Wednesday, November 11, 2020

A.R.E. Meeting 11/9/20


Book: Experiments in a Search For God, Keyed to A Search for God, Book I.
Lesson: Meditation
Experiment this week: page 10 - Take time each day to write down that which you THOUGHT, DID, or EXPERIENCED during the past 24 hours which you feel was especially valuable.
Leader: Greg
Consensus was for five faithful souls to begin tonight's meeting meditating first and sending out love, light, prayers for others. We concluded our prayers with sending our energy downward to heal ourselves, as Cayce had recommended (and John Van Auken taught in a Denver seminar in years past). We recited the 23rd Psalm thus closing open chakras to end our prayer and meditation process.
ARE Facebook page daily noon meditations follow the Cayce method we are currently studying. One member is using these noon meditations as a cleansing, an attunement, to prepare for ten minutes daily in silence. Another member frequently uses a method Cayce recommended, the coiled serpent or kundalini meditation of raising consciousness. Be alert, the temptation to stay in the pleasurable energy can stop beginning meditators here, instead of raising consciousness. A third technique is to move the energy now high in consciousness and body downward to heal ourselves, too. This one didn't make it into print in the ASFG lesson.
This week we read in our experiments book, Chapter One through the 2nd experiment, page 10. Basically the one chosen last week of maintaining a positive focus as we prayed and meditated daily during the week. We did the experiment this week. A member noticed that consciously trying to keep thoughts upbeat in prayers and meditation had a holistic effect with the intent spilled over into communication.  Saying nothing replaced habitual expressions of just a bit of negativity two or three times during week past.
Experiment one of our experiments book describes an exercise Cayce recommended someone getting a reading do, to better understand how the patterns of his/her activities can actually help them determine their ideal. Daily recording life's events at the end of the day, meditating daily or awakening the superconsciousness combined helps to establish a feedback loop with ourselves as one member heard and understood it.
The three-step process we are learning is having an Ideal or an affirmation (or effectively praying), as a focus to awaken the physical consciousness to awareness of our ONENESS with GOD. Second step is preparation. Our third step then, once conscious of our oneness with creator, is holding this awareness of our oneness with God in the silence.
Our discussion of meditation went into how we can be miniature copies of the universe. One suggested, that the tan tien of our inner energy body (a Martial Arts Master's tan tien aligned with the earth's fiery core and chakra system could be like a copy of our solar system. Can a parallel be seen between the pituitary gland, the master gland, affecting and managing the other endocrine glands; and our solar system following the sun? But what does our Sun align with to lead our planets across the galaxy with no collisions with any stars? Is that that unknown connection of our sun like an aligned tan tien keeps the martial artist balanced on his feet despite fierce attacks to knock him down?

Comparing spiritual body's churches in the Revelation of our Bible or Chakras as Asian thought names them, led to the question, how many chakras do humans have? More than seven?  Zoom blocked any response or possible discussion Monday, sending us out from this meeting abruptly.

In Loving Oneness,


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