Monday, August 31, 2020

A.R.E. Meeting for 8/31/20

Leader: Cindi

It was great to see everyone tonight.  Welcome, Kelly.
Tonight we read in The Edgar Cayce Primer, pages 211-213 in the chapter about good and evil.

Our experiment this week is to be aware of good and evil in our lives and/or note how we consciously turn away from evil.

We also discussed a group Ideal--something unattainable, but something we strive for.

We talked about striving to be aware of Oneness-with God, with each other, with all creation.  The discussion will continue next week, with Eric as the leader.

Peace and love to all,

Monday, August 24, 2020

A.R.E. Meeting for 8/24/20

Leader: Cindi

Dear Friends,
Tonight we started reading Chapter 26 in the Edgar Cayce Primer, pages 209-211, about the confusing subject of good and evil.

We decided our experiment this week was to think about and meditate on an ideal for our group.

Kelly, I'm so sorry you weren't able to join tonight.  Sometimes Zoom meetings can be very frustrating. We hope you will want to join us next week.  Look for an email from Greg later in the week.  He will send the link for you to enter the zoom meeting.

Peace and love, 

Monday, August 17, 2020

A.R.E. Meeting for 8/17/20

Leader: Cindi

It was good to see all of you, including Sylvia!

We read in The Edgar Cayce Primer from page 206 to 209, finishing chapter 25--Religion and Spirituality.

Feeling rushed in our time constraints on Zoom, we decided for our experiment this week to be loving and accepting in our thoughts and dealings with everyone, especially those who believe differently from us.

The 3 columns in the Ideals Chart that Melanie sent were:
1.  My spiritual ideal--"To Be"
2.  My mental attitudes--"To Think"
3.  My physical Activities--"To Do"

In peace and love,  Cindi

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

A.R.E. Meeting for 8/11/20

Leader: Cindi

We had 7 participants on Zoom last night. We prayed that Sylvia arrives safely in NJ and that Melanie feels better.  Also that Ana's headache improved during the meeting.  I'm sorry we forgot to ask.  Ana, good luck with your interview today.

In the book we began Chapter 25--Religion and Spirituality--and read from pgs 203 to 206.  Many of us have fallen away from the churches we grew up in.  But the readings indicate that form and structure are as important as spirit.  We saw form in our meetings, our meditation practices, yoga, etc.

We also discussed the Edgar Cayce 10-day challenge that was on Facebook about fear.  What is fear?  How can we cope with it?

For our experiment:  Be aware of your fears during the week.  In what situations do they manifest?  Note how you face your fears.  Do they hold you back?  Or are they as stepping stones?

Peace and blessings,

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Eula Allen Glossary

From the book Before the Beginning by Eula Allen (c) 1963

GOD - Spirit

SPIRIT - Creative Energy

WILL - Gift of God. Individuality

SOUL - Spirt. Mind. Will

ENTITY - Soul, with all it has experienced from its inception by God. You.

SENSES - Awareness, used and developed through mind

IDEAL - Purpose held

KARMA - That built by the ideal, good or bad. Payments or debts

SPIRITUAL BODY - That image by God. Spiritual ideal

MENTAL BODY - Result of ideal held in mind

PHYSICAL BODY - Result of mind action in matter

PHYSIC - (adj.) Pertaining to soul forces active through mind
         (noun) A sensitive. One responsive to soul forces

TIME - Man's device for measuring his experiences  

Monday, August 3, 2020

A.R.E. Meeting for 8/3/20

Leader: Cindi

Great to see everyone tonight.  Scott, we missed you.

Because Greg set up our Zoom meeting for the first time, they gave us unlimited minutes, and so we ran even longer than we would at the library.  It gave us the opportunity to talk about our lives.

We finished reading chapter 24 on Christianity and the Occult.  Next week we'll begin Religion and Spirituality.  

Our experiment for this week, if I can word it right, is:
During your prayers and meditation time, visualize love and oneness, asking to be one with God's will.

We will also flood Ana's house, as well as her new neighbor, with light and peace. And also pray for safe travel for Sylvia's daughter and son-in-law, Sarah and Jeff, starting Friday.  And later in the week, Sylvia and Sarah and Jeff will caravan back to New Jersey.

One final note.  We are coming to the end of The Edgar Cayce Primer.  When we do finish, we will go back to  A Search for God, Book I. This is a heads up for Ana to obtain this book, as well as the companion book: Experiments in a Search for God, Book I.