Tuesday, April 6, 2021

A.R.E. Meeting for 4/5/21

Leader: Eric

Experiment 1. Select an area of your life in which you have recently been worried or especially concerned about making things turn out right (e. g. , a financial worry, concern over a specific relationship). For at least a week turn this particular area of your life over to God. Affirm each day that God seeks to express His truth through this part of your life. Listen for and be aware of his presence active in shaping your life. Record any meaningful experiences that occur as you work on this experiment.

Experiment 2. Look for purity in your life and in the lives of others. Consider purity in the way it has been defined above. (“....created in his image as spiritual beings, there is a state of wholeness and purity that already exists.” within us, not be created out of sin) Watch for expressions of the purposefulness of the soul rather than for situations where inharmonious or confusing tendencies have been minimized. Record your observations.

 Ideal: Oneness

Action: affirm our oneness with every group member daily.

Seven souls of greater faith than one month ago joined our leader in opening our meeting on lesson five, “Virtue and Understanding” by listening to “The Lord’s Prayer” and preparing ourselves prior to our meditation. We read our new lesson’s scripture from Philippians 4:8, about thinking on the good things, true, lovely, the Virtue, praise, etc. We focused minds on several readings of our lessons affirmation, "Let virtue and understanding be in me, for my defense is in Thee, O Lord, my Redeemer; for Thou hearest the prayer of the upright in heart. ", and entered 10 minutes of deep meditation. After doing our healing work and prayers of also sending out love and light, we described what spiritual insight we gained from either experiment. Ambitious, Faith-filled Souls did both experiments in 1 week. One soul completed four experiments since last week. Members sought joy, greater faith, to better live an Ideal of love, better organization, experienced 3 in Oneness of same space despite physical distance; another, dark desolation of Soul during a dream.

Reactions ranged from joy or happiness at the level of participation during the week experiments to satisfaction with outcome to “more work needed.” Put another way, none of us working on the spiritual level ascended up into heaven. However, no one knew why one faithful member was absent this meeting. 🤔😊

We read completed our lesson on Faith when we completed and reported on this week’s experiment and read down thru the first experiment in the new lesson’s experiments book. The lessons transition into the next lesson, also described questioningly as “why do they seem to overlap?”

We read the introduction, the affirmation, and scripture of “Virtue and Understanding.”

In our Experiments book, we read that God also has a purpose according to Cayce reading, 338-3. "...God’s purpose is to glorify the individual man’s " Soul. Did you ever imagine that God Him-Herself is also searching for ways we, er, peoplekind can understand God seeks for us to have an awareness of His/Her Divine Love for Us individual Souls that is BEING EXPRESSED Now! ; and God is awaiting for us to recognize and accept or receive that love? 💙

Our final discussions included descriptions of greater awareness of Expressed Love or Oneness; these brought to mind a South American tree with glowing or luminescing leaves that light up the ground once they’ve fallen. Shamans prepare themselves for Spiritual practice by coming to this tree with luminescent leaves to draw from it energy for their spiritual work.

We also expressed belief in nature’s healing, our faith in natural methods drawn from nature to actually heal. In contrast to our currently ingrained cultural practices to “take a pill, take a pill, take a pill” for every ailment. This is also a script or similiar comedy quote to a hilarious skit of “back in the day,” it was uproariously funny at one time that taking a pill for everything could actually provide much help.

In Loving Oneness,

Sylvia Raye

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