Tuesday, July 7, 2020

A.R.E. Meeting for 7/6/20

Led by John, we began our meeting with the Lord’s Prayer, meditated, and sent out prayers for our concerns. We reported how our experiments went in watching and checking ourselves on our ability to be accepting of others and avoid judgments, especially toward people who may be quite different than we are.

Following our short break, we began chapter 22 of our “Edgar Cayce Primer” by Herbert Puryear. We read, or Greg read to us, the first three sections of A Positive Approach to Health: C (circulation) A (assimilation) R (relaxation) E (elimination), an acronym coined by Dr Reilly, a prominent exercise physiologist providing the treatments given by source through the Cayce readings to numerous people in New York City area.

In action,  “Caring” is a good attitude for protecting and promoting good health. 
One group member provided positive lab results  of  the physical change in a concerning condition of an endocrine gland. She attributes it to her meditations where she is talking to her cells, reminding them they have the Christ Consciousness and asking them to cooperate with the various organs functioning so that all of her body is working in harmony.  What an excellent Ideal to awaken the cells perfect pattern of health.

With a definition of “being whole” is to be healthy, Puryear said it requires a coordination of Spirit, Mind, Body, attuned to and expressing the One Life Force.

There is a perfect pattern of health within us and stimulating that pattern leads to healing.  Our group member in asking her body’s organs and glands to cooperate and coordinate functions together is one of many examples of ways to stimulate that perfect pattern of health within, which Cayce gave in over 50 years of doing readings. 

It is beneficial to improve circulation: stimulating circulation through massage, osteopathy, chiropractic, walking, specific exercises, etc., as it carries needed nutrients and elements wherever they are needed. But it also does the house cleaning of carrying the waste and refuse back out. Thanks to our knowledgeable leader we learned that there is a system of circulation within our brains that carries waste down and out through our necks. This system of preserving the brains function was unknown for a long time.

Assimilation can be improved by positive attitudes and emotions, by thorough mastication of food, adequate, timely water consumption. Cayce made many recommendations on balancing of foods taken to maintain an alkaline status, of combinations to avoid such as starches with citrus, cream in coffee, avoiding wine with meals. He observed that fried foods eaten block or interfere with the “electrical activity” between the liver and the kidneys. 

Relaxation is vital.  We need sleep for a tearing down and building up process, and we need to sleep adequate hours for both processes to happen, as well as sleep time sufficient to “dream.”  Dreaming stores memories, and involves mental, physical and spiritual bodies. Dreams can bring messages, guidance, solutions, and answers sought.

Learning to relax is a skill and an art; useful to enter sleep. Insomnia can be solved by relaxing, by massage induced relaxation, breathing exercises, exhaling slowly to stimulate the bodies vagus nerve, and various other techniques.

Having read about what health is, and the first three of four parts of CARE, circulation, assimilation, relaxation, we are now ready to choose one of the three to experiment with this week.  Which will you choose to do?

It was nice to have Ana join us for her first ASFG meeting. We hope to see you again next week, Ana.

Thank you, John, for making our Group Leader list. It looks as if it will work fine for me. If any of us sees a  “problematic” month that may not work for you, let John know.

Sylvia Raye

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