Monday, December 18, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 12/18/23

Leader: Sylvia
Four followers celebrated the season by discussing how eating is affected by our physical and mental bodies. In the Essential Edgar Cayce book, we started the section on “Physical Fitness” and read through Reading 341-13. We are now up to page 155, “The Workshop of Marriage.”
Experiment: This is a three-part experiment that will take us to our next meeting.

Part 1. In the week leading up to Christmas, reflect on how our activities should be balanced physically and mentally concerning our diet. See what you eat doing what you want it to do.

Part 2. We know that the days before Christmas through the New Year make us susceptible to overindulging. If this happens, try to physically compensate for the extra calories (e.g., exercise), and mentally understand the reason for the excess. With this understanding, accept that we had a reason (e.g., celebrating with loved ones) and will make amends as we are able.

Part 3. With the holidays behind us, and while making resolutions for the new year, use the diet to help us become more perfect channels for the manifestations of God. Our body is our temple.

Monday, December 11, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 12/11/23

Leader: Sylvia
Four followers in fellowship revealed the dreams they had during the week. In the Essential Edgar Cayce book, we started Chapter Three (Healthy Living) and read to the end of the first reading on page 147. Next week we will begin the section “Physical Fitness.”
Attempt to see in every person the qualities that we worship in our Maker.

Friday, December 8, 2023

The Unseen Forces, Beings, and the War Between Light and Dark

by John Van Auken, excerpt from John Van Auken’s Ancient Mystery Column from the Oct-Dec 2014 issue of Venture Inward magazine

With a new age of enlightenment fast coming upon us, we need to learn and apply the influences of what 72 of Edgar Cayce’s discourses call, "the unseen forces." These readings describe the unseen forces as "a consciousness of that divine force that emanates in Life itself in this material plane." ( Edgar Cayce Reading 281-7, my emphasis)

According to these discourses, the unseen forces are more powerful than the seen, or what some call reality. (Edgar Cayce Reading 262-8) The laws and physics of material reality are, according to the readings, the result, not the cause or source of our situations or abilities. All projected life in this world comes from unseen influences within, not without.

Even human weaknesses and evil are a result of the misuse of free will, a misuse that began in the spirit and mind, long before material life even began. The implication here is that all outer influences, whether they are good or evil, emanate from the unseen realms of spirit and mind.

Cayce’s readings acknowledge the "warring" that occurs within us and between the unseen realms and the seen. (281-7) His readings even call this war the true Armageddon, a battle between the influences entering the earth plane and those being forced out of it. (3976-15)

Even the light-bearing souls struggle against dark forces within themselves to maintain their hold on the Light. It is difficult to be pure channels of the Light in this life, in our families and workplaces, even in our own hearts and minds. It is a terrible battle, a war of selfishness and darkness against loving care for others and the light of truth, hope, and love.

Cayce’s readings warn the Children of God, the Children of the Law of One (as he often referred to them), to seek and maintain their awareness of the divine forces, for these will protect them from dark intentions of others and from the weaknesses within themselves. "As has been given, and as experienced by many, in opening self to the unseen forces about us, yet warred ever by those influences save when in the presence of His influence, then as the forces are raised in self know—without doubt—there are His protecting influences, able, willing, capable, and will aid in that direction in which such vibrations, such influences, are raised to those individuals to whom they be directed, even by the spoken word; for, as is seen, as is understood by many, by most, that the unseen forces are the active forces, the active principles." (281-7)

In order to avoid the subtle, insidious influence of evil and selfishness, even the best among us must seek the protection and assistance of the divine influence, that consciousness of the divine with us. "The spirit is indeed willing, but the flesh is weak," taught Jesus Christ, who faced Satan’s temptations and walked away. (Matthew 26:41 and Mark 1:3) And when we fail to maintain our mindfulness of the divine and the higher bodily vibrations of the divine awakened within us, we must get up and try again, never condemning ourselves or limiting the divine’s ability to redeem us, to cleanse us and make us stronger.

Cayce’s reading: "Be not faint hearted because failure seems to be in thy way, or that self falters—but "how many times shall I forgive, or ask forgiveness—seven times?" "Yea, seventy times seven!" or, "not how I faltered, but did I seek His face again?" "Could ye not watch with me one hour?" The man crying out! "Sleep on, now, and take thy rest, for the hour cometh when I shall be even alone." So we find the changes, the weaknesses in the flesh—yet he that seeks shall find, and as oft as ye knock will the answer come. Seek to be one with Him, in body, in mind, in soul!" (281-7)

Life is a challenge. It is a dance between self-centeredness and a cooperative self that is aware of and seeking the Creative Forces, the Good Forces, and a love for all.

Monday, December 4, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 12/4/23

Leader: Sylvia
Five studious students recalled how they worked with the experiment on cleansing and not carrying an unkind thought into meditation. In the Essential Edgar Cayce book, we read the section “The Psychology of Dreams” and the five interpretation strategies. We will start Chapter Three next week on page 137.
Bring a dream to the next meeting.

Monday, November 27, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 11/27/23

Leader: Eric

Five Cayce students practiced cleansing before meditation last week and recounted their efforts at the beginning of the meeting. In the Essential Edgar Cayce book, we read the reading on meditation and prayer, and will start the section “The Psychology of Dreams” on page 122 next week. We will keep the practice of cleansing prior to meditation this next week.

Experiment: First, cleanse the room; cleanse the body; cleanse the surroundings, in thought, in act! Approach not the inner man, or the inner self, with a grudge or an unkind thought held against any man!

Monday, November 20, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 11/20/23

Leader: Eric
Five steadfast Cayce aficionados reviewed how we tried to overlook the faults of others as part of our experiment last week. In the Essential Edgar Cayce book, we delved into the meditation section, stopping in the reading on page 118. Our group meditation was done to the frequency of 963 Hz.
Before meditating this week, concentrate on cleansing, either physically or through the imagination.

Monday, November 13, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 11/13/23

Leader: Eric
Four faithful followers read through the reading starting on page 108 in the Essential Edgar Cayce book. We ended up on page 111 at the section “The Transformative Power of Meditation.”
Try to overlook the faults you might see in others this week (as He did). If you have difficulty with this, refer to the fruits of the spirit—love, patience, mercy, long-suffering, kindness, and gentleness.

Monday, November 6, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 11/6/23

Leader: Eric
Four followers read up to page 108 in the Essential Edgar Cayce book. We were joined by one more individual during meditation. Our reading continued to discuss the concepts of personality and individuality and the importance of spiritual ideals.
Knowing your spiritual ideal, or trying a new ideal, work purposefully this week to build upon that ideal.

Monday, October 30, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 10/30/23

Leader: Cindi
The Holy Five started Chapter 2, “The Psychology of the Soul and Spirit,” in the Essential Edgar Cayce book. We discussed personality and individuality and read up to the reading on page 101.
Experiment: Work with your individuality, or your higher self, to discover and apply our purpose daily. This can be done with meditation and prayer. Personality is concerned with “our own needs” while individuality is concerned with “the greater good” and honors the “needs of others.”

Monday, October 23, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 10/23/23

Leader: Cindi
The inquisitive quintuplets met, but changed the format of the meeting for the night. After discussing the experiment for the week, the topic changed to Kryon. We watched a 29-minute video called “Disabling Darkness,” and followed it with discussion.
Force yourself to do some unpleasant things that you haven’t wanted to do once in a while, and like it!

Monday, October 16, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 10/16/23

Leader: Cindi

An inquiring quintet met this week to finish Chapter 1 of The Essential Edgar Cayce book. This week was the discussion of good and evil. We are up to page 97 and ready to begin Chapter 2 (The Psychology of the Soul and Spirit) next week.
We are already aware of what it means to work towards the light. This week, be aware of what we are actually doing, so that we can make progress and not regress.

Monday, October 9, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 10/9/23

Leader: Cindi
The Holy Five met again to finish the reading in the Philosophy chapter of The Essential Edgar Cayce book. We are up to page 88.
Use Him (Jesus) as the Ideal this week. Think how He was sociable, loving, tired, yet strong by that power in Christ. Attempt to follow the fruits of the spirit.

Monday, October 2, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 10/2/23

Leader: Cindi
A quintuple of Cayce enthusiasts started the meeting with a discussion of ideals, followed by revealing why each meditated.  Afterwards, we continued in the Philosophy chapter of The Essential Edgar Cayce book. We are in the first reading and up to page 83.
Goals are the “what” and ideals are the “why.” This week we should use our ideal to consciously become aware of the reasons we react as we do.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 9/25/23

Minutes by Cindi: 

Leader: John
Reader: Eric
Leader Next Week: Cindi

We read up to the Reading on page 80. We found the final paragraph to be thought provoking:
"The passage reminds us of Gandhi’s famous warning: “Be on guard against science without humanity, politics without principle, knowledge without character, wealth without work, commerce without morality, pleasure without consciousness, and work without sacrifice.” Edgar Cayce seems to be speaking in the same spirit: Don’t collect knowledge of higher matters unless you also have the idealism and the will to put them into practice. Don’t explore the mysteries of philosophy and psychology unless you’re willing to surrender your own personal agenda and sacrifice your own limited goals in living. That willingness is the most telling aspect of Cayce’s or any authentic spiritual philosophy."

Experiment: As you live your life this next week, be aware of your ideals and how you can put them into practice.

A.R.E. Meeting for 9/18/23

Minutes sent by Cindi:

John was the leader.  4 were present.
We read more from The Essential Edgar Cayce, stopping at page 77--Philosophy.
Reflect on loved ones or friends who have died or been ill. 
a. What lessons have you learned from them or from experiencing their death or illness?
b. Are there ways you can incorporate into your life what they meant to you or what they stood for? (For example, my friends started a program called Will's Hope after their son's suicide.)

Monday, September 11, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 9/11/23

Leader: John
A trio of Cayce addicts finally began Chapter 1 of The Essential Edgar Cayce book. We read up to the Reading on page 70.
Our experiment came from page 69, where it says there is meaning in suffering.
Try to find the meaning of any suffering you have encountered or are currently experiencing. It is part of life and is unavoidable, but can serve a higher purpose, and teach us about values and ideals. It is where we are tested so that we may be open to receive the reassuring, healing grace of the Divine.

Monday, September 4, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 9/4/23

Leader: John
Four holiday celebrants labored on in the book The Essential Edgar Cayce. We read up to page 60, “Edgar Cayce as an Agent of Personal Change.”
Our experiment was derived from page 49 (“2. Links among ideals, free will, and soul growth”).
Envision an ideal, awaken and apply the will, and soul growth will be the result.

Monday, August 28, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 8/28/23

Leader: Greg

After some adjusting to a new link, a trio of participants logged in to continue in the book The Essential Edgar Cayce. We read the last four of the twelve key themes of the readings. We continued on to the Models and Structures section and read the first one (“Links among body, mind, and spirit). We are on page 49 of the PDF version, ready to start “2. Links among ideals, free will, and soul growth.”
We decided to keep the same experiment for next week because it went well with the last theme we read (12. Learn to stand up for yourself; learn to say no when it’s needed).
Take responsibility for your life. Whatever the issue, find the resources, internal and external to yourself, to come to a resolution. This applies also to health problems. We have to do our part in body, mind, and spirit.

Monday, August 21, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 8/21/23

Leader: Greg
Five karmic repeat offenders met to continue in the book The Essential Edgar Cayce. We read four more (five through eight) of the twelve key themes of the readings. We are on page 39 of the PDF version, ready to start “9. Success cannot be measured by material standards.”
The experiment for the week is:
Take responsibility for your life. Whatever the issue, find the resources, internal and external to yourself, to come to a resolution. This applies also to health problems. We have to do our part in body, mind, and spirit.

Monday, August 14, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 8/14/23

Leader: Greg

Five non-competitive, compassionate Cayce students met to continue in the book The Essential Edgar Cayce. We read “After Edgar Cayce’s Death,” “The Essence of the Cayce Philosophy,” and four of the twelve key themes of the readings. We are on page 33 of the PDF version, ready to start “5. Take responsibility for yourself.”
The experiment for the week is: Reflect on Oneness this week with special emphasis on acknowledging that even those we disagree with or dislike are part of the Oneness. Send light and love to them. As Reading 900-429 states: “One—One—One—One; oneness of God, oneness of man’s relation, oneness of time, oneness of purpose, oneness in every effort—oneness—oneness!

Monday, August 7, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 8/7/23

 Leader: Greg
Five favorite Cayce novitiates met to begin a new chapter and a new book. In the book The Essential Edgar Cayce, we read the Introduction and the section “The Life of an Intuitive Healer.” We are on page 25 of the PDF version, ready to start “After Edgar Cayce’s Death.”
The experiment for the week is:
Help the world achieve a higher vibration by raising ours. Work on your ideal (oneness, joy, peace, etc.) this week and feel gratitude of being able to bring happiness to ourselves and others.

Monday, July 31, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 7/31/23

Leader: June
Six selfless souls finished Book III during significant rain and hail. Next week we will begin our study with “The Essential Edgar Cayce.” Please reach out if you need a copy of the book. Our experiment for the week is:
Experiment: Meditate this week and send out the energy of hope for complete world peace, so that what we are experiencing now will be the last war. 

Monday, July 24, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 7/24/23

Leader: June
Five Cayce followers met to continue the last chapter of Book III (This Day Choose Thou). We read the sections “Choice is Determined Through the Exercise of Will,” “Life is Determined Through the Elements of Choice,” “Now is the Acceptable Time,” with subsections “Procrastination Builds Karma, “The World Needs People Who Are Unafraid,” and “The Field is Ready.” Our experiment is:
Choose to be more selfless each day. Practice more love and humility. Avoid selfishness (personal glory), advancement, self-aggrandizement (power), self-promotion (gain in wealth, etc.), and knowledge for the sake of ego (to be exalted).

Monday, July 17, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 7/17/23

Leader: June

Five discerning choosers met to start the last chapter of Book III (This Day Choose Thou). We read the Introduction and the section named “Choice Shows Growth—Physical, Mental, Spiritual). We channeled the following experiment:

Experiment: Be aware of your choices day-by-day because they are a sign of our growth—mentally, physically, spiritually. “Be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only” is an expression showing the result of choice.

Monday, July 10, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 7/10/23

Leader: June

Six sincere spirits finished Chapter III (Man’s Relationship to Man) from the SFG Book III. Thanks to Cindi for keeping the meeting going when Zoom imposed a 10-minute wait before we could resume the meeting. The experiment for the week came from the last paragraph of page 34:

Experiment: Children of the promise must always look for the God-like qualities of Christ in their fellow man. As we learn to do this, more and more flaws in our brother will fade away, and we will behold only that which is Good.

Monday, July 3, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 7/3/23

Leader: June

Six proponents for the Cayce teachings read from the SFG Book III in Chapter III (Man’s Relationship to Man). We continued to read from the section titled “The Growth of Man’s Relationship to Man.” The experiment for the week came from page 31, and is:

Experiment: So live the life as He emulated in the earth, that ye radiate life, joy, peace! that which casteth out fear—by living, by being, by doing unto others, for others, that ye would like others to do unto you.

Monday, June 26, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 6/26/23

Leader: Sylvia
Five disciplined disciples read from the SFG Book III in Chapter III (Man’s Relationship to Man). We read half the section titled “The Growth of Man’s Relationship to Man.” The experiment for the week came from page 29, and is:
Experiment: Follow the admonition from our Master, to love our enemies, and love them who despitefully use you and persecute you.
The leader next month is June.

Monday, June 19, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 6/19/23

Leader: Sylvia
Five advanced students read Section III in Book III in Chapter III (Man’s Relationship to Man). The section was titled, “Our Daily Life a Witness of Our Relationship to Man, Our Relationship to God.” The experiment for the week is:
Experiment: The Lord loveth those who put their trust wholly in Him (page 27).” In the attitude of our mind, put away hates, malice, anxiety, and jealousy, and instead, use the fruits of the spirit—love, patience, mercy, and long-suffering. Using the fruits should break down barriers, and bring peace and harmony.

Monday, June 12, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 6/12/23

Leader: Sylvia
Only three students attended this week, so we did not continue with reading from the SFG book. Eric had some dreams and synchronicities to share and then we went right into meditation. Since the ARE Congress is in session, we watched a presentation by JP Amonte on nutrition, but were only able to get through about half of the 2-hour and 50-minute presentation. We can keep the same experiment for next week.
Experiment: We are all one, in different stages of enlightenment. Let us be an example to those we meet in the coming week, not judging, but attempting to understand where each is coming from.

Monday, June 5, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 6/5/23

Leader: Sylvia

Six consciousnesses gathered after a week off and contributed their stories of “giving” for the experiment. We started reading the “Man’s Relationship to Man” chapter and covered the Introduction and “The Brotherhood of Man” sections. As everyone contributed to the experiment, we came up with:

Experiment: We are all one, in different stages of enlightenment. Let us be an example to those we meet in the coming week, not judging, but attempting to understand where each is coming from.

Monday, May 22, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 5/22/23

Leader: Eric

Five Cayce practitioners met to work on Man’s Relationship to Man in Book III. After discussing our experiments for last week, we watched the video on that topic at and reached the 16:00 minute mark. Our experiment is based on one of the slides.

Experiment: Let us apply the Law of Love by “giving” of ourselves to those around us. Love your neighbor as yourself.

There will be no meeting on Memorial Day (next Monday).

Monday, May 15, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 5/15/23

Leader: Eric
Six seekers of joy reconvened to conclude the chapter on God-Love-Man in Book III. We quickly agreed on the following experiment for the coming week.
Let us keep our hearts, minds, and purposes attuned to that voice within; knowing that our body is indeed the temple of the living God. There is our altar, where He promises to meet us.

Monday, May 8, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 5/8/23

Leader: Eric

Six seekers of God were drawn together to join the world in knowing that God is its father. In the God-Love-Man chapter of Book III, we read the sections on “The World’s Greatest Lesson” and “The New Age.” From our inputs, I believe we boiled our experiment down to this one:
Experiment: Our light cannot be put out if we seek the face of God. This week, seek God, by trying to attune ourselves to Him and His light, in ways (prayer, meditation, or actions) that might give us a better understanding of what is expected of us.

Monday, May 1, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 5/1/23

Leader: Eric
Six seekers summoned ChatGPT to help provide some answers during our time studying God-Man-Love. We also read the sections on “Love” and “Man’s Love for God.” Two experiments were created:
Experiment 1: As we hear people blaming others for anything during the week (for example, politicians), say a prayer for both those being blamed and those doing the blaming.
Experiment 2:
Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and all things will be added unto you. We must forget self and live the fruits of the spirit in praise, thanksgiving, and service to others.

Monday, April 24, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 4/24/23

Leader: Greg (for Cindi)

Five developing energies gathered to study more on God-Love-Man from Book III. Our experiments brought out much discussion on dogs and diet. We finished the video on God-Love-Man that we had been watching, and there was a parallel between the video and our book on the Comforter (Holy Ghost). The disciples of Jesus did not want him to go, because they wanted him to stay and continue to answer their questions. They did not realize that they had the capability to find answers if they would only look within. This was also mentioned in the one section we read: “God’s Love for Man.” So our experiment is:

Experiment: Be aware that the Comforter (Holy Ghost) is always with us and meets us in the Holy of holies. Go within (reflection, meditation, and prayer) this next week when you have a need for an answer.

Monday, April 17, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 4/17/23

Leader: Cindi
Six energy beings continued their study of God-Love-Man in Book III. We continued watching the YouTube video ( and are up to the 1 hour and 5-minute mark. We then went on to read the first two sections of the book, which were the “Introduction” and “God.”
We came up with the following experiment for the week, based on the last sentence on page 13:
Experiment: As we come across hardships, fears, and drama during the week, do not consider these as being negatives, but as opportunities and stepping stones for growth.

Monday, April 10, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 4/10/23

Leader: Cindi

Four seeking souls began the Book III chapter on Love-God-Man. We started with a video on this lesson, where we saw two interesting quotes:
Quote 1: If only our eyes saw souls instead of bodies how very different our ideals of beauty would be.
Quote 2: If we could look into each other's hearts and understand the unique challenges each of us faces, I think we would treat each other much more gently, with more love, patience, tolerance, and care. -Marvin J Ashton.

We left the YouTube video ( at the 38-minute mark. We then read the two readings (262-129 and 262-130) that were given for this chapter.

From the first quote above, we came up with an experiment for the week:

During the week, try to see those we interact with as a soul, as God would see them. Does it change our interaction with those we meet?

Monday, April 3, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 4/3/23

Leader: Cindi

Only three were present for our meeting, but the force was great with us. We finished the chapter on “Righteousness vs Sin.” One part we read was about how we determine whether we are doing right, like Paul persecuting the Christians. “…when we are called into service and there is sincerity toward the Ideal, we will be shown, will be awakened, will be aware of God’s purpose with us even as Paul was.” The experiment is:
Experiment: Use opportunities during the week to be of service to others while applying our Ideals with sincerity. It is the “try” that is often counted as righteousness. In that way, if there is any doubt, we should be shown what we are doing is correct.

Monday, March 27, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 3/27/23

Leader: John

All six revelers were present to talk about right and wrong. Cindi got us started with her experiences during the last week, and many commented on similar experiences and their effect. Everyone took time to expound on the experiment on how we have come to know what is right and wrong. We read the section “God’s Purposes for Us.” The experiment for this coming week is:

Experiment: Be aware when we are rekindling the flame in the heart of others.

Monday, March 20, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 3/20/23

Leader: John
Four selfless Cayce followers reported on their experiments from last week and we had a brief discussion of novenas for St Joseph (March 19th was St Joseph Day). John brought up “solfeggio” frequencies from which to meditate, so we held a 20-minute meditation at 528 Hz. Afterwards, we started reading out of A Search for God, Book III, and went through the “Introduction,” “What is Righteousness/What is Sin?,” and “There is a Way.” The experiment for this week is:
Experiment: Reflect on our standards of right and wrong. Do we ever go by our own standards without consideration of others, or do we use Christ as a standard by which to act? Do we act in regard to others as we would have them act toward us?

Monday, March 13, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 3/13/23

Leader: John

Five faithful Cayce followers read through the last three readings that pertained to “Righteousness vs Sin.” Next week we should be ready to tackle this lesson at the start of Book III. The experiment for this week is:

Experiment: Remember that Jesus careth for us, so don’t let your heart be troubled. If we would think about this during the trials of each day, we need not have fear or doubt. And as we know Christ careth for us, do with thy might what thy hands find to do day by day.

Monday, March 6, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 3/6/23

Leader: John

Six aware students continued their study into understanding righteousness (and not sin). We read reading 262-126, and came up with two experiments.

Experiment 1: Be consciously aware and in at-onement with your ideal so as to be in a righteous state. Also be aware of any deviation from that ideal, because that would constitute a sin.

Experiment 2: Don’t be lazy and put off what our consciousness directs us to do today. Apply yourself directly and sincerely. Remember that trying counts as righteousness.

Monday, February 27, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 2/27/23

Leader: Greg
Five perfect students continued their study into righteousness. He said, “Be ye PERFECT, even as my Father in heaven is perfect.” We finished our reading of 262-125 and will begin next week with 262-126.
Experiment: Set a daily intent for yourself to be perfect. Ask God to guide you on this path of perfection.

Monday, February 20, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 2/20/23

Leader: Greg

Five seekers spent the evening of President’s Day starting a new chapter on Righteousness vs Sin. We read from the readings, beginning with 262-124 where we learned about the crystallization of consciousness by Spirit. We also had considerable discussion on the quote “Except your righteousness exceed that of the self-righteous, ye shall all likewise perish.” We stopped at Reading 126-125, paragraph 11. There were two experiments developed for this week. 

Experiment 1: Reflect during the week of times when we are being self-righteous and letting our ego get the best of us. Bring it to mind and work to become more righteous.

 Experiment 2: As He gave in prayer, “As I ask forgiveness, so I forgive others,” work on forgiving ourselves for misdeeds and forgiving and showing mercy to others.

Monday, February 13, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 2/13/23

Leader: Greg

Six graduates of Book II, having finished reading the Spirit chapter last week, read a summary of the chapter in the SFG: The Source Materials book, and went over the last experiment: 

Experiment: Put concern and love for people first in your life. Try being with people and really enjoying their company and the sharing and love which is possible in being together.

Monday, February 6, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 2/6/23

Leader: Greg
Five fabulous initiates are near graduating from Book II of the Search for God. We finished reading our last chapter on Spirit. We have two experiments to consider for next week:
Experiment 1: Observe how you think and speak about this country and its leaders. Take responsibility yourself for living more fully some of the ideals upon which the nation was founded.
Experiment 2: Take note of what your energy levels have tended to be like for the last few weeks. Then try to spend a little more time each day (perhaps only 30 minutes) in sincere and loving service to someone. Observe whether or not this new activity seems to (a) drain energy, (b) create new energy but still not drain any, or (c) reenergize you, renew and rest you.

Monday, January 30, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 1/30/23

Leader: June

All six were guided by June through the ritual of reciting our weekly experiments, reading the SFG book, and doing a meditation. In the Spirit chapter of the SFG book we read the sections “Time, Space and Patience” and “Self the Barrier.” The next two experiments are:

Experiment 1: Pick one group of which you are a member. Do your part to apply the three ingredients of fostering trans-individual group consciousness (common ideal, harmony, and working together).

 Experiment 2: Use the first few minutes of each new day to get started with the right consciousness.

Monday, January 23, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 1/23/23

Leader: June

Three held down the fort while we waited for a fourth to form our quartet. After discussing our experiment, we listened to a Cayce video on spirit. We did not read from the red book, but read two experiments.

 Experiment 1: Remember each day that growth toward God can happen in whatever state or mood you find yourself. When you feel down, revise your expectations for yourself. Keep your efforts pointed in the direction of your idea, but take smaller steps.

  Experiment 2: Make it a discipline as many times as you can throughout the day to remember your real self. Take note of your free will. Continually try to move yourself from living as if you were in a dream to living as if you were truly conscious.

Monday, January 16, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 1/16/23

Leader: June
Six somewhat litigious souls met to continue our journey into the chapter on Spirit. We read the section on “God’s Projection.” Our experiment for the week is:
Experiment: Whom have you made into a god in your life? For each person you can name, write down what single emotional reaction you have upon seeing or thinking about that person. Try exploring some different ways of reacting to each of those individuals. Rediscover that there really is just one force, although there are many ways you can use it in that relationship.

Monday, January 9, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 1/9/23

Leader: June

Six of the Cayce crowd started the last chapter in Book II on “Spirit.” John is still experiencing video problems and had to drop from our Zoom call. We read the “Introduction,” “In the Beginning,” and “Man’s Projection.” We discussed going to Book III when we finish this last chapter. Our experiment for the week is:

Experiment: Be alert for signs of the spirit of our changing times. Try to act and think in such a way that you cooperate with and help to build a new world. Be especially aware of how to talk to others about the challenges and difficulties of the times. Let your words bespeak the consciousness of hope.

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Finding and Living Your Purpose


From a blog post by Cindy Griffith-Bennett titled "Using Ideals to Find Your Purpose" dated 7 December 2018.


  1. Think of someone you respectThey don’t have to be alive, you don’t need to have known them or even met them. The person could be a character in a book or comic strip.
  2. Think about why you respect him or herI think of my sister Gray and her Husband John and how they moved their family for three years from Australia to the USA just to help my parents. I also respect Jesus because he was kind to people that others judged as bad.
  3. Make a list of the qualities you respect. The qualities you respect in others are the qualities that resonate with you.
  4. These qualities are a part of your purposeSo, in my example, I would see part of my purpose being “Family” and “Kindness.”

Okay, so now that you have your purpose, how can you start living it? Since Ideals and Purpose are aligned, here is what Edgar Cayce recommended to help you implement your Ideals. He said that it’s important to have the right head space or mental qualities to help you live your Ideal in your life. He then recommended making a list of the actual things you can do to put your Ideal in action. So, there are two more steps in living a purpose-filled life.


  1. Think of what mental qualities might help you. I need patience when dealing with my Mom and I need mindfulness to remember to be kind.
  2. Now make a list of HOW you can put your purpose into your daily life. I daily help my Mom take care of her finances, and I practice being kind to people by finding ways every day to help people feel good about themselves.
  3. Do what is on your list, and you are well on your way to fulfilling your purpose!

Monday, January 2, 2023

A.R.E. Meeting for 1/2/23

Leader: June

Five happy students welcomed the new year and finished the chapter on Happiness. There was a discussion of friendship and we watched more of the Arizona SFG YouTube video on Happiness. Our experiment for the week is: 

Make special efforts to sow seeds of good in the lives of others. Do not be concerned whether or not you will be around to observe the results.