Monday, September 27, 2010

A.R.E. Meeting for 09/27/10

Leader: John
Reader: Greg

We started the chapter on "Meditation," and made it up to "B. The Mental Body."

No experiment was assigned, but if you want to do one, how about:
At the beginning of each meditation period take a few moments to become aware that there is a consciousness within each cell of your body. Suggest to or ask your body to join the mind and spirit in this period of seeking.

Monday, September 20, 2010

A.R.E. Meeting for 09/20/10

Leader: John
Reader: Greg

We read the chapter on "Spirit" from the "Experiments in a Search for God" book. Next week we will start the chapter on "Meditation" in the regular SFG book.

The experiment this week is:
As an activity separate from your meditation period, each day have a period of prayer (thanksgiving, confessional, petitionary, or whatever form you find meaningful that day).

Monday, September 13, 2010

A.R.E. Meeting for 09/13/10

Leader: John
Reader: Nancy

We completed the chapter on "Spirit." Next week we will start the chapter on "Meditation."

The experiment this week is:
Observe how you think and speak about this country and its leaders. Take responsibility yourself for living more fully some of the ideals upon which the nation was founded.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Edgar Cayce Exercise Video

This Edgar Cayce exercise video featuring JoAnn Brickley contains the same routines as a CD sold with Peter Van Daam titled "Western Yoga For All."

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Edgar Cayce Exercises

Someone who goes by the name of grammawdoeshisduty has been posting many short YouTube videos that demonstrate Edgar Cayce exercises. This person also has a Website at where Cayce products and cures are posted. Here are the exercises I have found so far.

Swing Arms



Rotate Legs


The Bear Walk

The Cat Walk

Torso Circles Hemmorrhoids Cure

The "Reach and Stretch" Hemorrhoids Cure

Saturday, September 4, 2010

How to Start a Spiritual Growth Group

This video is an instructional guide to ARE Spiritual Growth Groups, designed for both newcomers and longtime participants. Narrated by John Van Auken, this video offers first-hand instruction from experienced participants as well as popular ARE spokespersons, such as Kevin Todeschi, Mark Thurston, Wendell Beane, Jim Dixon and others. Covering all aspects of Spiritual Growth Groups — the history, the various ways you can participate with a group, and the dynamics of growing spiritually with a group — this presentation will help you find what you need to get started on the next stage of your spiritual journey.