Monday, July 22, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 7/22/19

Leader: Sylvia (for Cindi)

A triune group showed up tonight. Scott brought his fly-catcher that he used as an analogy for trapped souls last week and had several dreams to share. Sylvia wanted to make sure we sent light and love to John after his eye surgery. We spent a considerable amount of time discussing nutrition (for people and dogs). Sylvia and John knew a lot about Nitric Oxide.

We read the opening of Chapter 7 (The Mind…) and the section “Made in His Image.” Next week we’ll pick up at page 59 with “The Mind of God.” No experiment was discussed.

Monday, July 15, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 7/15/19

Leader: Cindi

Six sensational body temples were represented by those in attendance. Everyone had a dream or parts of a dream that they were able to relate to the group for meaning.

We finished chapter 6 by reading “The Temple as a Place,” “The Revelation of John,” “The Endocrine System,” “The Book with Seven Seals,” and the “Conclusion.” Next week we’ll begin chapter 7, “The Mind: The Builder and the Way.”

For an experiment, we are still being asked to bring a dream to the next meeting.

Monday, July 8, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 7/8/19

Leader: Cindi

Cindi pointed out some areas in the Venture Inward magazine where special materials were available only for SFG study groups. Sylvia graciously volunteered to call and see what material was available.

Considerable discussion at the beginning of the meeting was on the topic of healing. We found out early that June could not make the meeting because of ruptured blood vessels in her eyes (from coughing). We all send light and love.

In the Primer, we began on page 50 by reading “Why Do We Have Bodies?” This was followed by “The Microcosmic – Macrocosmic Relationship” and “The Way Prepared by the Pattern Applied.” Next week we are ready to read “The Temple as a Place,” on page 53.

Scott had a neat analogy of how humans got trapped in the earth based on a device he recently purchased on Amazon to catch flies. A netting is shaped like a pyramid with a hole on the top and some kind of smelly enticement at the bottom. Above the hole is more netting. The flies go into the upper netting through the hole, but don’t realize they can go back down the same way, so they become stuck.

Being that we were talking about the human body, the topic of Wim Hof was brought up. He was interviewed on a show called “Impact Theory,” which can be seen at or on YouTube at They call him the “Ice Man” because he trained his body to do amazing feats (he has 26 world records) in the cold by using his mind. He can use these same techniques he developed in the cold to cure disease and change body responses. He claims to be able to train anyone to do this in four days. His web site is

For an experiment, bring a dream to the next meeting.

Monday, July 1, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 7/1/19

Leader: Cindi

Despite having a rough week, Cindi led four bodies (including herself) to finish the chapter, “A Model for Understanding the Nature of Man.” There was a little discussion of the recent ARE presentation by Cindy Griffith on Life Seals and some of the significant lives of Edgar Cayce. We continued into the next chapter, “The Body: The Temple of the Living God.” We are at the bottom of page 50, ready to start next week with the section, “Why Do We Have Bodies?”

As an experiment, we mulled over the paragraphs in the middle of page 50, and decided to ponder them further:

The Old Testament tabernacle, with its grandeur of construction and intricacy of detail, was a projected enactment designed to instruct us about the nature of our own internal processes and structures, in which man was to meet God.
However, even if we take this step, it is difficult to retain it for a better and more specific understanding of our own experiences, be they mystical visions, psychic awarenesses, dreams or nightmares. When such an experience occurs to us, the feeling that it is external to us is so strong -- and any clues that something is occurring within us are so weak -- that we fail to apply the insights we have already gained to a better understanding of such experiences.