Tuesday, July 28, 2020

A.R.E. Meeting for 7/27/20

This week four rejuvenating souls representing the Divine masculine and three rejuvenating souls representing the Divine feminine met virtually to discuss the results of their experimenting with an aspect of rejuvenation, read more of Cayce's perspective on it, and begin reading and discussing chapter twenty four of The Edgar Cayce Primer. 

Last week, mention of  the excellent meditation to start our meeting was omitted from these minutes, so this addendum corrects that: Our leader choose to lead us in a color breathing meditation which effectively clears and energizes each chakra.  Our leader guided us to imagine and breathe in red until we can actually see red internally with our mind's eye. Meditators then followed the leaders guidance though each of the seven chakras, breathing in its color as already described above; orange, golden yellow, grass green, blue, white of the crown chakra, and finally the purple indigo of the third eye chakra. This guided color breathing meditation was so very appropriate to bring to our study of rejuvenation as we prepared and attuned ourselves to send out our prayers of love and healing for those we have concerns.

We reported our individual results of meditating on our pineal, chosen as an experiment for this past week. Cayce answered someone, they  ...could avoid aging by keeping the keeping the pineal stimulated. We learned in addition to utilizing Tesla technology, one member lays an amethyst stone over his pituitary on his forehead while meditating on his pituitary. Another member had interesting results mentally tickling his pineal. We all found it was helpful to place our meditation focus on stimulating the pineal gland this past week.

We finished reading about the rejuvenation of the physical by maintaining a balance in the microcosmic level of the inner cells rotating atomic structure, resulting in healthy cells, healthy body. But on the  macrocosmic level of our individual body worlds; a healthy body also requires a balanced life: of one third of one's time sleeping, working, and having fun or recreating.

Which brings us to our experiment for this week: To focus on living our lives in this triad of balance, play, work, sleep. Does this experiment sound like more fun or what?

We had quite interesting discussions. Ra Ta's seven years long rejuvenation and regeneration was by giving up those things which had aged him, including aligning and attuning his chakras by listening to musicians on stringed and reed instruments play scales to him daily. But working totally on rejuvenation seven years has no appeal to today's instant coffee, instant gratification society.

But the source thru Cayce ever reminds us: Why do you want to live longer?   Or...what is Thy ideal? Reasons to live long varied, but dying prior to being disabled by aging was unanimous!

And the final word on rejuvenation?  Turn within, for thy body is indeed the Temple......Cayce went on to say....

The lively discussions and comments continued as our study took us into Chapter 24,  Edgar Cayce, Christianity and the Occult.

All of us have been challenged, and our spiritual beliefs or practices rejected as were those of Jesus and Cayce by religions authorities and practitioners. Ignorance of what Cayce's teachings and work were actually about, triggered repeatedly over centuries, from the Devil, or get rid of your A Search for God  book, it's of the Devil. Or our Bible study groups attack on reincarnation. Integrating our spiritual studies, beliefs and practices such as praying to Saints or to God challenges each of us. Why was reincarnation not included in books canonized into our Bible in the 5th Century?  If a fact, why did Judaism abandon teaching it as well?

Interesting that ARE press hard bound, typewritten vs. typeset, editions of their first books by Eula Allen, which sold for $3.00 each, if found anywhere today sell for $300.00. Charles Thomas Cayce and other sources have said ARE library has many out of print books such as those of Eula Allen, Violet Shelly, and Neil Clairemont. But Covid-19 quarantine or shut-down laws caused such a staff reduction, ARE Library is currently closed.

Discourse clarified the difference in what blasphemy is, may be mistakenly thought to be, and is not. Using God's name in anger as an expletive is not in vain, said one member. Rather, it is misuse of our oneness with omnipotent source GOD to empower our desire to suffer harm or death on another is true blasphemy. Good distinction!

Shall we all agree to keep rejuvenating joyfully, playfully, consistently and persistently?

Happily rejuvenated,
Sylvia Raye

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

A.R.E. Meeting for 7/20/20

Cayce's perspective on rejuvenation was quite interesting, as was our  discussion about the information triggered in the Rejuvenation chapter from the Edgar Cayce Primer.

It has long been known Nicholai Tesla received readings and even two patents were said to have been gifted to the ARE by Tesla. If so, why aren't the experts on the readings, John Van Auken and others, aware of the existence and locations of those patents now? John Van Auken had said Tesla's readings were numbered ...440... but our groups's excellent researcher noticed neither the age nor the birth date of the engineer's  readings # 440 match that data of Nicholai Tesla.

Violet Shelly wrote a book on 16 spiritually developed people, "Reincarnation Unnecessary." Growing up in Virginia Beach, Charles Thomas personally knew some of them. He witnessed an instantaneous healing of one woman's  hand, accidentally injured when the praying, where the hand holding Healer had closed the car door on her hand. And he had seen his mother, Gertrude Cayce, cry over critical comments about her choice of a dress by another one of the 16 people. They were not perfect, still quite human, accidentally hurting others or mis-speaking, yet well developed spiritually.

An excellent question asked was, does that mean the earth loses all the light those souls provided on earth by their being here?  Charles Thomas presented this material in 1998 in Denver on the 16 people not needing to reincarnate. Some he knew personally. Cayce's readings told these people they had previously and "repeatedly loved, loved, loved, served, served, served, and given, given, given."

 When souls of such light die, do we remain on the earth plane (as someone's Guardian Angel, versus earth itself) until all souls are ready to go? Expressed as, "No one goes, until we all go at the same time" by Kevin Todeschi.

For our experiment this week, we'll explore and observe the effects of using  meditation to stimulate the pineal gland, the Crown Chakra. In one reading, a person was told:

"Keep the pineal operating and you won't grow old."

In meditation, there is a special relationship between the very complex mind and pineal gland, the pineal and  the "Cells of Leydig," in our creative second chakra. As the process of meditation raises throughout  the body's endocrine glands, a stream of light, sometimes referred to as a silver cord, or the Kundalini, the pituitary gland is stimulated. Activation of the pituitary gland sends "integrative and directive hormones" to all the cells of the body.  This is essential to rejuvenating our bodies.

Another member reminded us that our world isn't supporting the good healthy function of our pineal gland, but many forces and substances can "calcify our pineal."  This could even be done deliberately to dumb down the controlled masses more easily.

All of us could benefit researching how to care for and protect this important part of our "hard drive," the pineal gland. Avoiding fluoride and chlorine in drinking water help prevent calcification of the pineal. Vitamin C may neutralize chlorine. Nutritionally, the pineal needs Boron. The richest nutritional source of Boron is found in almonds. Was this Cayce's rationale for prescribing 3 almonds a day to the lady fearful of cancer as a rejuvenating preventative?

Happy Rejuvenation Week!
Sylvia Raye

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

A.R.E. Meeting for 7/13/20

John Linder lead our  meeting via Zoom.  We said the Lord's Prayer, preparing for meditation. Then we prayed for each individual's concerns and intentions. We reported on the outcome of our experiments done this week.  Several had some interesting changes from their chosen approach to improved health through working with circulation, assimilation, relaxation, elimination, before  we took a break.

Returning, we completed reading the CARE chapter. We discussed different treatments and techniques for improving, activating, stimulating circulation, assimilations, relaxation, and eliminations.  Some used Yoga, breathing exercises, walking, chiropractic care. We discussed whether massage is helpful in combination with chiropractic adjustments; how they best complement each other; colonics for stimulation of colon and improving eliminations; and foods and their effects on diabetes. It was mentioned how the advent of farming and milling grain coincided with degradation and decay of teeth and the appearance of body illnesses historically.

It's unclear whether the ARE continues to help members find providers who cooperate in following Cayce's recommendations for better health. Doctors, chiropractors,massage therapists,  etc. haven't been on the ARE website in a while, perhaps several years.

We will experiment with the CARE approach to health this week by meditating  on the 4 categories during the week, as well as working with one of them.

It is so good to have Ana return this week, possibly the most enthusiastic of us about information gleaned from last week's meeting and how it was helpful to her personal goals.  Welcome back, Ana.  Very nice to see you back with us this week.

In good CARE,
Sylvia Raye

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

A.R.E. Meeting for 7/6/20

Led by John, we began our meeting with the Lord’s Prayer, meditated, and sent out prayers for our concerns. We reported how our experiments went in watching and checking ourselves on our ability to be accepting of others and avoid judgments, especially toward people who may be quite different than we are.

Following our short break, we began chapter 22 of our “Edgar Cayce Primer” by Herbert Puryear. We read, or Greg read to us, the first three sections of A Positive Approach to Health: C (circulation) A (assimilation) R (relaxation) E (elimination), an acronym coined by Dr Reilly, a prominent exercise physiologist providing the treatments given by source through the Cayce readings to numerous people in New York City area.

In action,  “Caring” is a good attitude for protecting and promoting good health. 
One group member provided positive lab results  of  the physical change in a concerning condition of an endocrine gland. She attributes it to her meditations where she is talking to her cells, reminding them they have the Christ Consciousness and asking them to cooperate with the various organs functioning so that all of her body is working in harmony.  What an excellent Ideal to awaken the cells perfect pattern of health.

With a definition of “being whole” is to be healthy, Puryear said it requires a coordination of Spirit, Mind, Body, attuned to and expressing the One Life Force.

There is a perfect pattern of health within us and stimulating that pattern leads to healing.  Our group member in asking her body’s organs and glands to cooperate and coordinate functions together is one of many examples of ways to stimulate that perfect pattern of health within, which Cayce gave in over 50 years of doing readings. 

It is beneficial to improve circulation: stimulating circulation through massage, osteopathy, chiropractic, walking, specific exercises, etc., as it carries needed nutrients and elements wherever they are needed. But it also does the house cleaning of carrying the waste and refuse back out. Thanks to our knowledgeable leader we learned that there is a system of circulation within our brains that carries waste down and out through our necks. This system of preserving the brains function was unknown for a long time.

Assimilation can be improved by positive attitudes and emotions, by thorough mastication of food, adequate, timely water consumption. Cayce made many recommendations on balancing of foods taken to maintain an alkaline status, of combinations to avoid such as starches with citrus, cream in coffee, avoiding wine with meals. He observed that fried foods eaten block or interfere with the “electrical activity” between the liver and the kidneys. 

Relaxation is vital.  We need sleep for a tearing down and building up process, and we need to sleep adequate hours for both processes to happen, as well as sleep time sufficient to “dream.”  Dreaming stores memories, and involves mental, physical and spiritual bodies. Dreams can bring messages, guidance, solutions, and answers sought.

Learning to relax is a skill and an art; useful to enter sleep. Insomnia can be solved by relaxing, by massage induced relaxation, breathing exercises, exhaling slowly to stimulate the bodies vagus nerve, and various other techniques.

Having read about what health is, and the first three of four parts of CARE, circulation, assimilation, relaxation, we are now ready to choose one of the three to experiment with this week.  Which will you choose to do?

It was nice to have Ana join us for her first ASFG meeting. We hope to see you again next week, Ana.

Thank you, John, for making our Group Leader list. It looks as if it will work fine for me. If any of us sees a  “problematic” month that may not work for you, let John know.

Sylvia Raye