Monday, January 29, 2024

A.R.E. Meeting for 1/29/24

Leader: Greg
Five high-spirited individuals started off discussing diet and how to improve our assimilation of good nutrients. In the Essential Edgar Cayce book, we started the section “The Common Cold” in Chapter 4 and read through reading 902-1. We are now up to page 190, and ready to start the section on headaches.
This week, keep a near-normal balance of diet (acid vs alkaline), rest, and body temperature to avoid illnesses, like the cold. Also, be aware that you can become susceptible to a condition by psychologically dwelling on it.

Monday, January 22, 2024

A.R.E. Meeting for 1/22/24

Leader: Greg
Four highly charged mentees gathered to study how to balance ourselves physically, mentally, and spiritually to avoid melancholic dispiritedness. In the Essential Edgar Cayce book, we started the section “Body-Mind-Spirit Healing” in Chapter 4 and read through reading 1189. We are now up to page 186, and ready to start the section on the common cold.
This week put into practice spiritually that which is perceived (as through our senses) and conceived (through our mind) as to our relationships to the Creative Forces, and our relationships to our fellow man.

Monday, January 15, 2024

A.R.E. Meeting for 1/15/24

Leader: Greg
Four cheery Cayce-ites joined together on MLK’s birthday to study the coordinating body systems. In the Essential Edgar Cayce book, we started Chapter 4 and read through reading 1120. We are now up to page 176, and ready to start the section on body-mind-spirit healing.
This week use daily exercise to bring strength to the lungs, vitality to the blood supply, and new life to the muscular forces of the body as Cayce would say (4462-1). Cayce recommended vertical exercises in the morning and horizontal ones that exercised the legs and lower torso in the evening.

Monday, January 8, 2024

A.R.E. Meeting for 1/8/24

Leader: Greg
The gang of five rang in the new year with our love of Cayce and the ARE. In the Essential Edgar Cayce book, we read the section on “The Workshop of Marriage” and made it through Reading 480-20. We are now up to page 164, and ready to start Chapter 4.
Keep balance in all things physical and mental this week. Attempt to not overeat, overdrink, overthink, or overreact. Find balance in your relationships, and when troubles arise, strive for peace and joy over dissension and strife.