Monday, October 18, 2021

A.R.E. Meeting for 10/18/21

Leader: Eric
Five connected souls got together to share their oneness as a group. Eric gave us tech support tips for better CenturyLink bandwidth during the first session. We later had a discussion about censorship among the tech platforms. Those wanting to hear a few interesting podcasts about Cayce or other metaphysical topics can try out
We read the Experiments book to the bottom of page 122. This week we have two experiments:
Experiment 1: Each day for a week keep this attitude in your mediation periods: “I am not concerned with what experiences come to me, but with how much I am able to give of myself to God and express my devotion.”
Experiment 2: In your daily contacts with others, imagine that they are part of your immediate family. If you feel apathetic or upset with someone, try to imagine how you might feel more caring or tolerant if that person were a close and beloved family member (e.g., a sister, brother, father, aunt, etc.). Then try to act on that new feeling. Record instances in which you try this experiment. Write the person’s name (unless it is someone you don’t know), the family member status you imagine for him, and how you acted on the feeling.
Person:  a stranger I was sitting next to on the bus
Family status imagined:  that she was my sister
Action:  I struck up a friendly conversation with her instead of just sitting there silently next to her.

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