Tuesday, December 5, 2017

A.R.E. Meeting for 12/4/17

Thanks to you, June,  for leading the meeting and volunteering at the last minute.  Discussion was lively and interesting. Topics included praying according to God's Will, not mine, why and when would we pray for God's will to be done,  and what might be accomplished by praying as Jesus did before the crucifixion.  We also discussed possibilities of what "paralleling could be."

One possibility of paralleling could be to simultaneously live and occupy space in 8 bodies in 8 universes.  Some hypnotized children of scientists were instructed not to remember their time travel experiences to possibly parallel universes in the 1950's experiments they were used in to gain knowledge of parallel universes, time travel, etc., according to Peace Shield Carrier Rainbow Eagle. (He was quoted.) We read and discussed the preface in ASFG Book II. We discussed the definition of, and first section of the  Lesson, " Opportunity:  Opportunities come Through Cooperation."

We read in "Experiments in Practical Spirituality, Pages 5 and page 6 up to the Experiment:

Try meeting each "problem" which confronts you in daily life with this question:  "How would my own thoughts and ideals have played a role in helping to create this situation?" (Examples--(1) financial problem:  perhaps past thoughts of fear about loosing money created a self-fulfilling prophecy; (2) health problem:  perhaps past attitudes toward my body led to poor eating habits and now this illness; (3) relationship problem:  perhaps I have silently been overly critical of this person in the past.

Next Monday brings another opportunity!  See you at the meeting!
