Monday, February 24, 2014

A.R.E. Meeting for 2/24/14

Leader:  Martinaya
We read two sections in the SFG book and are up to the last section: “Conclusion.” We read one section in the Experiments book (to the top of page 103), and our experiment is:
 What is some seemingly unrewarded effort you have been making for good—something you have recently been considering giving up? Try for one week just “carrying on” even though it may go against common “practicality” to do so, and see what happens.

Monday, February 10, 2014

A.R.E. Meeting for 2/10/14

Leader:  Martinaya
We did not read from the “Glory” chapter this week in the SFG book. Instead, we caught up in the Experiments book, where we read to the bottom of page 101. The decision was made that everyone should pick their own experiment, and if you chose the last one we read (page 101), it is as follows:
What is something seemingly “evil” or “bad” in the personality or behavior of one person with whom you interact? What is the essence of good—good misapplied or misconstrued—that is in that apparent flaw? Try reinforcing or reflecting the essential good which is there.

Monday, February 3, 2014

A.R.E. Meeting for 2/3/14

Leader:  Martinaya
We started the Chapter on “Glory,” and read two sections in the SFG book (up to “Glory of the Body”) and two sections in the Experiments book.

The experiment for this week is on page 97:
Recognize and respect the unique ways in which people around you are able to serve. Even if you are not directly aided by such service nor are you normally interested in such types of action, notice others in this way. If possible, find ways to reinforce these people with a word of support or appreciation.