Monday, November 30, 2009

A.R.E. Meeting for 11/30/09

Leader: Eric
Reader: Nancy

We started Lesson XI "The Lord Thy God is One," and made it to the section "The At-onement Through Jesus, the Christ."

Our experiment is:
In your daily meditation periods try to use distractions to take you deeper into a oneness with the meaning of your affirmation. Use each distraction as a gift. Have the attitude that says of each distracting thought, 'Here is another great opportunity for me to bring some part of my life into the awareness of the oneness.'

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Arizona A.R.E Blog

I found another A.R.E. blog. This one is from Arizona. Someone there is taking on the task of putting the Search for God readings (262 series) into everyday English. So far I see the first two readings are done. Here is their intent:
I’ve begun rendering the Search for God readings, the 262 series, into plain English. I hope they help your appreciation of the book that is the basis of my study group in Fountain Hills, AZ, and of study groups everywhere.

Monday, November 23, 2009

A.R.E. Meeting for 11/23/09

Leader: Eric
Reader: Greg

Lesson X (10) is history. Next week we start Lesson XI: The Lord Thy God is One.

Our experiment is the last one in "The Cross and the Crown" chapter, and one that goes well with the week of Thanksgiving:
Look for joy in living. Express joy in dealing with others. Live with an attitude of enjoyment of being alive in this place and in this special time in man's spiritual evolution.

Monday, November 16, 2009

A.R.E. Meeting for 11/16/09

Leader: Eric
Reader: Eric

We are still in "The Cross and the Crown" chapter, having read three more sections. We will start on the section "Does the life lived according to our own faith, our own understanding, and our own walking in His presence explain why each soul must bear a cross?" Wow, that is some title.

For our experiment, Eric says to do one that calls to you. But a few of us settled on this one:
Select and write down one cross in your life. Then consider how the Master would take up that cross and move with it. How would He act out in materiality His acceptance of that situation? Write down you answers to this question. For at least a week try to live and act the way He would towards this situation.

Monday, November 9, 2009

A.R.E. Meeting for 11/9/09

Leader: Eric
Reader: Sylvia

We read the first two sections in "The Cross and the Crown" chapter. We will start on the section "Why was it necessary that He, the Maker of heaven and earth, should bear the cross?"

For our experiment we have a choice of two. Cindi recommends reading the experiments book to decide which one you want to do:
"Select a person with whom you feel you share a common ideal or a common spiritual perspective of life. Let this also be someone with whom you occasionally experience a difficulty in your relationship. Work on (1) accepting what you perceive as the shortcomings of that person, and (2) truly meeting that person as a soul. Keep a record of your experiences."
"Select one area of your life in which you are suffering (physically, emotionally, or mentally). Write down the inner resources which might be available to you which would aid in overcoming this condition. Consider each day the possibility that you are suffering so that you will become obedient to the Christ's awareness that these qualities are within you. Affirm each day in prayer and meditation that the needed inner resources are becoming available to you."

Monday, November 2, 2009

A.R.E. Meeting for 11/2/09

Leader: Greg (for Eric)
Reader: Greg

We finished the chapter "In His Presence." Next week we will start the chapter "The Cross and the Crown."

For our experiment:
Whenever you find yourself talking about another person, speak as if God and the soul of that person were present in that place at that moment.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Your Personal Mission Statement

Here is a short five-minute video from Mark Thurston and the A.R.E. on writing a mission statement for your life. They mention three steps:

1. Clarify the core value in your life (your spiritual ideal).
2. Identify your four or five most prominent talents, abilities, and strengths.
3. Choose how to word your mission statement. This gives you focus, not only for an occupation, but for the way you meet any new situation.