Monday, July 20, 2009

A.R.E Meeting for 7/20/09

Leader: Nancy
Reader: John

Started the chapter on "Faith." Next week we start at the section "How Faith is Developed."

You have a choice of two experiments:
As a step towards a deeper awareness of faith, try to awaken the consciousness that you are a timeless being--that all which you desire in spirtual unfoldment and fulfillment will come to you. If you have asked for something in His name and then find yourself doubting or impatient, use this affirmation in your daily life to re-orient your mind to faith: "As a spiritual being, I am forever. All I have asked in His name will be fulfilled." Record the situations in which you are able to use this affirmation in a helpful way.
Be aware of instances each day in which you feel a sense of confidence (either in some quality of your own, in some condition in the material world, or in some other person). Don't deny the good feeling that may come with such a sense of confidence; instead, build upon it by affirming the source of this which is good in you or your life. Record each day those situations in which you are able to make this recognition.

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