Monday, December 9, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 12/9/19

Leader: Greg

Four emotional seekers met to read and discuss attitudes. In the meantime, we covered topics such as banking and the money supply, abundance and lack, and our advertising in the “Life After 50” circular. Let’s wish Scott’s mom a happy 83rd birthday tomorrow.

We ended up reading the entire Chapter 15 on attitudes and emotions. That means that next week we will get into dreams in Chapter 16. I’ll bet Cindi will like that.

For an experiment this week, try to see the Christ in those we have grudges against. This is based on the material on page 129 of our primer:
“For example, we may for years have held a grudge or grievance against a certain person; however, the minute we are willing to acknowledge the Divine or to see the Christ in that person, the previously held grievance may immediately drop away. Subsequently, we find ourselves in an attitude of grace instead of karma with respect to that person or situation, and in turn our behavior toward him or that situation is completely changed; it becomes alive and creative.”

Monday, December 2, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 12/2/19

Leader: Greg

Four faithful Cayceites met to further the development of their souls. The meeting started with a discussion of keeping personal information safe with credit or debit cards and how Google is now getting into the medical records business. But we digressed, and needed to get back to the real reason for the meeting.

In the Primer, we finished the chapter on soul development, reading sections on “Personality vs Individuality,” “Awareness of the Oneness,” and “In Patience.”

Since patience is such an interesting and misunderstood topic, we decided to pull an experiment from the Patience chapter of Experiments Book I.

Experiment: This is an experiment in self-observation. Be aware of the dimensions of life which the readings call “patience.” How are you responding within yourself to things going on around you? You may frequently hide that inner response from others, and yet it is an important factor in your growth in consciousness. Each day before you go to bed take a few minutes to think back over the day and write down inner responses you had to events of the day which you did not express or allow to show (e.g., when Jane made that remark this morning, it hurt my feelings and I felt angry, but I didn’t let it show).  Indicate which of your responses were in accord with your ideals (e.g., when John said he appreciated what I had done it made me feel really good towards him and myself; such feelings are in accord with my ideals). Make an effort during the week to respond in ways consistent with your ideals, even to those situations which usually evoke a negative response.