Wednesday, May 19, 2021

A.R.E. Meeting for 5/17/21

Leader: Sylvia

Lesson:  ASFG Book I , Lesson six,  sec. "Fellowship with God, the Need of the world",  Experiments Book-Chapter 7, pgs. 68, 69.
Bible verse John I, 1:17  “If we walk in the light as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another."
Experiment 1.  Give of your life to someone else.  Select a person and write down his or her name.  Then choose one of the three approaches to giving your life which have been described:  (1) making a special effort to give of your life energy to that person through whatever energies are needed most, (2) making a special effort to share with that person the truths of your life which you have discovered through experience, or (3) giving up one of "your' habits, desires, opinions that is causing that person difficulty. Decide which of the three approaches you will use and write that down. Keep a record of your experiences in giving of your life to this person.
Experiment 2.  Choose one difficult relationship in your life and work each day to express in that relationship a living kind of love. Through meditation and prayer allow the energy of states of consciousness which are less than your ideal to be transformed. Affirm in your life that you are not stuck with the responses you have been feeling to this person, because you are alive, you can grow.  Record the experiences in which you successfully transform energy associated with old patterns to new, constructive ways of responding.
Just as Jesus gave up his life in service, we can emulate him by sharing (1) the TRUTH we have learned or lived so others can enjoy being "in the Presence", or by sharing  (2) FRIENDSHIP, being the best friend, one that remains closer than a sibling. We can give our lives in (3) SERVICE to a cause or to a person. By letting go of a (3) HABIT, DESIRE, or OPINION that hinders or causes someone else difficulty or physical or emotional hurt, we give of our life too.
"Let us help our fellow man by our patience and forbearance and show him that love is a living thing." p.67, or 72.
(Forbearance= "Holding back". 1. Tolerance and restraint in the face of provocation; patience. 2. Self control, patience. 3. Law, a debtor more time to repay a loan, typically interest accrues at the same rate.)
Autumn leaves and rocks cannot grow as animals and trees do, and additionally, living things can transform energy. As spiritual creations, people can transform energy associated with non-physical aspects of their being: states of consciousness, or attitudes toward an experience. This indicates spiritually created beings can take a problem in a relationship with another person and grow with it; thereby, WE MAKE LOVE A LIVING, TRANSFORMING THING.
As Joshua said, "Others may do as they may, but as for me...I will serve the Living God."
Cayce told #255 in the 12th reading, they could "THROUGH THE SPIRIT OF GOD AND THE POWER OF THE CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS," since they had experienced the joys of influences within the soul, they could through everything, in every act, realize the PERSONAL LIVING GOD could COME TO BE HIS POWER working within.
To Live love is to be love. To be one with the Father is to be equal with the Father. ALL IN ONE--for Love is law, law is Love.
In the Loving Oneness of FELLOWSHIP.
Sylvia Raye

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