Wednesday, April 25, 2018

A.R.E. Meeting for 4/23/18

Dear Friends,

Let's remember to send prayers of healing to Cindi, who had her cataract surgery yesterday, and will be rehabilitating the next two weeks. Let's send healing prayers as well to Eric, who was just not feeling as well as he could.

Scott is our leader for April. He asked me to lead instead this week only.

We had a good meeting and excellent discussion of Christ Consciousness. That is basically what Tom Baker, former professor of theology in a Catholic seminary and currently a speaker for ARE's national programs, introduced and described as the main idea in his presentation of "Awakening the Spiritual Master Within."

Tom Baker seemed amazed (as was I ) that another attendee described herself as spiritually neutral. She was given no spiritual teachings or beliefs during her upbringing. She thought having no expectations, rules, or teachings about either spirituality or religion was a benefit to her in accepting God, Universal Forces, The Holy Spirit, or whatever your understanding of GOD is. She had an experience at age 18 and knew immediately that it was Universal Forces or God taking care of her needs and protecting her. She was able to do so because of the absence of expectations and religious beliefs. That made it so EASY for her to accept and know she would always be taken care of and protected. Then some years later she had another spiritual experience. She was awakened during her sleep by the tone of a crystal sounding. She had built that sleeping room. She had put everything in it. She knew there was NO CRYSTAL in the room to ring or sound out. But she knew it was the affirmation of her benevolent protector in that 2nd spiritual experience. 

Among the first of the audience to speak up, a silver haired man told of being ill. He dreamed of a man with a particular necklace in gold robes coming to him in his dream. (Sorry  I heard only part of it, but I think he was hospitalized at the time of the dream).  Later when he saw a photo of Edgar Cayce, he realized  Edgar Cayce was the same man with the necklace in a gold robe who had appeared to him earlier in his dream!

Throughout the day the audience told of spiritual experiences, of experiencing light, of descriptions of Christ Consciousness. Our discussion of Christ Consciousness included remembering people in our lives expressing perfectly the Christ Consciousness.  One amazing mother of five very active young men known for fighting and smashing birthday cakes at parties they crashed if uninvited, always remained kind, calm, loving, patient, soft spoken no matter what situations her son's life created.

Another wonderful example was a below average income Sunday school teacher with a gift of capturing her pupils enthusiastic attention for her Bible lesson with: I will tell you a story even better than all your (popular story and comic and movie hero s) current ones. She even testified to  a modern day miracle  personally experienced. She told of having one lung removed and my LUNG GREW BACK.

Another woman spoke of a quote she had in several places in her house. The quote came from someone she respected spiritually. It goes: What if nothing is wrong.

Who exemplified the Christ Consciousness in your life?  Have you experienced any modern day miracles?  I imagine most, if not all, of us have.

We are working on the same experiment again this week.  I believe it is on page 34 of our Experiments book. 

Most of us have trouble knowing what to do with our anger.  Then there are three good Cayce quotes on anger. One is below.

Hold not malice, though easily ye may at times be angry but sin not. Righteous wrath is a virtue, as well as is patience for they must arise from the same influence, or from the same motivation experience. Edgar Cayce reading # 2635-1

Experiment:  Explore in your own life what it means to be patient and forgiving and yet still be able to be angry and sin not. Act ON anger instead of IN anger.

I'm looking forward to seeing you Monday and hearing how your experiment of using anger as a motivation to take action or to change a situation versus merely expressing or even dumping anger on another. Or perhaps you will want to tell us about your experience of the previous weeks experiment. 

In Loving Service,

Sunday, April 15, 2018

A.R.E. Meeting for 4/9/18

Hello all

Attendees for April 9, 2018 meeting were John, Sylvia, Eric, June, and Scott.

We took turns reading from chapter 3: God, the Father, and His Manifestations in the Earth, pages 161 through 164. We had discussions as we read.

We discussed the assigned experiment: Make a list of the ways you see God. We also discussed ancient stone tablets and markers both of old and new and how they play in to the consciousness of today.

We read through to the next experiment on page 32:
Practice true consistency in your relationships to self, others in God. Consider the things you do repeatedly by habit and try to bring conscious awareness to them: aware of the purpose for which you are doing them and awareness of how the things you are doing relate to the whole. For example, on my drive to work in the morning I will be aware of people and places. I will be conscious of why I have chosen to go to the place of work which I do. I will be aware of the part I played in this rush hour traffic and cooperate to help get people safely to work. 

Scott is the leader for April.

Make a commitment to these goals and watch your destiny become your reality.

Everybody have a great week.
Sincerely, Scott

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

A.R.E. Meeting for 4/2/18

Attendees for the April 2, 2018 meeting were John, Sylvia, Cindi, Donna, Eric and Scott. I, Scott, am leader for April.

We discussed the assigned experiments.  1.  Spend 15 minutes before you go to bed on activities and attitudes helpful for sleep.
2. Spend a week paying attention to to your dream experiences.  3. Relate a specific dark, confusing, or suffering side of your life a new way.

We also discussed the various reasons we penalize people and why we send them to jail.


Experiment Page 32:
Practice true consistency in your relationships to self, others and God. Consider the things you do repeatedly-- by habit-- and try to bring conscious awareness to them: awareness of purpose for which you are doing them and awareness of how things you are doing relate to the whole. For example, on my drive to work in the morning I will be aware of people and places. I will be conscious of why I have chosen to go to the place of work which I do. I will be aware of the part I play in this rush-hour traffic and cooperate to help get people safely to work.

Everyone have a great week,