Tuesday, May 10, 2016

A.R.E. Meeting for 5/9/16

Minutes by Cindi:

Search for God I--we read up to pg. 14 (in my book), IV. The Forces.
Experiment Book I--read up to pg. 10.
Out experiment this week:
Take time at the end of each day to write down that which you thought, did, or experienced during the past 24 hours which you feel was especially valuable.
At the end of the week you will likely see certain patterns in what you've recorded.  These patterns or recurrent themes will likely give you to the ideal you are living.  If it doesn't measure up to the highest that you know, it may be time to specify a spiritual ideal more in keeping with the direction in which you want you life to unfold.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

A.R.E. Meeting for 5/2/16

Minutes from Cindi:

We read in SFG Book I up to page 8 (in my edition), starting next week at The Mental Body.

Our experiment this week is:
At the beginning of each meditation period take a few moments to become aware that there is consciousness within each cell of your body.  Suggest to or ask your body to join the mind and spirit in this period of seeking.