Monday, May 31, 2021

A.R.E. Meeting for 5/31/21

Leader: Greg (for Sylvia)
Four funtastic folks met on Memorial Day to work on our higher selves. We appreciate Cindi joining after driving 10.5 hours to end her trip and get to the meeting on time.
We had a discussion on memory loss, even though Cayce said there is no such thing as memory loss. Cayce sometimes recommended massages and adjustments to help coordinate the nervous systems in order to help in memory retrieval. We also talked about a few spiritual books we had read.
Our main focus for the night was watching a YouTube video on Channeling Your Higher Self found at: Next week we will move on to the chapter on Patience in A Search for God.
We will continue with the two experiments from last week in the Fellowship chapter:

Experiment 1. Select one person who has asked you for prayer. Take responsibility for the fact that through your faith--through your experiencing of the reality of the spiritual dimension of life--healing forces can be awakened that lie dormant within him.  Use a period at the end of your meditation to feel your faith having a constructive, uplifting influence upon this person.  In your daily contact with him, hold in mind and express this same feeling.

Experiment 2.  Each day for a week take time to be alone. If possible, have time each day when you are alone in the sense of not being around others (e.g., a walk alone in the woods).  However, experience aloneness even when you are with others. This does not mean a loneliness that makes you feel depressed or sorry for yourself. Instead, feel a desire to find fulfillment of your needs by looking within yourself rather than other people. Listen to hear the voice of that within yourself that sustains you when you cannot sustain yourself. Keep a record of your experiences in discovering your fellowship with God, using this approach.

Channeling you all through my higher self,

Thursday, May 27, 2021

A.R.E. Meeting for 5/24/21

 Leader: Sylvia

Group Ideal:  Oneness 

Action:  Affirm daily our Oneness with each other.

Lesson:  Fellowship, ASFG Book I, Lesson VI, Sec:  Duty of Those Who Have Fellowship with the Father, Fellowship Brings a Peace that Passes Understanding.  "Experiments....", Thurston, p. 69-72.

Experiment 1. Select one person who has asked you for prayer. Take responsibility for the fact that through your faith--through your experiencing of the reality of the spiritual dimension of life--healing forces can be awakened that lie dormant within him.  Use a period at the end of your meditation to feel your faith having a constructive, uplifting influence upon this person.  In your daily contact with him, hold in mind and express this same feeling.

Experiment 2.  Each day for a week take time to be alone. If possible, have time each day when you are alone in the sense of not being around others (e.g., a walk alone in the woods).  However, experience aloneness even when you are with others. This does not mean a loneliness that makes you feel depressed or sorry for yourself. Instead, feel a desire to find fulfillment of your needs by looking within yourself rather than other people. Listen to hear the voice of that within yourself that sustains you when you cannot sustain yourself. Keep a record of your experiences in discovering your fellowship with God, using this approach.

Souls experimenting found no obvious spiritual laws nor saw results within this week of doing higher self meditation, allowing behaviors to fall away instead of affecting another, nor saw results of time spent with grandchildren.

We agreed to meet next Monday, May 31, at 6:30 pm, a holiday where a closed library meeting room prevented our meeting in years past.

Cayce defined our relationship with God as "Fellowship" and our relationships with people, or Souls housing the Divine spark of "Creative Forces," in relationships as "Brotherhood" (Sisterhood).  He further explained it is (1) our seeking a personal relationship with God becomes possible through setting aside selfish interests, searching out and releasing flaws, our blocks to loving relationships. (2) We initiate friendships, wherein, we love and forgive others as they are, in spite of their faults, we suffer with others, carry their burdens, (3) courageously live lives of service for others or a cause, (4) give of our life's energy when we share our own personal truth, that others may enjoy a moments rest in the Lord, the Holy.  (5) We compassionately heal, or comfort others.

THE SPIRITUAL LAW OF FELLOWSHIP WITH GOD, is our Sisterhood-Brotherhood here is a reflection of our RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD. (As above, so below, or, as without, so within. Laws given by Enoch) A mirror image. We can comparison test our IDEAL AGAINST our kind, generous, loving OR NOT, relationships to focus that mirror image more clearly ON WHERE WE STAND WITH CREATIVE FORCES. (5) We compassionately heal, or comfort others.

"May we lose no opportunity to bind up the broken-hearted, to pour oil on the troubled waters, or to heed the command, 'Comfort ye my people, saith your God'". Isaiah 40:10.  (pg. 67., p. 74 ASFG Book I.)

"...So may the entity, with the spirit of God through the power of the Christ Consciousness, come to know--in every thing, in every act--that love that may pass all understandings.  For as to others it may be as a myth, as a dream, as a thing hoped for, but to this body, to this entity, to this soul, who has tasted of the joys of the personal contact with those influences within the Soul, it may come to be His power working within.  255-12 " Cayce PR

Giving of our life's energy, as spiritually created beings, we can use our own life energy to transform our attitudes or consciousness about a person or troubled relationship.  In so doing, we can make LOVE a living thing (similar to Joshua's declaration to worship  "...THE LIVING GOD," or Jesus years of giving his life to "LOVING SERVICE", and finally total sacrifice."

As spiritually created beings we can also use our ability to transform energy "to be like a bridge," to assist one in need of healing to make that required according to Cayce, contact with the Divine for any and "...all healing."  Thurston noticed the implication of this assistance in healing, in two stories of Jesus healings, told by Matthew.

Getting out of the boat in Nazareth, people presented him with a paralyzed man laying on his bed. Seeing their faith, Jesus told the paralytic, "...Take heart, my son; your sins are forgiven."  (Matt.9:1-2)

A centurion felt unworthy to have so great a Rabi come to his home.  He explained to Jesus he was both under and in authority over his men and his slave. He was accustomed to them doing what he asked of them and confident if Jesus spoke his servant's healing aloud, his servant would be healed. Jesus told his followers he had not previously found such tremendous faith in all of Israel. To the centurion "... Jesus said, 'Go; be it done for you as you have believed.' And the servant was healed at that very moment."  (Matt. 8:5-13)

"We must see that our fellowship is able to stand the test in every trial..." ASFG p. 70, or 77.

Do you agree with Thurston that "Modern man is afraid to be alone?" Being alone is a great tremendous trial necessary to develop a personal relationship to God.  Carl Jung described this required aloneness differently. In order to fulfill his duty as a doctor "... to help his patient to cope with life--  ...the highest and most decisive experience of all, to be alone with his own self, ...The patient must be alone if he is to find out what it is that supports him when he can no longer support himself. ONLY THIS EXPERIENCE CAN GIVE HIM AN INDESTRUCTIBLE FOUNDATION." (Jung, Collected works. Vol. 12, pp. 27-28)

" the inevitable transmutation in thought, and character, and particularly in the midst of the quest for spiritual insight and spiritual understanding, we must often let go of others, and they must let go of us. friends (will be) continually coming into the wave length of your need, keep a corner of your heart for the DIVINE LONELINESS and be careful NOT TO FILL IT for the sake of ASSUAGING THE PAIN OF GROWTH. The deepest manifestation of love is LOVE ABOVE THE LONELINESS,..." and finally we learned, four sources agree, our relationship with Creative Forces must pass the great test of aloneness. (Plus some examples outside our lesson:  Jesus' 40 days in wilderness, Reiki healing method without healer giving away own energy received by Dr. Usui in alone time on Holy Mountain in Japan, Buddha in forest, etc.)

In Loving Oneness of Brotherhood, Sisterhood,

Sylvia Raye

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

A.R.E. Meeting for 5/17/21

Leader: Sylvia

Lesson:  ASFG Book I , Lesson six,  sec. "Fellowship with God, the Need of the world",  Experiments Book-Chapter 7, pgs. 68, 69.
Bible verse John I, 1:17  “If we walk in the light as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another."
Experiment 1.  Give of your life to someone else.  Select a person and write down his or her name.  Then choose one of the three approaches to giving your life which have been described:  (1) making a special effort to give of your life energy to that person through whatever energies are needed most, (2) making a special effort to share with that person the truths of your life which you have discovered through experience, or (3) giving up one of "your' habits, desires, opinions that is causing that person difficulty. Decide which of the three approaches you will use and write that down. Keep a record of your experiences in giving of your life to this person.
Experiment 2.  Choose one difficult relationship in your life and work each day to express in that relationship a living kind of love. Through meditation and prayer allow the energy of states of consciousness which are less than your ideal to be transformed. Affirm in your life that you are not stuck with the responses you have been feeling to this person, because you are alive, you can grow.  Record the experiences in which you successfully transform energy associated with old patterns to new, constructive ways of responding.
Just as Jesus gave up his life in service, we can emulate him by sharing (1) the TRUTH we have learned or lived so others can enjoy being "in the Presence", or by sharing  (2) FRIENDSHIP, being the best friend, one that remains closer than a sibling. We can give our lives in (3) SERVICE to a cause or to a person. By letting go of a (3) HABIT, DESIRE, or OPINION that hinders or causes someone else difficulty or physical or emotional hurt, we give of our life too.
"Let us help our fellow man by our patience and forbearance and show him that love is a living thing." p.67, or 72.
(Forbearance= "Holding back". 1. Tolerance and restraint in the face of provocation; patience. 2. Self control, patience. 3. Law, a debtor more time to repay a loan, typically interest accrues at the same rate.)
Autumn leaves and rocks cannot grow as animals and trees do, and additionally, living things can transform energy. As spiritual creations, people can transform energy associated with non-physical aspects of their being: states of consciousness, or attitudes toward an experience. This indicates spiritually created beings can take a problem in a relationship with another person and grow with it; thereby, WE MAKE LOVE A LIVING, TRANSFORMING THING.
As Joshua said, "Others may do as they may, but as for me...I will serve the Living God."
Cayce told #255 in the 12th reading, they could "THROUGH THE SPIRIT OF GOD AND THE POWER OF THE CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS," since they had experienced the joys of influences within the soul, they could through everything, in every act, realize the PERSONAL LIVING GOD could COME TO BE HIS POWER working within.
To Live love is to be love. To be one with the Father is to be equal with the Father. ALL IN ONE--for Love is law, law is Love.
In the Loving Oneness of FELLOWSHIP.
Sylvia Raye

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

A.R.E. Meeting for 5/10/21

Leader: Sylvia
Experiment 1. Select one pattern that you frequently hold of resentment toward or irritation with another person. Each day for a week work with letting go of that pattern. Stop feeding it and giving attention to it when it comes to your mind. Even though a part of you may enjoy entertaining it, affirm that the reward of knowing fellowship with God will be a greater experience. Keep a record of your experiences of knowing a greater sense of fellowship in this way.
Experiment 2. Take the initiative in speaking to others (especially strangers) and showing your love for all mankind. Do those things that you know will be helpful, risking the possibility that you may not be understood or appreciated. Record your experiences.
Business: Discussion of group preferences and suggestions for weekly minutes of weekly meetings, to prevent further errors, that meets needs and allows everyone to feel comfortable with the degree of confidentiality held, and provides a summary of the lesson read.
Next week we begin reading Mark Thurston’s “Experiments....” on page 67, just below the experiment.
The reading accomplished tonight for the first experiment describes the importance of living lives in service for others as Jesus did. It could be living for, or serving a cause or a person courageously giving daily of our life’s energy. The bare bones of Cayce’s reading 262-29 asks the listener whether you gave “the truths” that another might enjoy a moments rest in the Lord? He advised being “the best” in whatever role we take on. Just as vital, we give of our lives to others if we decide to “let go of anything” that hinders someone else: negative, critical thoughts of them, desires, habits.
For second experiment, we learned from reading our book to investigate what it is within ourselves that makes us fail to be daring and take the initiative in reaching out to another. Reaching out to share our Truth, to minister to their needs, to be the best, a friend as close and protective, “give my life” brotherly like friend.
To begin our study of the ASFG book, we will discuss the remainder of the long section we read on “Fellowship with God”, from p. 72-74. Following our digestion of this section via discussion, we’ll read the “Fellowship with God, the Need of the World”. We begin to read ASFG on p. 74, slightly more than halfway down the page.
A thought to ponder: Is this “minutes” as is given here according to what was discussed? Where there unresolved issues to resolve by taking a “show of hands” vote?
In Loving Oneness

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

A.R.E. Meeting for 5/3/21

 Leader: Sylvia

“Global manifestation of oneness, and the Love of God and All People.
Group Ideal: Oneness
Action: Affirm daily our oneness with each other.
Lesson: Fellowship. Scripture: I John 1:7
If we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another.
Books: ASFG I and accompanying experiments book by Mark Thurston, Ph.D.
Experiment 1. Before each meditation period have a short prayer time to awaken fellowship. In prayer affirm your awareness of being called by God to do a work. Express your desire to answer personally this call in all aspects of your life.
Experiment 2. Listen to others. Don’t let yourself get caught in being overly concerned about a particular approach or technique to listening. Refrain from thinking of your response while the other person is still talking. You may find helpful to say to that person something like, "Those were some really important thoughts you just expressed. Let me think about them for a few minutes before I respond." Record instances in which you feel you really were able to listen.
In preparation of entering into the inner holy of holies, we said a prayer of attunement. John ohmed externally, and we did the “r re ohm” internally. For additional attunement, we did relaxing neck stretches, alternate breathing, and a prayer of protection prior to 15 minutes of silence focused toward fellowship. Sending out that which we received from universal forces, via fellowship within, in the form of the energy of Love, Healing, & Light to all the people, places, and situations, it became apparent we were praying for both the microcosm and the macrocosm. The situations where we had prayer concerns for locally, we also had concerns for the same issues nationally and internationally. And we prayed for people’s wellness, protection, healing everywhere.
We acknowledged ARE and leaders being sued by former youth campers alleging sexual harassment, assault or rape at ARE’s summer camp in years past.
It’s UNBELIEVABLE news. That outrageous boundary of violations from harassment to rape could be inflicted onto vulnerable youth at ARE camp. It is so opposite of all of the ARE’s principles, and Cayce’s practices, and wisdom on how to develop spiritually, and his, Gladys, other associates lifelong accomplishment of living high ideals. Thousands and thousands of people worldwide are grateful to have had spiritually transformational uplifting experiences attending ARE programs.
ARE’s CEO is working diligently to resolve this issue, both the alleged and unknown. He has hired a private company to investigate this situation. He has asked for others to come forward as well.
Let’s pray continuously to hold up ARE and all it’s worldwide centers, departments, schools, seminars and classes with prayers of protection and healing for the highest good. Lets pray God provides aid to any and all people who may have had unwelcome inappropriate sexual contact. Let’s also uplift those accused perpetrators of dark deeds into the presence of omniscient God for their highest good.
Five souls did an experiment, many dealt with despicable, very annoying, or burdensome situations in the third experiment. While not actually despicable, it may be time for one soul to stop researching and writing a monthly newsletter, after volunteering 10 hours in the evening monthly for 25 years. A very despicable ten months of neighborhood noise pollution has given one soul the ability to surrender, to cope, to appreciate a retreat space and return to painting. One sensitive soul finds despicable those hardened people who hurt and or take advantage of the disabled, frail elderly, who are cognitively limited. This soul has found here trustworthy people who listen, hold confidences, and don’t gossip. The soul who needed a functioning mechanical part, it was arrived, didn’t work and another had to be ordered. This soul acquired an opportunity to practice constructive qualities of long suffering and patience. With hindsight, one soul expressed regrets of not doing an experiment. Their week would have gone better seeking virtue or understanding,
We discussed louder, then more loudly, pros and cons of Covid-19 vaccines; it’s effects, protections, benefits, reports of vaccinated people’s irregular energy fields, with few points of agreement.
We talked about authentic Ojebwa tea, compounded or tincture tea, and the Holy Spirit. Tonight our reading asked us if we are aware of the divine flame of the Holy Spirit worthy of our adoration, buried deep within the heart of our brother. Jesus had promised after he ascended that he would empower us and send us the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, also described as a divine flame.
The Holy Spirit came on the day of Pentecost, a Feast celebrated 50 days or 7 weeks after Easter or the Passover. It was described as a roaring, storm like wind filling the room they were in. Tongues of fire appeared above twelve disciples heads, as the twelve received the gift of tongues: an immediate ability to speak in the listener’s own language. Others present also received the Holy Spirit at that time.
Incidentally, the Torah uses the same terminology for God’s Holy Spirit upon Joshua, Caleb, Bezalel, & Oholiab.
Suffering with our fellowman, loving each other despite our failings, having faith in the power of the spirit within until the fallen can see their own strength, being a friend who stands by in time of temptation or need, all of these actions nurtures and strengthens our relationship with the Holy.
In Loving oneness,
Sylvia Raye