Tuesday, November 24, 2020

A.R.E. Meeting for 11/23/20

Book: A Search For God I, plus experiments book

Leader: Greg Lenihan

Experiment:  For your daily meditation period choose a specific aid for attunement or approach to preparation. Let it be something you have not regularly used before (chant, incense, exercise, music, method of cleansing, or abstinence from a particular activity). Complete this activity each day as part of your meditation period AND KEEP A RECORD of your experiences in using it.” (Capitals added)

In “A Search for God” book I we read,    “3. A study of vibrations.” We discussed vibrations and personal results of inhaling Apple brandy fumes from a charred oak keg, and the Cayce formula sold by Barr under a trade name “Inspirol” for breathing treatment. Users of these two Cayce treatments agreed they thought these helped them personally. One member present has tested positive for Covid -19; but is currently able to join us online tonight.

We also read "B. The Mental Body, 1. The purging of self."

We agreed upon an experiment for the week and wished each other “a Happy Thanksgiving.” November has 5 Mondays even with only 30 days, so Greg will lead us once more before turning leadership over to Scott. He has been contacted for affirmation he can lead us Monday, Dec. 7th, 2020.

    🍂🍁Happy Thanksgiving🍁🍂

In Loving Oneness,

Sylvia Raye

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

A.R.E. Meeting for 11/16/20

Leader: Greg


At the beginning of each meditation period take a few moments to become aware that there is consciousness within each cell of your body. Suggest to or ask your body to join the mind and spirit in this period of asking.

Zoom brought seven like-minded ASFG members together to read and discuss spiritual material based on answers to universal questions asked of Cayce in years past.

Silence supported a focus of minds on our group ideal of “Oneness” and prepared us for our opening prayer. We overcame quickly a technical difficulty and discussed results of our experiment this past week designed to give us insight on our ideal. We kept a record of daily activities at days end; to see our ideal shown by a pattern of activities we did regularly or more often. It was an interesting way of learning to know ourselves better from the activities pattern we recognized.

There was even a report on an experiment from two weeks ago, to “meditate three times and find within the answer to a question.” The member who got no answer that week why she’s been unable to sleep at night, quite often a lengthy time of insomnia, got her answer unexpectedly. It was in an article stating studies are being done on how neurotransmitters can obstruct or facilitate one’s sleep. This contrasts with years of being told by doctors to change her lifestyle and behaviors to cure insomnia, and inspires hope soon she will receive help her sleep regularly.

We read in the experiment’s book down to the bottom of page 13, where this week’s experiment begins, to its conclusion at the top of page 14. This section is rich in information from five readings about how powerful the awakened energies are and can be used either constructively, as in healing, or destructively.

“Does this technique of cleansing body and mind, or this tool, stimulate within me a greater desire to serve and know God?” It’s our responsibility to ask ourselves that question and determine the best ways of going within and awakening sacred energies for our own development.

A Study of the Glands

We discussed how we each experienced in meditation energies differently, and how they move through the body and spiritual centers or chakras. Their power can rock or rotate the body. When our will has stilled and focused the mind and body on the highest ideal, and we attune our selves to the Infinite, the body’s seven endocrine glands, connected to spiritual centers—chakras—attune to Universal Forces, and body, mind, and soul, even atoms within cells and cells themselves awaken to the Creator. The glands of reproduction can function like a motor, raising this Life Force through the gate of the cells of the Leydig located in the genitive center and upward through the chakras along the silver cord. The spiritual power continues on upward through the pineal gland, which is sitting down in and guarded by its “cup” of bone in the brain, before “running over” into the pituitary gland. If a pathological study of an individual, with an ideal attuned to the Creator, who had stimulated the pituitary in meditation for a 7 year cycle, that person would have become a “Light to the World.” Without the spiritual ideal, that person would become a “Frankenstein-like” monster.

In Loving Oneness,

Sylvia Raye

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

A.R.E. Meeting 11/9/20


Book: Experiments in a Search For God, Keyed to A Search for God, Book I.
Lesson: Meditation
Experiment this week: page 10 - Take time each day to write down that which you THOUGHT, DID, or EXPERIENCED during the past 24 hours which you feel was especially valuable.
Leader: Greg
Consensus was for five faithful souls to begin tonight's meeting meditating first and sending out love, light, prayers for others. We concluded our prayers with sending our energy downward to heal ourselves, as Cayce had recommended (and John Van Auken taught in a Denver seminar in years past). We recited the 23rd Psalm thus closing open chakras to end our prayer and meditation process.
ARE Facebook page daily noon meditations follow the Cayce method we are currently studying. One member is using these noon meditations as a cleansing, an attunement, to prepare for ten minutes daily in silence. Another member frequently uses a method Cayce recommended, the coiled serpent or kundalini meditation of raising consciousness. Be alert, the temptation to stay in the pleasurable energy can stop beginning meditators here, instead of raising consciousness. A third technique is to move the energy now high in consciousness and body downward to heal ourselves, too. This one didn't make it into print in the ASFG lesson.
This week we read in our experiments book, Chapter One through the 2nd experiment, page 10. Basically the one chosen last week of maintaining a positive focus as we prayed and meditated daily during the week. We did the experiment this week. A member noticed that consciously trying to keep thoughts upbeat in prayers and meditation had a holistic effect with the intent spilled over into communication.  Saying nothing replaced habitual expressions of just a bit of negativity two or three times during week past.
Experiment one of our experiments book describes an exercise Cayce recommended someone getting a reading do, to better understand how the patterns of his/her activities can actually help them determine their ideal. Daily recording life's events at the end of the day, meditating daily or awakening the superconsciousness combined helps to establish a feedback loop with ourselves as one member heard and understood it.
The three-step process we are learning is having an Ideal or an affirmation (or effectively praying), as a focus to awaken the physical consciousness to awareness of our ONENESS with GOD. Second step is preparation. Our third step then, once conscious of our oneness with creator, is holding this awareness of our oneness with God in the silence.
Our discussion of meditation went into how we can be miniature copies of the universe. One suggested, that the tan tien of our inner energy body (a Martial Arts Master's tan tien aligned with the earth's fiery core and chakra system could be like a copy of our solar system. Can a parallel be seen between the pituitary gland, the master gland, affecting and managing the other endocrine glands; and our solar system following the sun? But what does our Sun align with to lead our planets across the galaxy with no collisions with any stars? Is that that unknown connection of our sun like an aligned tan tien keeps the martial artist balanced on his feet despite fierce attacks to knock him down?

Comparing spiritual body's churches in the Revelation of our Bible or Chakras as Asian thought names them, led to the question, how many chakras do humans have? More than seven?  Zoom blocked any response or possible discussion Monday, sending us out from this meeting abruptly.

In Loving Oneness,


Wednesday, November 4, 2020

A.R.E. Meeting for 11/2/20

Leader: Greg

New book is “ASFG Book I” and accompanying “Experiments in a Search For God," keyed to A Search for God, Book I, by Mark Thurston. We completed Puryear’s Edgar Cayce Primer last week.

A moment of silence followed by reading of 1) ARE Vision /Ideal and 2) ARE Mission Statement helped set our intention for our group ideal: Oneness.

1) Global manifestation of Oneness and the Love of God and All people.
2) "To create opportunities for profound personal change in body, mind, and spirit through the wisdom found in the Edgar Cayce material."

As for as the experiment of searchers of truth, we learned if we weren’t motivated and enthusiastic to get it done two weeks ago, only one found motivation to do the experiment and is awaiting an answer for guidance sought, 1 forgot, 1 used 6 days to think of a question, if “automatons” are man-made robots and “were misused” by Atlanteans, and Jim Hightower author and columnist in Colorado Springs “Indy” weekly was accurate that automatons with AI will be here and start performing manufacturing jobs in about 15 years, “How could humans have mistreated these man-made “workers” of artificial intelligence?” How? What did they do to automatons that qualified as mistreatment? And four members didn’t do the experiment to confirm accuracy of guidance sought within by “..asking 3 times.”

We read the Introduction and learned the seekers in the original group in 1933 found an answer to a universal question for us throughout life. What is “truly valuable in thought, in activity, experience?” It is our own realization only from within and that supported by our knowledge of self in relation to to God and self to others. Meditation is a path to attain and trust this personal truth of our own life path of hope and seeking a better way.

We read definitions for prayer and meditation and discussed an illustration of prayer from Luke 18:10-14 . It clarifies differences in praying humbly, truly seeing self and praying from a sense of pride. Prayer is our intent to attune our consciousness to that of the Creator and attunement of our minds with spiritual forces in this world.

Meditation requires removal of any blocks (resentment, etc.) to the rising of the Creative Force and allowing it to nurture and strengthen our sensitive spiritual centers, attuning our mental, physical bodies to their relationship with their Maker. "In prayer we speak to God, while God speaks to us in true meditation."

We also discussed the difference in prognostication (Greek medical term- “foreseeing”) versus free will, when Cayce made some predictions, they were like "forewarnings" in that he also said if people changed, then the disastrous possibilities seen would not happen, if they developed and became more spiritual. And how accurate Cayce’s readings were.

A member named three prophecies for 1933, 1968, 1998 of the 20ish our “psychic diagnostician” was said to have made that never happened. While ARE realizes now a few published as “prophecies” were his personal dreams. And his son Huge Lynn wrote on "The Outer Limits of Edgar Cayce’s Power," because as many people as were helped by his information, he was wrong 10% of the time. People receiving the reading may not have had the support and true seeking Oneness of mind of family and friends enhancing Cayce’s work. He was leaving his body and going to his Source for the information. Unlike mediums and many who expected a human “guide” who died and crossed over could magically know more information dead than than they did alive. Yes, that’s another way for 10% more inaccuracies, for a total of 20% mistakes on average. 

Cayce refused to be just another medium, claiming his right to go to the source. Besides lack of group support for readings, sometimes the human Cayce just had a bad day. But his good days were 10% better accuracy compared to mediums. Also, Cayce lacked the ability to distinguish ideas-“thought forms”- he called them- from a record of an event in the God’s Book of Knowledge or the Akasha.

Our Experiment for Nov 3 to Nov. 9:

A member suggested we meditate and in so doing, see the positive, and affirm the good blessings in these times of change in our prayers. Petition for or hold a “good” vision of our petition, a cure, gratitude for first responders, doctors, nurses, etc. and thankfulness for those recovered, gratitude for abundance of medical resources, gratitude for the soon arrival of a vaccine! Seeing cooperation, oneness, unity, of our common purpose and goals, and so forth. The experiment is explained on bottom of page ten and upper half of page eleven of our experiments book, but without the positive quality and focus our group discussed explicitly and agreed to do this week.

Among prayer request for concerns are to pray for a strong immune system and immune response and protection of “Michelle” and “Chuck”, abundance of energy, calmness and peace, sense this is easy focus along with patience and strength for family members and parents challenged to be the school teacher, while performing an 8 hour job and doing the housekeeping all at once.

Next week we’ll begin on page 7, "Will prayer answer for meditation?"

We’ve missed you much to those not among the seven tonight!

In Loving Oneness,
Sylvia Raye