Tuesday, April 28, 2020

A.R.E. Meeting for 4/27/20

We Zoomed in to our meeting tonight, again. The expectation is we will be doing so for a while yet as we continue to be under restrictions from meeting together in public, and I'm in the "safer at home" volunteer quarantine yet. Tonight during our check-in we had good news that one Colorado Springs nursing home resident infected with Covid-19 is doing well recovering and did not succumb to the contagious virus as most infected seniors in care seem to!

We discussed our experiments and how they went, in addition to our reading from Herb Puryear's The Edgar Cayce Primer, on Prayer, and Prayer and Meditation pages. This week we will choose an experiment individually from this week's between meetings reading:  How does Prayer work?, page 152 and ends 3/4 of the way down page 155.

Our next scheduled meeting is Monday May 4th @ 7 p. m. on Zoom at the same zoom address, same password.

Tonight was our last meeting in April. John is on our schedule to lead our meetings in the month of May.

Prayers of Protection and blessings,
Sylvia Raye

Monday, April 20, 2020

A.R.E. Meeting for 4/20/20

Our second meeting on Zoom was better with more of us accustomed somewhat to this electronic format. It was so nice to be together again, and to hear and  see each other's faces, and to renew our long standing friendships thanks to the wonderful advancements in electronics and Zoom for meetings. We took time to check in about how things are going. There are many positive effects along with all the negatives of a pandemic.

We decided that we'll mute all microphones to do our unison prayers. The sound does not go from microphone to microphone at the same time it is spoken. That is an improvement to look forward to.

For next week we will read on our own from The Edgar Cayce Primer, the first four pages of chapter 18, Prayer to the bottom of page 151. We will be prepared to discuss it.

For our experiment we will pray with intention of reaching full attunement. We want to pray for multiple concerns related to the Coronavirus: the seemingly uncooperative people gathering to protest our protective quarantine, our service workers growing our food, stocking and delivering our groceries, and all workers at risk because they must be out at work in public or close quarters. 

Until next week,
Blessings and protection for us all.
Sylvia Raye

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

A.R.E. Meeting for 4/13/20

Hello dear Friends,

We held our first meeting via zoom tonight. It is a learning experience for us. We had challenges with broadband width, flickering pics at times, and lost bits of sound at other times. And we are in good company city wide and country wide. All of us are in Zoom together as well.

But we were able to meet! Without zoom we would have had to stay home off of the potentially slick, icy roads and challenging visibility while it's snowing here all night! As well as our Shelter in Place law of protection during this Covid-19 Pandemic. So we did succeed in overcoming two of our obstacles to meeting.

It was good to break our isolation, check in, to just see each other's faces and hear our voices as well. So many of us are feeling depressed and grieved at losses of daily contacts, the countless losses and griefs these changes have brought up upon us.

We discussed how we are being affected, what we are doing.  We discussed some dreams.

We discussed giving additional donations as per our letters on the ARE Crisis Relief Fund from ARE. When Kevin Todeshi last spoke in Denver years back, he said the ARE needed $20 thousand everyday to just keep the doors open.  So now the ARE is experiencing big losses financially due to the seminars and programs cancelled. ARE staff is feeling badly about all the employees they have had to let go. To keep the doors open and keep doing as much as they are doing electronically, they are asking us to see how much can we give as keepers of the light!

So I'm trusting we all value how much ARE has enriched our lives and are motivated to give additional amounts accordingly now. And support them with membership renewals and bookstore purchases.

Our Experiment is to reflect upon the Gratitude we are feeling about the positive results of the Shelter in Place for an undefined length of time the situation has brought about. For example, New Yorkers opening up their windows and cheering all their life risking heroic heath workers, the joy created and spread by people of Italy singing on their balconies, entertainers performing from their homes and posting on social media their vibration raising, morale boosting happiness to be singing for us. So this week our experiment is to write Our Gratitude List.

We are continuing to pray for each other. And for Bill Mays, now back at home from the hospital, for Dr. Chuck, Dr. Michelle, Monica, Chaplain Rev. Jim White, home alone 14 year old David, Sarah as they continue their work out among people they serve.

Those unable to attend tonight were missed. 

Remember: We have a Zoom meeting next Monday at 7:00 pm and will meet, icy streets, pandemic, or not.

I am GRATEFUL for EACH ONE of you. Your presence, participation, contributions to our discussions have been significant in our mental, physical, and spiritual growth. Not to mention spreading and holding the Light brightly across our city. And all the people and countries it has touched internationally with Greg's blogspot of many years. Thank you all.

Sylvia Raye