entities came to their realization of oneness through the night’s lesson. Our
leader was able to quell the divisive discussions of current events and
politics and get us focused on our lesson.
the SFG book we read the sections “How We May Come Into the Realization of
the Oneness” and “The At-onement Though Jesus, the Christ.” In the
Experiments book we read to the bottom of page124. We have two experiments we
can try:
1: When you find yourself desiring something or longing to repeat an experience
you have already had, use the affirmation, “I have that experience within
myself.” Let this affirmation awaken in your mind the realization of the
oneness of all time.
2: Try living each day for itself. Make necessary decisions for the future,
but eliminate all unneeded worry or concern for things you anticipate may
happen. Trust that you will be even more capable of doing the right thing when
the event actually occurs. Where it is appropriate, say to yourself, “I don’t
have to decide on that right now,” and then move your attention back to what is
happening around you at that moment. If possible, spend some time in nature as
part of this experiment, looking for examples of how nature does things
unhurriedly and one at a time. Keep a record of specific instances in which you
were able to know more fully the oneness of all time by living in the present.
is our leader next month, but will miss the beginning of our next meeting, so
put in a request to watch a video on “The Fire Yogi.”
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