Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Abundance is Yours

Should you save or spend? I came across this post in the A.R.E blog titled Abundance is Yours, Part I. The article was adapted from an article by Barbara Burgess Bullard in the Circulating File Economic Healing Part I.
The law of supply presupposes that all we could ever truly need will be made available to us if we are seeking to obey the universal laws, especially that of love. Supply is merely the natural result then of working in harmony with these other laws; we do not need to dwell on how it works. But neither should we interfere with the workings of this law through denial. Many people that I have talked with give much thought and energy to the belief that poverty is a virtue and that somehow God wishes us to live in want. The readings stress that we should never be self-indulgent with the supply, but that through the proper use of supply it becomes abundant, infinite, and available to us as we need.
It is interesting that the universal law emphasizes love, and not patience or cooperation. With love we recognize ourselves and others to be a spark of the divine. We should "waste not, want not" to keep our supply coming. It also ties in with our ideal.
…what is thine ideal. What is thy purpose in life? Is it to get, through the attitude of “Gimme—Gimme—Gimme!” or is it to give—give—give! If it is the latter, then there should be the knowledge and security from within as given of old: “Let others do as they may, but for me—I will know the living God.” 815-3
It also is important to believe that we will be given what we need and not fear what lies ahead.
When fear of the future occurs, or fear of the past…put all such away with this prayer— not merely by mouth, not merely by thought, but in body, in mind and in soul say: “Here am I, Lord—Thine! Keep me in the way Thou would have me go, rather than in that I might choose.” 2540-1
Remember, my children, it is the fear of the material conditions that wrecks the material body. It is the fear of this or that, that prevents a channel from making for the greater supply. 254-85
As the following quotes imply, it is not only important to believe that you will get what you need, but also to expect it.
Expect much, you will obtain much! Expect little, you will obtain little! Expect nothing, you will obtain nothing! 5325-1
Expect much, demand much; but when ye do, be willing to give much. For as ye give, or as ye measure to others, so is it measured to thee again. This is the spiritual law, this becomes the mental law—and the mind is the builder. 1532-1
Don't lose faith, but be guided by the desire to help others.
Ask and ye shall receive. Knock and it shall be opened to you …The supply will come from that storehouse that is of His building…Be thou faithful, then, guided, guarded, directed, by Him. 294-41

Monday, December 28, 2009

A.R.E. Meeting for 12/28/09

Leader: Nancy
Reader: Eric

We started the chapter on "Love," and next week will start with the section "The Test of Love."

Our experiment is:
Select and write down one stimulus to which you often react in an automatic and inharmonious way. Then decide on one interrupting behavior or mudra. Make an agreement with yourself that for at least a week you will use your mudra anytime the chosen stimulus happens in your daily life. Keep a record of how you respond after completing the mudra.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Edgar Cayce Principles of Holistic Health

Here is a short summary of the video: True health comes from a harmony of the body, mind, and spirit. This is holistic health. Having a great physical body but being emotionally sick is not healthy. The same goes for having an excellent intellect but a frail body.

Edgar Cayce believed it was important to know the origin of an illness rather than to just treat the symptoms. Dr. Harold J. Reilly summarized the Cayce approach with the acronym CARE.

C=circulation (exercise and massage)
A=assimilation (taking what is needed from food, water, and air)
R=relaxation (meditation, sleep patterns, recreation)
E=elimination (getting rid of toxins, both physical and mental)

An Eastern concept is that you must feed the body good food, feed the mind with good thoughts, and also nuture the soul. We can face air and water pollution, but today we also must contend with mental pollution.

Monday, December 21, 2009

A.R.E. Meeting for 12/21/09

Leader: Nancy
Reader: Greg

We finished the chapter "The Lord Thy God is One," and next week we start "Love."

Our experiment concerns fear. The reading below was advice for a woman on how to use her will to overcome fear so as to have atonement and at-onement:

Then, with that just given above, there may be seen the varying forces that produce karmic influence. But, that that may be found in oneness with that of 'He--God--is One,' and making self in an at-onement, is not only denying any other influence but acting in the way knowing that he will bear thee up--and give His angels charge concerning thee in the way thou goest, lest thou dash thine self against a barrier. Then, when there arises those experiences where fear comes from faltering in self or another, force self--by will--'I will!'--to give, live and know that He doeth all things well in and through the expression of the Father in every soul! Then may the body in the present, the body-consciousness, the mental-consciousness, have that peace that passeth understanding, that comes from an at-onement in the consciousness of His love dwelling within.

With that reading, comes this experiment:
Try the recommendation from the reading above. Whenever you experience the influence of fear, affirm that 'God is working purposefully and well through my life.' Then act on that belief. Record any specific situation in which you were able to overcome a feeling of fear in this way.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Reflections: The Wisdom of Edgar Cayce

You may have heard me mention this radio show on occasion. It broadcasts on Sundays on Psychic Radio. You can find the Reflections schedule of upcoming programs at the A.R.E. website. What I didn't know is that you can also listen to or download previous shows. They don't all appear to be there, but the majority of what I consider to be the better ones are there.