Monday, August 31, 2009

A.R.E. Meeting for 8/31/09

Leader: Greg
Reader: Eric

We finally finished the Fellowship chapter. Not that we were in any hurry, but we were going to run out of experiments soon. So after the Labor Day holiday on September 7th, when the library is closed, we will convene the following week and start the chapter on Patience. In the meantime, send energy to Bonnie (John's wife) who is getting a heart catheter procedure done, and to Sylvia's neighbor, so that she may stop her intrusion into Sylvia's space.

The experiment for the week is the longest one that Eric could find (just kidding):
Give of your life to someone else. Select a person and write down his or her name. Then choose one of the three approaches to giving your life which have been described: (1) making a special effort to give of your life energy to that person through whatever activities are needed most, (2) making a special effort to share with that person the truths at the center of your life which you have discovered through experience, or (3) giving up one of your habits, desires, or opinions that is causing that person difficulty. Keep a record of your experiences in giving of your life to this person.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Essiac Tea as a Cancer Cure

Interesting article on the benefits of Essiac Tea at this link. A nurse in Canada named Rene Caisse (note that Essiac is her name spelled backwards) used this tea to treat patients at no charge. The recipe for the tea came from an Ojibway Native American medicine man.

Rene was told about this tea from an elderly patient she met in the hospital in 1922 who told a story of how 30 years earlier that she overcame breast cancer with this tea. Rene was given the recipe, which she then tried on her own family and cured them.

The original recipe consisted of four ingredients:
  •  6 1/2 cups of burdock root (cut)
  •  1 pound of sheep sorrel herb (powdered)
  •  1/4 pound of slippery elm bark (powdered)
  •  1 ounce of Turkish rhubarb root (powdered)
These amounts of ingredients combine to make 8 quarts or 2 gallons of the tea. Cutting each amount in half makes one gallon at a time. Some instructions say to mix all the ingredients well before placing them in water, store the dry herbal mix in a glass jar in a dark dry place, and take out one ounce per 32 ounces of water (one quart) at a time.

Which ever way you wish to parse it out, the herbs are boiled hard without a lid for 10 minutes, some say 20; then, cover with a lid and steep over night on the stove. In the morning, heat it up to steaming hot (not boiling), then let it settle and pour into glass or ceramic containers. Use stainless steel or cast iron pots for boiling, and glass or ceramic containers for storing. Keep the containers or container with the tea capped in a dark cool place until first used. After opening, it must be refrigerated.

The dosage depends on the condition. For immune tonic use or very mild ailments, 2 ounces once daily. Increase the frequency up to 3 times daily with up to 3 ounces each time according to the severity of the ailment, which is usually cancer. The refrigerated tea can be added to hot water or warmed up for consumption. Cancer patients undergoing other treatments, even with allopathic drugs, have used the tea as well.
However, cancer or AIDS should be treated holistically by abstaining as much as possible from toxic medicines, toxic foods, toxic household and cosmetic items, and toxic thinking. The cancer patient should also have a meatless diet of organic food and get as much sunshine and Vitamin D and C supplementation as possible. Using Essiac tea while indulging in old life style habits that probably started the cancer or any other disease is not the best way to heal.
Rene Caisse was constantly harassed by the authorities for her use of this tea even though she made no money from it. Right after she died, the authorities ransacked her home and burned her records. One other point the article makes is that "The quality of the ingredients is the most important aspect of beneficial Essiac."

Monday, August 24, 2009

A.R.E Meeting for 8/24/09

Leader: Greg
Reader: Greg

Due to poor leadership or lack of guidance from spirit guides, not much progress was made in the Fellowship chapter, but considerable discussion took place. We're still in the chapter, about to being the section titled "Duty of Those Who Have Fellowship with the Father." So those not present did not miss much as far as reading material covered.

The experiment is kind of a hybrid, should you choose to accept it. We're taking the original suggestion that states:
Since the lesson had teachings that "we must give account for every idle thought," and "would we dare to bind others by our thoughts," possibly take the experiment above and modify it to "take the initiative in thinking kindly and positively of others (especially strangers)..."
Take the initiative in speaking to others (especially strangers) and showing your love for all mankind. Do those things that you know will be helpful, risking the possibility that you may not be understood or appreciated. Record your experiences.

Monday, August 17, 2009

A.R.E Meeting for 8/17/09

Leader: Greg
Reader: Greg

We decided to start from the beginning of the Fellowship chapter and had such passionate discussions that we barely made it much further than last week. We're in the section titled "Our Fellowship with God," and will start at the paragraph "Let us remember the Master's words to Simon: 'Feed my sheep." Even that sentence caused some discussion.

The experiment is:

Select one person who has asked you for prayer. Take responsibility for the fact that through your faith--through your experiencing of the reality of the spiritual dimension of life--healing forces can be awakened that lie dormant within him. Use a period at the end of your meditation to feel your faith having a constructive, uplifting influence upon this person. In your daily contact with him, hold in mind and express this same feeling.
Give some thought as to whether you want to attend the "Medical Intuition" lecture from Dr. C. Norman Shealy on Saturday, 26 September, in Denver. We can car pool and also get a larger discount when more than one registers at a time. I'll see if I can get some price guidelines by next week and we can start thinking about registration.

Monday, August 10, 2009

A.R.E Meeting for 8/10/09

Leader: Greg
Reader: Nancy

We finished off the chapter on "Virtue and Understanding" and started the chapter on "Fellowship." We completed the first two sections of the chapter and will begin with the section "Our Fellowship with God." It was good to see John back again. Maybe Nancy had had her fill of fellowship, because she will be gone next week. Just kidding. Cindi should be rested up and have some dreams to share next week. And Elizabeth, I hope we didn't scare you off.

The experiment is:

Select one pattern that you frequently hold of resentment toward or irritation with another person. Each day for a week work with letting go of that pattern. Stop feeding it and giving attention to it when it comes to your mind. Even though a part of you may enjoy entertaining it, affirm that the reward of knowing fellowship with God will be a greater experience. Keep a record of your experiences of knowing a greater sense of fellowship in this way.

Monday, August 3, 2009

A.R.E Meeting for 8/3/09

Leader: Greg
Reader: Greg

We enjoyed the presence of Elizabeth Norton at our meeting tonight, who was given Nancy's name, and found her way to our room at the library. Please add her name to your e-mail distribution list.

We started the "Virtue and Understanding" chapter and almost finished it. We are at the last section titled "The Effects of Virtue and Understanding on Ourselves and Others."

Our experiment for the coming week is:
Select an area of your life in which you have recently been worried or especially concerned about making things turn out right (e.g., a financial worry, concern over a specific relationship). For at least a week turn this particular area of your life over to God. Affirm each day that God seeks to express His truth through this part of your life. Listen for and be aware of His presence active in shaping your life. Record any meaningful experiences that occur as you work on this experiment.