Tuesday, May 11, 2021

A.R.E. Meeting for 5/10/21

Leader: Sylvia
Experiment 1. Select one pattern that you frequently hold of resentment toward or irritation with another person. Each day for a week work with letting go of that pattern. Stop feeding it and giving attention to it when it comes to your mind. Even though a part of you may enjoy entertaining it, affirm that the reward of knowing fellowship with God will be a greater experience. Keep a record of your experiences of knowing a greater sense of fellowship in this way.
Experiment 2. Take the initiative in speaking to others (especially strangers) and showing your love for all mankind. Do those things that you know will be helpful, risking the possibility that you may not be understood or appreciated. Record your experiences.
Business: Discussion of group preferences and suggestions for weekly minutes of weekly meetings, to prevent further errors, that meets needs and allows everyone to feel comfortable with the degree of confidentiality held, and provides a summary of the lesson read.
Next week we begin reading Mark Thurston’s “Experiments....” on page 67, just below the experiment.
The reading accomplished tonight for the first experiment describes the importance of living lives in service for others as Jesus did. It could be living for, or serving a cause or a person courageously giving daily of our life’s energy. The bare bones of Cayce’s reading 262-29 asks the listener whether you gave “the truths” that another might enjoy a moments rest in the Lord? He advised being “the best” in whatever role we take on. Just as vital, we give of our lives to others if we decide to “let go of anything” that hinders someone else: negative, critical thoughts of them, desires, habits.
For second experiment, we learned from reading our book to investigate what it is within ourselves that makes us fail to be daring and take the initiative in reaching out to another. Reaching out to share our Truth, to minister to their needs, to be the best, a friend as close and protective, “give my life” brotherly like friend.
To begin our study of the ASFG book, we will discuss the remainder of the long section we read on “Fellowship with God”, from p. 72-74. Following our digestion of this section via discussion, we’ll read the “Fellowship with God, the Need of the World”. We begin to read ASFG on p. 74, slightly more than halfway down the page.
A thought to ponder: Is this “minutes” as is given here according to what was discussed? Where there unresolved issues to resolve by taking a “show of hands” vote?
In Loving Oneness

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