Leader: Scott
Experiment: Work on relating to others with kindness. Especially focus on speaking kindly. Record those instances where you were able to replace an impulse to speak harshly or thoughtlessly with kind words. Record as well, without a sense of condemnation, those instances where greater kindness than you expressed would have been helpful.
Affirmation: I choose words and thoughts that create love, joy, harmony and understanding. My words heal, and prosper others richly and abundantly.
Book: A Search for God, Book I, and the Experiments book keyed to ASFG, Book I
Seven spiritual beings converged in our Zoom room to meditate, pray for others, and discuss what we’d learned from our intentions to live our lesson this past week. Some had done both experiments. One reported that the results of the chosen experiment just happened after having chosen it; she decided to let go of a friend who wasn’t serving her, and did so. Significantly, she reported having willingness to ask God to take more control in her life a ways back; a vital part of learning to cooperate with God. Another also let something go: a resentment— in seeing both sides of a situation from an emotional view and another’s “personal values” view. Seeing two different perspectives changed an angry judgmental one to an accepting, allowing one. And then, a resentment was gone. A gift! All the results of either experiment were interesting. Several chose to change a habit pattern of negative thinking. One had written an affirmation last week to help replace negative thinking with more positive thoughts. It is shared with us, near the top of the page.
You are welcome to add or replace words that better fit your ideal thinking to say to yourself if you want to let those energy dissipating thoughts go. When one member realized following the news adds to negative thinking, it was said Hugh Lynn Cayce (deceased 1983) and other ARE members stopped watching scary movies and negative shows. Since then, news reporting has become darker, more energy draining to listeners, less accurate. It seeks to trigger viewers emotionally and can be deliberately untrue; “They lie to us,” at times another recognized.
To stay in the high vibrations of light received in meditation, as Hugh Lynn did, we can support our intentions to speak kindly and to relate to others kindly by choosing positive, inspiring, uplifting viewing/ reading materials and programs, and the company of positive thinkers! You know— live in the ideal world! 😊
read the "Method of Obtaining Cooperation: section in A Search for God lesson
one on Cooperation. Zoom time expired before we could discuss any of the methods of obtaining cooperation. We closed with the lovely 23rd Psalm.