Monday, September 20, 2021

A.R.E. Meeting for 9/20/21

Leader: Cindi
We continued to progress through this difficult Cross and Crown chapter, helped along by discussion points from the Step-by-Step book. The four of us read solely from the SFG book, starting with the second section “Why is it necessary to bear a cross…” and up to the section “Why do we, as individuals, necessarily bear much…”
Cindi asked us to choose one or more practices this week from the following six:
  • Look for opportunities throughout the week to “bring spiritual harmony into physical vibration.” Each day make note of one example of how you were able to do this.
  • Pretend you’re explaining this chapter to a non-Christian. Rather than focusing on the specifics of the Christian faith, try to specify two or three universal ideals that are demonstrated in the life and teachings of Jesus. Choose one of these ideals and try to express it daily for a week.
  • Jesus accepted His cross and through that acceptance overcame it. Throughout the week, try to accept what happens to you as a way of moving toward the law of grace.
  • The message Jesus proclaimed from the cross was “Forgive them.” Try to apply this ideal of forgiveness for one week, as you trust in the Spirit to give you strength. For one week choose the ideal of “long suffering,” which actually refers to patient and determined endurance. See if manifesting patience, both with yourself and with those around you, makes you more able to bear the stresses of your life.
  • For one day truly practice all that you believe. If the opportunity arises to “preach” to someone else, try to do it through example rather than verbally.

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