Monday, November 27, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 11/27/23

Leader: Eric

Five Cayce students practiced cleansing before meditation last week and recounted their efforts at the beginning of the meeting. In the Essential Edgar Cayce book, we read the reading on meditation and prayer, and will start the section “The Psychology of Dreams” on page 122 next week. We will keep the practice of cleansing prior to meditation this next week.

Experiment: First, cleanse the room; cleanse the body; cleanse the surroundings, in thought, in act! Approach not the inner man, or the inner self, with a grudge or an unkind thought held against any man!

Monday, November 20, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 11/20/23

Leader: Eric
Five steadfast Cayce aficionados reviewed how we tried to overlook the faults of others as part of our experiment last week. In the Essential Edgar Cayce book, we delved into the meditation section, stopping in the reading on page 118. Our group meditation was done to the frequency of 963 Hz.
Before meditating this week, concentrate on cleansing, either physically or through the imagination.

Monday, November 13, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 11/13/23

Leader: Eric
Four faithful followers read through the reading starting on page 108 in the Essential Edgar Cayce book. We ended up on page 111 at the section “The Transformative Power of Meditation.”
Try to overlook the faults you might see in others this week (as He did). If you have difficulty with this, refer to the fruits of the spirit—love, patience, mercy, long-suffering, kindness, and gentleness.

Monday, November 6, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 11/6/23

Leader: Eric
Four followers read up to page 108 in the Essential Edgar Cayce book. We were joined by one more individual during meditation. Our reading continued to discuss the concepts of personality and individuality and the importance of spiritual ideals.
Knowing your spiritual ideal, or trying a new ideal, work purposefully this week to build upon that ideal.