Tuesday, April 20, 2021

A.R.E. Meeting for 4/19/21

Leader: Eric

Experiment 1. Unless it would result in the violation of a principle or ideal you hold, allow others to do the acts of service and caring that they offer you. Maintain an attitude of openness to being helped (yet don’t take this experiment to mean that you are to go around asking others to do things for you). Record instances in which others are a channel of blessings to you.

Experiment 2. Each day allow a sense of peace to fill your life by being tolerant of others or of inharmonious patterns within yourself. Record situations in which you were understanding and tolerant when your old way of reacting might have been to think unkindly.

Group Ideal: Oneness

Action: Affirm my oneness with each member

 Study Group Lesson: Virtue and understanding 

With greater understanding, virtue is the ever present pureness within each of us; versus virtue as a moral concept, four faithful seekers opened themselves and became attuned to the Divine Universal Forces through praying The Lord’s Prayer and meditating a good while. The four prayed for family members, friends, absent ASFG members, sent love, light and healing energy to those known to be sick, protection of good health for everyone everywhere, as well as blessings to the ARE worldwide, and prayers of peace and comfort for grieved friends and families worldwide who lost a loved one to Covid-19. Our time of sending blessings to others came to a close with recitation of the Twenty Third Psalm and attention was turned to sharing experiences from our weekly experimentations.

Among those unable to attend tonight’s meeting, one thoughtful soul shared her results electronically; doing the second experiment revealed and affirmed she is to use her guidance for herself. In choosing experiment 1, and a spiritual law last week to work with, one member synchronistically and unknowingly choose a law quoted in this week’s ASFG lesson, “Seek and ye shall find, ask and it shall be given unto you, knock and it shall be opened unto you”. Additionally, he found and followed helpful advice on how to use the spiritual law of manifestation, as he sought better vision and good health. From Richard Dotts’ book, “It Is Done”, we  learned "Amen" means “it is done,” a helpful affirmative thought to say while feeling the joy of receiving whatever we are visualizing or imagining. See it, Think it, Feel it! and it’s now yours. In this case, feel excited, happy you “Know it is done” as you visualize yourself seeing well and enjoying good health. Maybe two goals at once, too much for a beginner? Can you more easily do vison improvement first, then manifest the other? No blocks, no worry! No doubts! Just Do it! On Faith from the last lesson, of course.

Two people made no formal decision on which experiment to do, but had results to report on anyway. One seeker may have gotten hung up by not feeling and thinking of self as virtuous enough to choose an experiment, but received two informative dreams anyway and shared that insight with us.

The other person had observed poorly listening, talkative interviewers speaking so excessively interviewees could barely answer questions just a bit. So he made it a practice of making “speaking” space, holding space for others to speak their thoughts completely.

We had time to talk about our week while checking in. One member has actually improved his vision significantly in the past. He shared information on his good experience of combining eye drops containing the herb “Eye Bright” with “seeing his vision improve” and then allowing himself to continue improving eye sight with both some manifesting principles and eye drops.

Someone is hearing thumping under his home, a bunny perhaps? And hoping to stop the noise. Another thinks ants coming inside from either end of the home, suggests the place must have been built on a large ant colony.

And one is soon traveling to see relatives and making a delivery at the same time. Safe travels. Best of the weeks to all.

We missed those of you unable to attend! See you next week, we hope!

In loving oneness,

Sylvia Raye

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