Tuesday, July 21, 2020

A.R.E. Meeting for 7/20/20

Cayce's perspective on rejuvenation was quite interesting, as was our  discussion about the information triggered in the Rejuvenation chapter from the Edgar Cayce Primer.

It has long been known Nicholai Tesla received readings and even two patents were said to have been gifted to the ARE by Tesla. If so, why aren't the experts on the readings, John Van Auken and others, aware of the existence and locations of those patents now? John Van Auken had said Tesla's readings were numbered ...440... but our groups's excellent researcher noticed neither the age nor the birth date of the engineer's  readings # 440 match that data of Nicholai Tesla.

Violet Shelly wrote a book on 16 spiritually developed people, "Reincarnation Unnecessary." Growing up in Virginia Beach, Charles Thomas personally knew some of them. He witnessed an instantaneous healing of one woman's  hand, accidentally injured when the praying, where the hand holding Healer had closed the car door on her hand. And he had seen his mother, Gertrude Cayce, cry over critical comments about her choice of a dress by another one of the 16 people. They were not perfect, still quite human, accidentally hurting others or mis-speaking, yet well developed spiritually.

An excellent question asked was, does that mean the earth loses all the light those souls provided on earth by their being here?  Charles Thomas presented this material in 1998 in Denver on the 16 people not needing to reincarnate. Some he knew personally. Cayce's readings told these people they had previously and "repeatedly loved, loved, loved, served, served, served, and given, given, given."

 When souls of such light die, do we remain on the earth plane (as someone's Guardian Angel, versus earth itself) until all souls are ready to go? Expressed as, "No one goes, until we all go at the same time" by Kevin Todeschi.

For our experiment this week, we'll explore and observe the effects of using  meditation to stimulate the pineal gland, the Crown Chakra. In one reading, a person was told:

"Keep the pineal operating and you won't grow old."

In meditation, there is a special relationship between the very complex mind and pineal gland, the pineal and  the "Cells of Leydig," in our creative second chakra. As the process of meditation raises throughout  the body's endocrine glands, a stream of light, sometimes referred to as a silver cord, or the Kundalini, the pituitary gland is stimulated. Activation of the pituitary gland sends "integrative and directive hormones" to all the cells of the body.  This is essential to rejuvenating our bodies.

Another member reminded us that our world isn't supporting the good healthy function of our pineal gland, but many forces and substances can "calcify our pineal."  This could even be done deliberately to dumb down the controlled masses more easily.

All of us could benefit researching how to care for and protect this important part of our "hard drive," the pineal gland. Avoiding fluoride and chlorine in drinking water help prevent calcification of the pineal. Vitamin C may neutralize chlorine. Nutritionally, the pineal needs Boron. The richest nutritional source of Boron is found in almonds. Was this Cayce's rationale for prescribing 3 almonds a day to the lady fearful of cancer as a rejuvenating preventative?

Happy Rejuvenation Week!
Sylvia Raye

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