Saturday, December 19, 2020

A.R.E. Meeting for 12/14/20

 Leader: Scott

Experiment: Live with the awareness that what you are thinking is actually creating and is very real. At the end of each day, review your thought patterns. Record those that you feel were especially constructive or helpful. Without a sense of self-condemnation, record those that you feel were not consistent with your ideals.

Lesson I

Cooperation: Finally, be ye all of one mind, having compassion one of another; love as brethren. I Peter 3:8


Not my will but Thine, O lord, be done in me and through me. Let me ever be a channel of blessings, today, now, to those that I contact in every way. Let my going in, my coming out be in accord with that Thou would have me do and as the call comes, "Here am I, send me, use me."

Seekers numbering six prayed for healing, peace and comfort, blessings, protection and prosperity after they meditated. Then we read the Introduction and Need for Cooperation sections of Lesson I.

If we are in accord with His will, we can attune ourselves to the highest spiritual force. If we open our minds, hearts, souls to serving others, we find and receive joy, peace, happiness in doing acts of kindness and service for others.

We discussed aging and the aged of 900, 365 years ago in Biblical times, mostly questioning how was it possible? Or even desirable?

It was noted that when one has limitations imposed on the physical for activities and accomplishments that brought our younger selves joy in doing and being able to do for others, decreases; life limitations of age can leave us bored and empty. Without a purpose, without goals. While planning to “just reject and refuse aging and ageism, “intending” doesn’t work as we expected it to when we were young. Why live the good life 80 years and 820 years of emptiness and boredom?

Sightings of both Yoda, 900 years life, too, and the mere 50 years old baby Mandelorian the same day led into these comments.

Then was it powers of a baby Madalorian that led into a discussion of whether the Law of One can be used with negative intent to inflict pain or kill just like it can be used to bring the rain or heal? While no one actively disagreed that “Law of One” can be used for healing and positive goals, in contrast, no one affirmed a statement made that this principle of manifesting through a Universal law of One is the same principle called voodoo “IF” used with intent to harm the person and a proxy. The Secret, Cayce’s “thoughts are creative—“see it working”, Unity’s or New Thought” manifesting, national big seller of hypnosis tapes explained it “think it, see it, feel it and it’s yours “ either become blessings of healing or curses depending upon the intent and application of the One law.

Our chosen experiment supports our ideal and can help us become better aware of what we are creating as we think and experience our emotions!

We will be ready to read “Method of obtaining cooperation” section in ASFG next week, and read on toward experiment two in our experiments book.

Happiest of Holidays!

Holidays as joyful as the child seen jumping up and down with excitement about the approaching holidays!!

In Loving Oneness,

Sylvia Raye


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