Thursday, May 27, 2021

A.R.E. Meeting for 5/24/21

 Leader: Sylvia

Group Ideal:  Oneness 

Action:  Affirm daily our Oneness with each other.

Lesson:  Fellowship, ASFG Book I, Lesson VI, Sec:  Duty of Those Who Have Fellowship with the Father, Fellowship Brings a Peace that Passes Understanding.  "Experiments....", Thurston, p. 69-72.

Experiment 1. Select one person who has asked you for prayer. Take responsibility for the fact that through your faith--through your experiencing of the reality of the spiritual dimension of life--healing forces can be awakened that lie dormant within him.  Use a period at the end of your meditation to feel your faith having a constructive, uplifting influence upon this person.  In your daily contact with him, hold in mind and express this same feeling.

Experiment 2.  Each day for a week take time to be alone. If possible, have time each day when you are alone in the sense of not being around others (e.g., a walk alone in the woods).  However, experience aloneness even when you are with others. This does not mean a loneliness that makes you feel depressed or sorry for yourself. Instead, feel a desire to find fulfillment of your needs by looking within yourself rather than other people. Listen to hear the voice of that within yourself that sustains you when you cannot sustain yourself. Keep a record of your experiences in discovering your fellowship with God, using this approach.

Souls experimenting found no obvious spiritual laws nor saw results within this week of doing higher self meditation, allowing behaviors to fall away instead of affecting another, nor saw results of time spent with grandchildren.

We agreed to meet next Monday, May 31, at 6:30 pm, a holiday where a closed library meeting room prevented our meeting in years past.

Cayce defined our relationship with God as "Fellowship" and our relationships with people, or Souls housing the Divine spark of "Creative Forces," in relationships as "Brotherhood" (Sisterhood).  He further explained it is (1) our seeking a personal relationship with God becomes possible through setting aside selfish interests, searching out and releasing flaws, our blocks to loving relationships. (2) We initiate friendships, wherein, we love and forgive others as they are, in spite of their faults, we suffer with others, carry their burdens, (3) courageously live lives of service for others or a cause, (4) give of our life's energy when we share our own personal truth, that others may enjoy a moments rest in the Lord, the Holy.  (5) We compassionately heal, or comfort others.

THE SPIRITUAL LAW OF FELLOWSHIP WITH GOD, is our Sisterhood-Brotherhood here is a reflection of our RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD. (As above, so below, or, as without, so within. Laws given by Enoch) A mirror image. We can comparison test our IDEAL AGAINST our kind, generous, loving OR NOT, relationships to focus that mirror image more clearly ON WHERE WE STAND WITH CREATIVE FORCES. (5) We compassionately heal, or comfort others.

"May we lose no opportunity to bind up the broken-hearted, to pour oil on the troubled waters, or to heed the command, 'Comfort ye my people, saith your God'". Isaiah 40:10.  (pg. 67., p. 74 ASFG Book I.)

"...So may the entity, with the spirit of God through the power of the Christ Consciousness, come to know--in every thing, in every act--that love that may pass all understandings.  For as to others it may be as a myth, as a dream, as a thing hoped for, but to this body, to this entity, to this soul, who has tasted of the joys of the personal contact with those influences within the Soul, it may come to be His power working within.  255-12 " Cayce PR

Giving of our life's energy, as spiritually created beings, we can use our own life energy to transform our attitudes or consciousness about a person or troubled relationship.  In so doing, we can make LOVE a living thing (similar to Joshua's declaration to worship  "...THE LIVING GOD," or Jesus years of giving his life to "LOVING SERVICE", and finally total sacrifice."

As spiritually created beings we can also use our ability to transform energy "to be like a bridge," to assist one in need of healing to make that required according to Cayce, contact with the Divine for any and "...all healing."  Thurston noticed the implication of this assistance in healing, in two stories of Jesus healings, told by Matthew.

Getting out of the boat in Nazareth, people presented him with a paralyzed man laying on his bed. Seeing their faith, Jesus told the paralytic, "...Take heart, my son; your sins are forgiven."  (Matt.9:1-2)

A centurion felt unworthy to have so great a Rabi come to his home.  He explained to Jesus he was both under and in authority over his men and his slave. He was accustomed to them doing what he asked of them and confident if Jesus spoke his servant's healing aloud, his servant would be healed. Jesus told his followers he had not previously found such tremendous faith in all of Israel. To the centurion "... Jesus said, 'Go; be it done for you as you have believed.' And the servant was healed at that very moment."  (Matt. 8:5-13)

"We must see that our fellowship is able to stand the test in every trial..." ASFG p. 70, or 77.

Do you agree with Thurston that "Modern man is afraid to be alone?" Being alone is a great tremendous trial necessary to develop a personal relationship to God.  Carl Jung described this required aloneness differently. In order to fulfill his duty as a doctor "... to help his patient to cope with life--  ...the highest and most decisive experience of all, to be alone with his own self, ...The patient must be alone if he is to find out what it is that supports him when he can no longer support himself. ONLY THIS EXPERIENCE CAN GIVE HIM AN INDESTRUCTIBLE FOUNDATION." (Jung, Collected works. Vol. 12, pp. 27-28)

" the inevitable transmutation in thought, and character, and particularly in the midst of the quest for spiritual insight and spiritual understanding, we must often let go of others, and they must let go of us. friends (will be) continually coming into the wave length of your need, keep a corner of your heart for the DIVINE LONELINESS and be careful NOT TO FILL IT for the sake of ASSUAGING THE PAIN OF GROWTH. The deepest manifestation of love is LOVE ABOVE THE LONELINESS,..." and finally we learned, four sources agree, our relationship with Creative Forces must pass the great test of aloneness. (Plus some examples outside our lesson:  Jesus' 40 days in wilderness, Reiki healing method without healer giving away own energy received by Dr. Usui in alone time on Holy Mountain in Japan, Buddha in forest, etc.)

In Loving Oneness of Brotherhood, Sisterhood,

Sylvia Raye

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