Tuesday, February 25, 2020

A.R.E. Meeting for 2/24/20

The swirling waves of winds of the afternoon let, and it was a pleasant cold evening when five truth seeking souls came together at Ruth Holley Library. In opening the meeting, Cindi read a short 1/2 page article from an archaeology magazine describing cave paintings preserved 44 thousand years by coatings of uranium among others, as time protectively covered over them. An unusually high entrance to the cave also provided some protection. Most unexpected is the quality of the painting demonstrating that 44 thousand years ago all the principles of art were developed and known. Cave walls displayed part animal,  part human figures, some winged, and a spiritual essence.  Group members answered the question of how they saw this discovery. Was the artist painting spiritual language with the subjects shown, something else, or possibility the reality of man and animals in those years as mythology, and Cayce described, so unbelievably for the masses of people today?

Dreams were discussed and potential messages and meanings were sought.

Cindi also lead an excellent guided meditation on love, in three aspects: Loving GOD, others, and self as written in a Mark Thurston book.

We finished reading from the Edgar Cayce Primer the final four of Herb Puryear's seven points on meditation;  the Physiology, Preparation for Meditation, the Pattern and the Power, and finally, The Promises of Meditation.

#4. In physiology, physical, mental, spiritual, and emotions challenge one to bring these as well as other elements (such as food, sounds, odors) that could work against achieving a oneness of body and mind, allowing the points of the chakras to contact the endocrine glands to stream spirit thru the mental into physical. Or, from Infinite to finite.
#5. Preparation is an ongoing, continuous activity, of caring, nurturing, and nourishing the body, energy raising positive thinking to nourish our minds, and willingness to allow meditation to effect our entire lives. The Readings recommend a prayer of protection prior to each meditation experience. 
#6. The Pattern and the Power - when we select love as our Ideal, the pattern within is selected and awakened and the CHRIST power flows through us.   
#7. The Promises of Meditation - Meditation is a way to personalize the promises of our Bibles and to claim these promises personally for ourselves.  He is there whenever we call upon him.

Remembering the purpose of meditation is to love GOD, we chose to do the above meditation for our daily experiment.
In loving service,


Tuesday, February 18, 2020

A.R.E. Meeting for 2/17/20

A chilly winter night this is, but a good night to come together for discussion, meditation, and prayers for healing each other, and also prayers for our individual concerns. Then reading and more discussion in fulfilling our purpose as a group to support and uphold each other on our spiritual journeys.
I felt such gratitude that we were comfortable, warm and indoors, that we had taken that extra bit of effort on a colder night to be there. I also felt gratitude for the experience of the group energy, the presence of which added more depth and intensity and meaning to my Individual meditation experience. And I trust this was both a group and individual experience I'm attempting to describe.
Until I was back with the group, my soul group, I hadn't realized this is what I'd been missing.

We discussed the Radiac, how it's designed, and the energy smoothing or clearing it does, and how it is needed. Staff understand, are knowledgeable in part because of doing manufacturing of health appliances at Barr, and knowledgeable because a telephone sales clerk there also reads and studies the readings. He was excited that a Cayce inhalant formula sold by Barr is not only effective for viruses, but the clerk also believed this inhalant formula could also be effective stopping the potential  Coronavirus spread. An important discovery of a Meridian Experiment is that when one of the two groups were being treated, the healing results were greater in the treated group who also performed a service.

Following meditation, we read the Primer chapter 17, points #2 and completed reading point number #3. Briefly the 7 points describing meditation are:

#1 the purpose of Meditation is to love God, not to have particular experiences
#2 for the practice of meditation, we need to find the technique that relates to the purpose of life-becoming more loving. It is not the particular technique of our meditation practice, but in response to our own seeking and quality our our desire to seek God, that we do attune to him in our practice.
#3 phenomenology: we can and do have any variety of physical and mental experiences in meditation as we open and invite the Spirit of God to flow though us and transform us. A personal transformation, unconscious and too subtle for us to see, a changed life, is the outcome of a regular meditation practice. The phenomena of popping sounds in one's head or experiencing visions in the meditation at the moment, cannot reveal the transformation over the years of a meditative practice.  We have no experiment this week.

Checking the temperature this evening I see that yes, next week, beginning Monday, 24th, is the 4th Monday in February that snow is predicted once again.

Sylvia Raye