Next week we'll start chapter 3, Know Thyself.

Our Experiment:
Take time to consider and write down the kind of world that you would like to come into for your next incarnation.  Select one quality of that futuristic world you imagine and write down ways that you could be helping to build that right now, even though it may not show fruits in this lifetime.  Work on manifesting those things that you could be doing now to make the world a better place to experience for your next incarnation.

quality:                         everyone meditates

what I could do now:    meditate daily myself, share my books or understandings about meditation.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

A.R.E. Meeting for 7/11/16

This week we finished the chapter on Cooperation in the A Search for God Book I.
In the Experiments book, we read to the top of page 24.
The two experiments, if you choose to try them:
 1.  Take upon self a new responsibility for helping some other person.  Don't try to make decisions for that person or do things for him that he needs to be doing, but take on a sense of responsibility for loving and caring about that person, even though it may be a burden (time-wise, energy-wise or otherwise).
 2.  Work on relating to others with kindness.  Especially focus on speaking kindly.  Record those instances where you were able to replace an impulse to speak harshly or thoughtlessly with kind words  Record as well, without a sense of self-condemnation, those instances where greater kindness than you expressed would have been helpful.
We decided to assign leaders for each of the coming months.  Of course, the month you are assigned can always be changed.

July    Cindi
Aug.   Eric
Sept.  Katie
Oct.    Sylvia
Nov.   John
Dec.   Martinaya
Jan.    Marsha
Feb.    Cindi