Tuesday, June 23, 2020

A.R.E. Meeting for 6/22/20

What a fun, forward thinking and fruitful meeting!

We had a technical delay starting, but had six come together for a Zooming meeting.

We discussed our experiment of having greater "Acceptance" and most felt the week's on-goings kicked our butts and we couldn't accept lots of what is going on in our country at this time. Some people are protesting peacefully and sanely to make valid points and improve our country for all, but some are not protesting to advance and better our country, but are causing uneducated vandalizing, looting, sensationalizing media poisoning and promoting selfish and controlling and damaging behaviors. Some of us sincerely tried to be friendlier, more understanding and accepting of the many issues on top of the economic damage and continued loss of jobs, health, and lives because of Covid-19. Pray.

We took turns reading Mind is the Builder, pp 174-175. We discussed how male/ female relationships have changed so much that it can be hard to be relaxed communicating with the opposite sex. There have been villains of both sexes - men who prey on women and use women sexually and women who use their sexuality to manipulate men and those of both sex who get hurt by rapists, psychos, and manipulators. For honest women, men, and children to have the ability to bring charges against those who sexually abused them is one step in a process to change our culture from a culture that allowed abusers to get away with abusing others. (Honesty is the Key - I have known of innocents whose lives and reputations have been damaged by false accusations.) Pray.

Most of us believe most people still want a healthy, monogamous, serious, loving relationship. So we agreed that we should watch the "Hallmark" channel more than shows that exploit the sexuality of others. How we can help guide and teach and instruct and support our youth towards healthy sexual relationships when there are so many rules, sexual orientations, and preferences and fears of sexual abuse by people in positions of trusts because of it happening in church, school, and sports? Pray.

We had a 15-minute meditation after saying the Lord's Prayer, doing head and neck exercises and our breathing techniques. We shared our light, love and healing energy.

We said the 23rd Psalm.

We decided our country and any children confined in the Covid-19 imposed lock-down with an adult that may be harming them need our attention and prayers more than we need to have a separate experiment on Sexuality at this time. Pray.

See you next week. We will read Sex and the Individual, pp. 175 - 177.
No costume needed, but wear one if you want to show your "future desired incarnation."

Leaders are as follows - Correct me if I am wrong:
July - John
August - Cindi
September - Melanie
October - ?
November - ?
December - Greg
January 2021 - ?
Please contact John to select a month to lead.

Thank you all.
Sorry again I didn't make sure last week's minutes got to everyone.

Peacefully yours, June

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