Monday, October 25, 2021

A.R.E. Meeting for 10/25/21

Leader: Eric
Five entities came to their realization of oneness through the night’s lesson. Our leader was able to quell the divisive discussions of current events and politics and get us focused on our lesson.
In the SFG book we read the sections “How We May Come Into the Realization of the Oneness” and “The At-onement Though Jesus, the Christ.” In the Experiments book we read to the bottom of page124. We have two experiments we can try:
Experiment 1: When you find yourself desiring something or longing to repeat an experience you have already had, use the affirmation, “I have that experience within myself.” Let this affirmation awaken in your mind the realization of the oneness of all time.
Experiment 2: Try living each day for itself. Make necessary decisions for the future, but eliminate all unneeded worry or concern for things you anticipate may happen. Trust that you will be even more capable of doing the right thing when the event actually occurs. Where it is appropriate, say to yourself, “I don’t have to decide on that right now,” and then move your attention back to what is happening around you at that moment. If possible, spend some time in nature as part of this experiment, looking for examples of how nature does things unhurriedly and one at a time. Keep a record of specific instances in which you were able to know more fully the oneness of all time by living in the present.
Sylvia is our leader next month, but will miss the beginning of our next meeting, so put in a request to watch a video on “The Fire Yogi.”

Monday, October 18, 2021

A.R.E. Meeting for 10/18/21

Leader: Eric
Five connected souls got together to share their oneness as a group. Eric gave us tech support tips for better CenturyLink bandwidth during the first session. We later had a discussion about censorship among the tech platforms. Those wanting to hear a few interesting podcasts about Cayce or other metaphysical topics can try out
We read the Experiments book to the bottom of page 122. This week we have two experiments:
Experiment 1: Each day for a week keep this attitude in your mediation periods: “I am not concerned with what experiences come to me, but with how much I am able to give of myself to God and express my devotion.”
Experiment 2: In your daily contacts with others, imagine that they are part of your immediate family. If you feel apathetic or upset with someone, try to imagine how you might feel more caring or tolerant if that person were a close and beloved family member (e.g., a sister, brother, father, aunt, etc.). Then try to act on that new feeling. Record instances in which you try this experiment. Write the person’s name (unless it is someone you don’t know), the family member status you imagine for him, and how you acted on the feeling.
Person:  a stranger I was sitting next to on the bus
Family status imagined:  that she was my sister
Action:  I struck up a friendly conversation with her instead of just sitting there silently next to her.

Monday, October 11, 2021

A.R.E. Meeting for 10/11/21

Leader: Eric

We reached a high participation total of seven as we started a new chapter, “The Lord Thy God is One.” In the SFG book we read to the section “How We May Come into the Realization of the Oneness.”

We brought up the realization of colder weather coming this week, which may kill our gardens unless they are covered. We talked about social media, especially Facebook, and how it puts a damper on personal contact through voice conversations with our loved ones.

This week we have two experiments:

Experiment 1: Examine your life and choose one way in which you are using energy which is not in accord with your ideals. This can be an emotional, attitudinal or active way of using energy. Write down what you select. Then demonstrate in your daily life your understanding of the inherent oneness of all force by transforming that energy to a more loving or constructive form. Record your experiences.

Example: Feeling frustrated and angry with other drivers who are discourteous.

Transformation: Changing your expression of the one energy by sending out to those people a prayer instead of thoughts of anger.

 Experiment 2: In you daily meditation periods try to use distractions to take you deeper into the oneness with the meaning of your affirmation. Use each distraction as a gift. Have the attitude that says of each distracting thought, “Here is another great opportunity for me to bring some part of my life into the awareness of the oneness.” 

Monday, October 4, 2021

A.R.E. Meeting for 10/4/21

Leader: Eric
With June attending, we had six special entities to finish the Cross and Crown chapter in the Experiments book.
Eric had two dreams he shared with the group. Afterwards, we had a long and satisfying meditation. We have many experiments to choose from this week:
Experiment 1: Meet each of your crosses as if your work were symbolic of all humanity’s attempt to deal with this specific type of difficulty. Record you experiences of working with this attitude in mind.
Experiment 2: Chose and write down an area of your life in which you feel burdened. List the ways you have to work to feel this way – the attitudes you have to work on holding, the behaviors you have to do to keep this feeling. Then select one item from your list and write a more constructive replacement attitude or behavior. Work each day for at least a week on expressing that replacement in this area of your life.
  Burdened by:  frequent arguments with Richard
  Attitudes and behaviors I work at:  (1) make an effort to recall past instances where I thought he was selfish (2) make an effort to feel resentful (3) make an effort to speak unkindly of him to others
  Replacement: begin to speak in a more positive way of him to others
Experiment 3: Meet your crosses with an attitude of humility. Do not defend yourself with retorts or argumentative statements, even if you feel you are right. Keep a record of situations in which you were able to bear a cross in this way.
Experiment 4:
Look for joy in living. Express joy in dealing with others. Live with an attitude of enjoyment of being alive in this place and in this special time in man’s spiritual evolution.