Tuesday, December 22, 2020

A.R.E. Meeting for 12/21/20

Leader: Scott

Choose your preferred experiment this week:

1. Experiment - pg. 21 - Work on being sensitive to where others are in consciousness. Without compromising your own ideals, be willing to speak to others in their own language; show concern for the problems and questions in their own minds (not so much the questions you think they ought to be concerned about. ) Record the experiences in which you are able to be helpful to someone by meeting that individual at his or her own level.
2. Experiment - pg. 22 - Choose and write down a habit pattern that is especially of your own limited, ego self. Pray each day that as your real self you may let loose your involvement with that pattern. Cultivate an attitude of openness to his Healing for this part of your life. At the end of the day, record any situation during the day where you experienced losing this particular limited sense of self.

Eight beautiful souls attired in human bodies zoomed to our weekly meeting. We meditated and sent out with the blessed energy received in silence our prayers for light, love, healing, protection, prosperity, comfort, peace, and JOY to family, friends, people of the world seeking the light.

Our reports on last week’s experiments also provided asides of what went awry on a busy Monday, or with a kaput oven in midst of holiday baking. Tonight, three saw on the southwestern skyline around sunset the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn. One person arrived early enough to possibly see a silhouette of one planet before seeing it light up a bit later with the other planet as well. One person saw Saturn’s rings. Another person shared that driving a good distance to Nebraska three years ago to see the solar eclipse was a “spiritual experience." Three were either satisfied or excited about their results of meditating hours with the ARE World Day of Prayer in North America, Europe and Asia.

The hours longer meditation plus the longer intervals of breathing techniques practiced as given by different leaders one after another led to a body feeling accelerated vibrations, highly energized, and stimulated, oxygenated bilateral frontal lobes; a new experience after only more than fifty years of regular mostly Cayce method meditation practice! The ARE keeps getting better and better! And each of two house cats were attracted to the high vibrational energy! Already staying in the meditation room most of the hours, one cat instead of sleeping near feet, crawled under the bedcovers to actually place a paw on the meditator’s leg. Why? In order to feel or draw from the high energy of the meditator? The cat didn’t answer.

Maintaining awareness that thought patterns were being created by our thoughts “inspired” change during last week’s experiment: Several people saw patterns they want to stop and replace with positive beneficial new ones.

We will receive an email with information on an understanding of Earth changes as shifting in yin/yang and crystalline energies balance, in this year of personal confrontation with our long ignored parts of self and subsequent path to potential transformation. It includes instruction on how one could add journaling to "know thyself," add physical movement or dance and sound in ritual to setting ideal or intent, to clearing, annual goal-action plan to better live ones spiritual ideal. Christina’s clearing and rituals are complex in contrast to the simplified 1 hour Unity’s annual practice of clearing out inappropriate unwanted junk in a burning bowl New Years Eve service. Good ideas recirculate, don’t they? Thanks for this gift for increased spiritual understand and practice!

One member was validated and reassured that one experience cannot define us, cannot limit us, nor measure our worth. There is no limit to our worth, to our talents and abilities we have developed over lifetimes. There are many we have not realized, cultivated, or allowed to surface in this lifetime.

Last year's future planning was our first group junk to throw out.

WE WILL MEET next Monday!
None of us are going on our typical holiday trips this year!

See you next Monday!

Merry 🎄🎁 Christmas

In Loving Oneness,
Sylvia Raye

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