Wednesday, September 30, 2020

A.R.E. Meeting for 9/28/20

Leader: Eric

Electronics facilitated our connection in Oneness bringing two newer seekers  along with seven seasoned seekers of sacred truth and knowledge of spiritual matters into a Zoom meeting. 

A question on why we unexpectedly meditate was opportunity for chiming in to a discussion on benefits and results of meditation, aids to, preparation for, precautions for protection and direction.

Most important for meditation is to have a purpose, an Ideal for meditation. Without the guiding protection of that, we could invite ANYTHING in. Mischievous spirits, darkness desiring to use or dominate, etc. Cayce gave a Prayer of Protection often used by meditation leaders.

Meditation prepares us mentally and emotionally for our sacred study, for praying, attunes us to the Divine for healing work. It leads us into peace, new knowledge, at times insights, answers or guidance for current challenges.

Our Meditation lesson from either ASFG book gives physical preparations, head and neck exercises, and breathing exercises. Cayce said relax the body for meditation. (He further said in other readings to do the head and neck exercises to protect or improve hearing and vision, circulation (more frequently with increased reps). Even telling someone to do them while walking outdoors in fresh air and sunshine.)

The Our Father (Lords Prayer) is said to open our chakras to receive. Cayce pointed out which specific words specific chakras resonate to. Then we pray the 23rd Psalm to close each church or spiritual center that connects our spiritual body, our Soul, to our physical body.

You're right! We then meditated, prayed for others in turn around our circle.

We reported outcomes of our experiment attempting to create thought forms meditating on our Oneness with God, visualizing a line connecting us all.  Unexpectedly, awareness of The Oneness of all earth beings was awakened. We are all interrelated, interconnected, interdependent, we all have a place on earth's food chain of life. We have LOST ONE THIRD of the body mass of all our world's insects. Birds are dying off in mass because there are no insects for them to eat. 

Who knew a bee sting can activate a plant to bloom. How's that for an international bee meal ticket? It was asserted a bee withdrew its stinger from a gardener's  bee-pricked finger; yes, reversed action, upon receiving verbal reassurance of no harm intended the bee. Does that confirm or merely suggest bees have consciousness, too?

Interesting experiment results ranged from seeing cylindrical or circular forms with connecting lines to a central God, admissions of not having ....created any thought forms knowingly.  Another visualized group in one photograph cut into  puzzle pieces that fit into a circle of Oneness or ONE scene. Another saw aspen neuron like rays to everybody; while looking down upon a web of world connections- a Soul network. Another, a sensitive, was challenged by endless loud sounds and strong vibrations blasting out from a radio all week long. Don't people have any awareness of how they affect other people with noise?

Most importantly, reading Chapter 27, Jesus who became the Christ, starting on page 223 was just excellent. 

The WORD or GOD spoke creation into being. Do we believe our words have no power? Puryear wrote about the power of a word to invoke an entity, a spirit, a power. Jesus' identity is a quickener of consciousness. Jesus became the light of which all Souls are made! Jesus mediates between our consciousness of the DIVINE, God's fullness, GOD's forgiveness.

Discussion of one culture naming babies Jesus or not (perhaps seeing Jesus as the physical man their children might emulate), and the CHRIST as GOD, none of their babies were named CHRIST or CRISTOS, across several cultures. (St) Christopher is a more common choice baby name choice to inspire spiritual qualities for life.

JESUS is a Power Word for many, a word to speak to invite spirit, to invite to come to us as a guest. He will not enter uninvited. (Honoring 3rd dimensional FREE WILL- not interfering?) Power Words are invitations, invocations, sometimes spell casting words calling spirits, incarnate or discarnate, angelic beings possibly working with karmic Grace of a lesson.

If  we claim his claim Jesus promises, he will come to us, (too, as he once did in a vison to Cayce).

In reading 3528-1, Cayce described the pattern Jesus created for us in becoming the Christ, the path, the way back to our original estate in heaven with our Creator Father God. Jesus The CHRIST for All whether Jew, Hindu, Islamic  or what, Thy Elder Brother!

A dream of the Gramatron or JESUS was described. ( I didn't know the word Tetragrammaton either, it is a four letter word or the name (4 letters too sacred to speak Y H V H) given to Moses for GOD on Mount Sinai )

Experiment - Take Jesus into our lives this week, however we choose.

As a  POWER Word, claim his promises, invoke his presence?  However we choose to have a relationship or become ONE with our Elder Brother, our way shower.

Blessings in Oneness,

Sylvia Raye

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

A.R.E. Meeting for 9/21/20

Leader: Eric 

The Colorado Springs ARE Study Group's discussion of an experiment to do during this first autumn week, based on our reading tonight concluded with an unusual experiment.  To work with what Cayce described as thought forms and to use them in order to achieve group Oneness and unity! Here it is:

Create thought forms during meditation by seeing a line connecting us to each other in Oneness. How simple and easy is that to do? And better suited to a study group of well over the 8 Seekers present, who had great difficulty in finding good along with any evil in ourselves, others, or evil situations. We reported that when we tried this, we couldn't actually see or put an energetic block out there on anything by judging a situation, behavior, or ourselves, Evil. We see no evil.

Our observations were of people not being alert to their surroundings nor to others, of innocently making mistakes, or acting in less than an ideal manner. One member self identifies as an observer, seeing and thinking people in challenging, painful, troubling situations with problems are just living out their karma (learning a lesson as John Van Auken once described it). Karma is not God's punishment, but the loving grace of God gently letting us learn better.

One person also affirmed an e-mail sent us this week: A blind woman's caregiver husband died, forcing her to go live in a care center. She arrived enthusiastic about the tiny room. I love it. When questioned, she explained she'd long ago discovered happiness is a choice. She'd made up her mind before she got there she was going to be happy. And she joyously was.

Another had listened to a guest speaker on reincarnation on the weekend radio show Coast to Coast. Past life information had been accessed on why did a parent have to live 20 years in a wheelchair? The past life indicated the wheelchair bound parent had lived a life as a slave trader, and chaining his victims. Now his opportunity to learn better presented in the form of being chained to a wheel chair for 20 years. So interesting that the parent accepted it without complaint, self pity, nor resentment, and lived a happy life.

Finally a person in a relationship found circumstances transformed from mutual admiration to supervising & helping a young rebellious pupil to stay focused all day on online Covid-19 home schooling. But shifting back into mutual admiration appeared impossible. Remembering the agreement to see the good regardless of illusions of mistakes, evil, etc., the person then only spoke to the child of directions followed, appropriate behaviors. Mutual admiration quickly returned.  And bringing to mind an idea from childhood kids say,  Monkey see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. Could it be evil is only an illusion? Like FEAR? False Evidence Appearing Real.

In a reading, Cayce told someone to seek out points of agreement and coordinate western religious teachings and eastern religious teachings. Because these are same in spirit. The Word, the Son, God in the physical earth plane is the same in Joshua, Melchizedek and Jesus who became the Christ. The same is in long awaited Maitria of Buddhists, the long expected Messiah of Jews or Adam, an incarnation of Jesus, the long anticipated return of Christians's Jesus.

Realize, accentuate, see, and understand this ONE, Universal GOD of all people everywhere.

One CHRIST Spirit in our all world's religions whether it's found in the East or West spiritual truths. Oneness. One Universal God for all nations in worldwide spiritual, religious thought. 

Bible references Cayce quoted making the point of ONENESS of Universal Forces were: 

Jesus words from John chapter 8: v. 58, Before Abraham, I am. Exodus chapter 39: v. 11, describing a cloud descending and Moses speaking to Joshua (earlier incarnation of Jesus).

Micah chapter 5: v. 2, ... out of ye shall He come...

John chapter 10: v. 34

Psalms 82: v6. 

He explained how the Word was One and became ONE with God. Seven of Jesus' lives in the Bible are mentioned in the surviving canonized books. He persevered in living a perfect life, in gaining in power, in becoming Jesus the perfect pattern. Attuning to that awareness of One God, God became incarnate. Thus creating a way back for us who left home. We fell so low in our vibratory rate, we could not remember we were Children of God, created to be companions to and co-creators with God, nor from where we fell. As co-creators, our thoughts physically hardened into thought forms creating bodies. There is NO SEPARATION.

In the first chapter of John, The Word is the Spirit that took up the Life of God.  ....You are Gods who must come to full obedience to the Law of Love.  Living the Fruits of the Spirit. In ministry to seekers of Spiritual Truth. Via Oneness consciousness? 

If our bodies are "thought forms," this led to conversation about illusions, and experimenting with intentional thought forms.

In Oneness,

Sylvia Raye

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

A.R.E. Meeting for 9/14/20

Leader: Eric

Hello Everyone,

It was so good to see the smiling faces of 11 seriously searching spiritual seekers on one screen,  despite being located in various areas of our fair city, county, or another one of our United States. Visually, we can definitely say we were the picture of one group.

Last month when Cindi was our leader, we talked about choosing an ideal;  oneness was strongly favored. It had been stated we'd continue this discussion of our group having an ideal, and whether it should be only one word, whether other words should help us communicate this ASFG's definition and understanding of what oneness is. We might consider and discuss what oneness means to us, spiritually, mentally, and physically. How we will know whether or not we are moving or working toward oneness with each other individually and as a group? Should we complete it according to ARE or according to how the original group did ideals as shown by the chart Melanie gave us? 

Reporting on our experiment of watching self go by, where we were watching for evil thoughts, emotions, actions, within ourselves, it was a challenge to own responsibility for our/my role in behaving judgmentally, mistakenly, wrongly, acting on negative emotions, or allowing a situation take emotional control of our thoughts or actions.

Our reports led to interesting discussions and enlightening perspectives on differences in discerning and sensibly concluding truths versus ignoring facts and details to decide our first, perhaps wrong, conclusion is the right one.

This led into the story of two girls feeling badly about judging a peer. Then their Grandmother pointed out they weren't judging, but deciding and weighing facts as to whether this peer is one to deepen their relationship into a friendship with, or not.

It's sensible to use a scale such as the Briggs-Meyers personality test for introversion-extroversion to better learn to understand and reach acceptance of  personalities we work alongside.

Tonight we began reading chapter 27, Jesus who became the CHRIST, page 216 of Herb Puryear's book, The Edgar Cayce Primer.

Cayce recommended using a comparison study to understand and accept that others have had experiences and gained knowledge we lack without the same experience. Naturally their experience has led to far different perceptions and conclusions. Both are worthy and important to understand truth. However our human, finite minds can never comprehend and hold the complete truth of Spirit? Cayce's universal outlook saw all humans as children of one God, an all inclusive outlook on spiritual beings. We have backward, forward, and current eternal existence.

Our world's spiritual leaders are here for ALL humankind. Jesus is not just for Christians only, Gandhi is for ALL people, not just for Hindis, nor Buddha is NOT just for Buddhists but all spirits universally. Spiritual leaders are present for all souls: inclusive.

Our experiment is to discern whether we can look and see good in evil people, good in ourselves in evil experiences, or good in evil situations during the week. Is there any good in ourselves or others when our hearts, thoughts, and minds  become dark and evil?

We never know whether a person apparently locked in an evil situation is simply in an out of control addiction only. In many cases our alcoholic we worry about missing the mark, being wrong, doing evil deeds in states of drunkeness, is the volunteer teacher for someone  needing that lesson, that understanding. 

Blessings from a good person.

Yet a doer of evil deeds, too.

In oneness,

Sylvia Raye

Monday, September 7, 2020

A.R.E. Meeting for 9/7/20

Leader: Eric

Tonight our members joined as one group on Zoom from three states. It was so good to have Carol Mays join our study of The Edgar Cayce Primer.  We opened with prayer and meditation, discussed our experiments this past week.

For the coming week, our experiment is watching out for our mistakes by being mindful, seeing the  good, the positive, and to avoid mistakes. At all times, watch ourselves for ways we may fall short of the good we'd like to do and learning the motivation for our mistakes? While some see mistakes, others see "evil deeds." In these times of less than ideal outcomes we may respond in anger, act vindictively, experience hurt feelings, take advantage of another's mistake of giving us more money than is owned to us, or whatever it is. It is these mistakes, hurtful or wrong behaviors, we mindfully watch for in ourselves. What motivates me? Am I not paying attention, not mindful, or am I angrily responding vindictively? We will share our self observations of our wrongs (evil) next week.
We finished the chapter on good and evil. We discussed that, heaven and hell, Satan and Lucifer, and other topics from this chapter.

We will send prayers of protection this week to Cindi for her travels thru the first snow nearing the end of summer en route back to Colorado Springs.  To June and Kelly, who are not feeling well, also prayers of protection and healing.

Join us again next week!

In Oneness,
Sylvia Raye