Monday, December 9, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 12/9/19

Leader: Greg

Four emotional seekers met to read and discuss attitudes. In the meantime, we covered topics such as banking and the money supply, abundance and lack, and our advertising in the “Life After 50” circular. Let’s wish Scott’s mom a happy 83rd birthday tomorrow.

We ended up reading the entire Chapter 15 on attitudes and emotions. That means that next week we will get into dreams in Chapter 16. I’ll bet Cindi will like that.

For an experiment this week, try to see the Christ in those we have grudges against. This is based on the material on page 129 of our primer:
“For example, we may for years have held a grudge or grievance against a certain person; however, the minute we are willing to acknowledge the Divine or to see the Christ in that person, the previously held grievance may immediately drop away. Subsequently, we find ourselves in an attitude of grace instead of karma with respect to that person or situation, and in turn our behavior toward him or that situation is completely changed; it becomes alive and creative.”

Monday, December 2, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 12/2/19

Leader: Greg

Four faithful Cayceites met to further the development of their souls. The meeting started with a discussion of keeping personal information safe with credit or debit cards and how Google is now getting into the medical records business. But we digressed, and needed to get back to the real reason for the meeting.

In the Primer, we finished the chapter on soul development, reading sections on “Personality vs Individuality,” “Awareness of the Oneness,” and “In Patience.”

Since patience is such an interesting and misunderstood topic, we decided to pull an experiment from the Patience chapter of Experiments Book I.

Experiment: This is an experiment in self-observation. Be aware of the dimensions of life which the readings call “patience.” How are you responding within yourself to things going on around you? You may frequently hide that inner response from others, and yet it is an important factor in your growth in consciousness. Each day before you go to bed take a few minutes to think back over the day and write down inner responses you had to events of the day which you did not express or allow to show (e.g., when Jane made that remark this morning, it hurt my feelings and I felt angry, but I didn’t let it show).  Indicate which of your responses were in accord with your ideals (e.g., when John said he appreciated what I had done it made me feel really good towards him and myself; such feelings are in accord with my ideals). Make an effort during the week to respond in ways consistent with your ideals, even to those situations which usually evoke a negative response.

Monday, November 18, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 11/18/19

Leader: John

Six sexy idealists showed up at the meeting tonight. John led us in a guided meditation through the chakras and to a cleansing river with a waterfall. Feeling refreshed, we finished chapter 13 and moved into chapter 14 (Soul Development). We stopped on page 119 at the section “Personality vs Individuality.” We had a good discussion on the prevailing wisdom of dealing with panhandlers. Many felt guided by their heart when making a contribution to their lives.

For the experiment, work with your ideals. Draw three columns on a sheet of paper and label them Spiritual, Mental, and Physical. Then follow the instructions on page 113 in the section “Setting the Ideal.” Or you can go in depth and use the attached workbook by Kevin Todeschi to find your ideals.

You can have an extra week to work on the experiment, because the library will be closed next Monday for remodeling, so there is no meeting.

Monday, November 11, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 11/11/19

Leader: John

Five study group veterans were motivated enough to the meeting tonight. It began with Scott showing a picture he took at a ranch off Hwy 83 with an orb. Eric mentioned the beauty of lights shining on a natural bridge in Utah. And one of the more well known, are the Marfa lights in Texas.

We read about motivation and ideals from page 109 up to “Setting the Ideal” on page 113. We tried to explain how the endocrine/spiritual centers play a role in motivation. In fact, our experiment this week is to use motivation to focus on bringing the Christ pattern into action.

Monday, November 4, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 11/4/19

Leader: John

Four macho males willfully attended the weekly meeting to discuss will and choice. Tonight, I learned that there is a type of rice in India that kills bacteria because it contains colloidal silver. Blessings go out to Eric’s father, who was placed in a group home so he could receive care around the clock. When did the Neanderthals roam the earth? It must have been after Adam. Then there were discussions of haploids and diploids. The American Indians that Cayce said descended from the Atlanteans were the Iroquois. Is there evil?

We finished the chapter on Free Will and Choice and continued into Chapter 13 (Spirit, Motivation, and Ideals), reading up to “Motivation” on page 109.

There was no experiment this week, so if you want to work on something, create your own.

Monday, October 21, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 10/21/19

Leader: Sylvia (for Scott)

Five willful entities joined together to begin the chapter on “Free Will and Choice.” In the prelude discussions before the main meeting, we learned that poke salad (sallet) was poisonous. I guess that is why they had to cook it three times and throw out the water each time. We had a brief discussion on the purpose of life, and a few channeled texts says it is to find joy, or to enjoy ourselves, and not the fire and brimstone eternal damnation we often hear preached.

We got into the experiment for last week about examining patterns. One made the point of all the patterns that repeated in her family, often negatively, and how she sought to break those patterns. The Cayce material also talks about Jesus being the pattern for all, and the pattern of perfection is the Christ consciousness.

We started Chapter 12 in the Primer on page 98, and read up to the first full paragraph on page 101.

The experiment is to examine our will, and ask ourselves if it aligns with God’s will.

Monday, October 14, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 10/14/19

Leader: Scott

Five gracious Cayce-ites got together to rejoice and express gratitude for our weekly sessions. We began by going over graciousness that occurred for each during the week. Events mentioned included time in the garden, a burial and honoring of parents, trying to help out a certain teacher, and finding a home for puppies.

We finished the Karma and Grace chapter, and are ready to start the chapter on page 98, “Free Will and Choice.”

For the experiment, look for patterns in your life and reflect on them. Why do certain things always seem to happen (good or bad)? Are there patterns in your behavior, or in certain relationships? Could they be karmic patterns? Remember, the pattern of the Divine is imprinted on our souls.

Monday, October 7, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 10/7/19

Leader: Greg (for Scott)

Five students convened to work on patience, karma, and grace. We began with several of us offering their findings on the definition of patience according to the Cayce readings. Eric, who had studied its meaning in the past, helped tie the answers together. To prod us in the reading on karma and grace, John asked for a definition of grace. Eric looked it up, and Sylvia provided a good definition.

We read the Karma and Grace chapter up to the second paragraph on page 96. Some discussion at the end ensued about gun ownership and responsibility, which was spurred by the Amber Guyger trial in Dallas, which displayed some graciousness at the end.

For the experiment, practice grace by being gracious, because in Cayce reading 2981-1 it says, “If ye live by grace, ye must practice grace—and be gracious.”

Monday, September 30, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 9/30/19

Leader: Sylvia

Four patient students of the Cayce readings returned this week. When the five races appeared in the earth, were there numerous Adams and Eves? Did Jesus desire to create a religion? Inquiring minds want to know.

John discussed resentment, which was part of the experiment, by relating a tale of doing a statistics project in college. Eric had a busy week and has a new boss. Cindi brought a blog article by Peter Woodbury called “The Witness.” Do we come into the world as two parts: one to do the deeds and the other to witness? Like Jesus on the cross, which was witnessed by his mother, a twin soul.

In the Law of Attraction, how big a factor is emotion?

We read through Chapter 10 on time, space, and patience. Next week we will start reading Chapter 11.

For the experiment, come to the next meeting with your understanding of what is meant by active patience.

Monday, September 23, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 9/23/19

Leader: Sylvia

Four celebrated the first day of fall with a feeling of oneness. We went over some of our desires to manifest during the week. Some asked to manifest homes for Scott’s dogs. Greg wanted to manifest better vision in an eye and Eric shared his success with Eyebright and German Camomile. Eric brought up his study of Marian prophecies.

The group finished the Chapter 9 about oneness and love. Next week, Chapter 10 is about time, space, and oneness.

For the experiment, we will use the 40-day forgiveness prayer developed by J. Everett Irion of the A.R.E. for someone we wish to forgive or be forgiven by. Instead of 40 days, we will try it for a week. You say the following prayer and then let go of the results, in other words, don’t obsess about the situation.

“____________ (Person’s name), I am praying to you. Thank you, ________, for doing to me all that you have done. Forgive me, ___________, for doing all that I have done to you.

“____________ (Your name), I am praying to you. Thank you, ____________, for doing to me all that you have done. Forgive me, ___________, for doing all that I have done to you.”

The idea is that you are speaking to the other person’s Higher Self or higher consciousness and to your own Higher Self. Because you are praying to the person’s higher self, it is not necessary that they know or that they are even alive.

Monday, September 16, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 9/16/19

Leader: Sylvia

Five fun-loving entities practiced lawfulness as we met this week. I’m sorry if I didn’t remember all the discussions that took place, but Cindi’s house restoration is moving along, although her guests had to put up with some stench from the neighbor’s house that had a freezer go out. John meditated on oneness. Sylvia saw oneness in Medicine Cards that were able to foresee her thoughts. We discussed good vs evil and love vs fear and how some souls can cause violent crime. The problems of the Middle East were brought up, as to how peace has proved elusive.

In our primer, we read the sections “Law is Love,” on page 80, and “The Nature of the One Force.” That takes us to “Oneness as Consciousness,” on the bottom of page 82.

A little of our discussion was about manifestation, so for an experiment, we can think of something to manifest in our lives, or as a group manifestation, ask that the greater good be done for Scott’s new puppies. We ask that they receive the best homes possible, and for Scott to get compensated fully for their adoptions.

Monday, September 9, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 9/9/19

Leader: Sylvia

Five frivolous free spirits, after a week off, found oneness and love awaiting them this week as a purpose for meeting. Eric kicked things off by asking the group about the three secrets of Fatima and how he found comfort with thoughts of Mary. Anyone interested in attending a seminar on non-violence, contact Sylvia. Also, Sylvia is starting a SFG study group in Pueblo along with Cassie Walgren (who attended our group once). Everyone gave thoughts or account of the experiment involving observing the uniqueness of others.

We read the first section of Chapter 9 on “Oneness and Love,” ending on the middle of page 80.

The Cayce readings state: "The first lesson for six months should be One-One-One-One; Oneness of God, oneness of man's relation, oneness of force, oneness of time, oneness of purpose, Oneness in every effort-Oneness-Oneness!" (900-429)
The topic of dualism (Good vs Evil or Mind vs Body) was part of our reading. For an experiment, think of how dualism can really be explained as oneness.

Monday, August 26, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 8/26/19

Leader: Eric

Six sensual souls attended our meeting this week to learn more about themselves (their souls). Scott invited everyone to come by and see his five chocolate lab puppies. We again talked a little more about whether animals have souls, and part of our reading tonight said “Of all the forms of life in the earth plane, only man is a manifestation of this special gift of the Divine, the soul.” Eric asked the question, does God have a soul? Has anyone ever tried to search their own Akashic records?

Our reading took us through Chapter 8, so we will begin next time with Chapter 9.

As an experiment, spend some time recognizing the uniqueness of others. Examine their quirks and what makes them tick. Appreciate how each is different.

No meeting next week on Monday due to Labor Day.

Monday, August 19, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 8/19/19

Leader: Eric

The magnificent seven made their return this week so we could carry on a conversation about love. Do you have to be loved to give love? Does our ego get in the way of love? Where is Sai Baba? Lots of questions were pondered.

We’re in Chapter 8 of the Primer. We read from “Mind” on page 68 through “Why Are We Here?” We are up to “How Does it Work?” on page 72.

No experiment was assigned, but since we are gods, we can create our own.

Monday, August 12, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 8/12/19

Leader: Eric

The same five soulful groupies returned this week. For the week in review, Cindi was happy to relate that work had begun on her house. Sylvia was told she was a good woman. Eric had a dream relating to childhood and cowboy boots. All were happy to start Chapter 8 –The Soul: God’s Companion in the primer. We read through the section on Spirit on page 68, and will start the section on “Mind” next week.

Spirit, according to our reading this week, may best be summarized by the word “Love” in the purest form. For an experiment this week, the group will work with the ideal of Love, so that we approach actions and decisions with love in mind, as much as possible. This tendency toward love should help negate our spirit of rebellion.

Monday, August 5, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 8/5/19

Leader: Eric

Five microcosmic members used their minds to finish Chapter 7—The Mind: The Builder and the Way. Next week we’ll plow into Chapter 8. After a short discussion on some dreams and tree consciousness, the main topic was on the mind.

For an experiment, spend some time in meditation or in reflection during the coming week on the Christ within us. Attempt to attune or make yourself aware of His presence.

Monday, July 22, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 7/22/19

Leader: Sylvia (for Cindi)

A triune group showed up tonight. Scott brought his fly-catcher that he used as an analogy for trapped souls last week and had several dreams to share. Sylvia wanted to make sure we sent light and love to John after his eye surgery. We spent a considerable amount of time discussing nutrition (for people and dogs). Sylvia and John knew a lot about Nitric Oxide.

We read the opening of Chapter 7 (The Mind…) and the section “Made in His Image.” Next week we’ll pick up at page 59 with “The Mind of God.” No experiment was discussed.

Monday, July 15, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 7/15/19

Leader: Cindi

Six sensational body temples were represented by those in attendance. Everyone had a dream or parts of a dream that they were able to relate to the group for meaning.

We finished chapter 6 by reading “The Temple as a Place,” “The Revelation of John,” “The Endocrine System,” “The Book with Seven Seals,” and the “Conclusion.” Next week we’ll begin chapter 7, “The Mind: The Builder and the Way.”

For an experiment, we are still being asked to bring a dream to the next meeting.

Monday, July 8, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 7/8/19

Leader: Cindi

Cindi pointed out some areas in the Venture Inward magazine where special materials were available only for SFG study groups. Sylvia graciously volunteered to call and see what material was available.

Considerable discussion at the beginning of the meeting was on the topic of healing. We found out early that June could not make the meeting because of ruptured blood vessels in her eyes (from coughing). We all send light and love.

In the Primer, we began on page 50 by reading “Why Do We Have Bodies?” This was followed by “The Microcosmic – Macrocosmic Relationship” and “The Way Prepared by the Pattern Applied.” Next week we are ready to read “The Temple as a Place,” on page 53.

Scott had a neat analogy of how humans got trapped in the earth based on a device he recently purchased on Amazon to catch flies. A netting is shaped like a pyramid with a hole on the top and some kind of smelly enticement at the bottom. Above the hole is more netting. The flies go into the upper netting through the hole, but don’t realize they can go back down the same way, so they become stuck.

Being that we were talking about the human body, the topic of Wim Hof was brought up. He was interviewed on a show called “Impact Theory,” which can be seen at or on YouTube at They call him the “Ice Man” because he trained his body to do amazing feats (he has 26 world records) in the cold by using his mind. He can use these same techniques he developed in the cold to cure disease and change body responses. He claims to be able to train anyone to do this in four days. His web site is

For an experiment, bring a dream to the next meeting.

Monday, July 1, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 7/1/19

Leader: Cindi

Despite having a rough week, Cindi led four bodies (including herself) to finish the chapter, “A Model for Understanding the Nature of Man.” There was a little discussion of the recent ARE presentation by Cindy Griffith on Life Seals and some of the significant lives of Edgar Cayce. We continued into the next chapter, “The Body: The Temple of the Living God.” We are at the bottom of page 50, ready to start next week with the section, “Why Do We Have Bodies?”

As an experiment, we mulled over the paragraphs in the middle of page 50, and decided to ponder them further:

The Old Testament tabernacle, with its grandeur of construction and intricacy of detail, was a projected enactment designed to instruct us about the nature of our own internal processes and structures, in which man was to meet God.
However, even if we take this step, it is difficult to retain it for a better and more specific understanding of our own experiences, be they mystical visions, psychic awarenesses, dreams or nightmares. When such an experience occurs to us, the feeling that it is external to us is so strong -- and any clues that something is occurring within us are so weak -- that we fail to apply the insights we have already gained to a better understanding of such experiences.

Monday, June 24, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 6/24/19

Leader: Greg

Five fabulous models for mankind attended the weekly study group meeting. We welcomed Cassie, who made the trek all the way from Pueblo, to join us for the first time.

Before the book reading started, we had a healthy discussion on visualization, especially on how you want your life to be. John talked about a visualization board he used to have. The book “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill was mentioned, and how master mind groups were recommended. John said that Thomas Edison was a mentor for Henry Ford as they belonged to the same master mind group. We expressed positive energy for Sylvia who was out last week for a happy occasion, but had a theft occur during the evening.

In the Primer, we continued in chapter 5, and read “Model of the Tabernacle,” and “Model for Karma and Grace.” We’re at the bottom of page 43, ready to start “Model for Reincarnation.”

No experiment was recommended, so everyone is pretty much on their own this week.

Word has it that Cindi is our leader in July.

Monday, June 17, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 6/17/19

Leader: Greg

Four were on hand to carry on our lessons from the Edgar Cayce Primer. We spent a lot of time going over the experiments from last week.  One chose patience and was thankful that a fire near her cabin was not more dangerous. Another wanted to continue examining evidence of past lives, and actually was paid this week for a healing. Another chose to work with “everything happens for a reason” and had some interesting circumstances occur at work. The fourth spent the week planning trips to take with a significant other.

In our reading, we started chapter 5, “A Model for Understanding the Nature of Man,” and read up to “Model for a Tabernacle” at the bottom of page 40.

We tried to come up with an experiment, but I think it best if everyone decide on their own.

Monday, June 10, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 6/10/19

Leader: Greg

Five somewhat regulars and two new members brought us to a total of seven. It was a pleasure meeting Tim and Eileen this week and they had a lot of travels and experiences to share with the group.

We started with the experiment from last week in which we tried to recall interests and talents that may have led us to discover previous lifetimes. Everyone had something to share. In the Edgar Cayce Primer, we read chapter 4: “Citizens of the Universe.” We covered the subtopics “Beingness Through Time,” “Planes and Dimensions,” “Other Dimensions,” “Earth Plane Consciousness,” and “Other Neighbors.”

Decide on an experiment. One person wishes to continue last week’s discovery of past lives, another mentioned working with duality, and one that came up with the section on patience (page 33): “Things are the way they are for a reason.” As circumstances and life come about this next week, think of why this experience is coming at this time.

Monday, June 3, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 6/3/19

Leader: Greg

Six developed souls attended our study group meeting to help finish the primer chapter on reincarnation. We started with a chakra meditation led by Kevin Todeschi on a recording that took us through the Lord’s Prayer. Afterwards, everyone prayed that Scott be surrounded with light and love because of an accident earlier in the day.

Everyone was asked to remember when they first became acquainted with the topic of reincarnation. People brought up books and people that influenced them.

Cindi suggested an experiment from the Cayce Quarterly involving prayer that God’s will be done, but a couple people wanted to reflect during the week on some of the questions asked in the reincarnation chapter, so we may hold off on Cindi’s suggestion until later.

For the experiment, begin an inventory of what you know about yourself:

What were some of your childhood longings? What historical periods interest you? What foreign countries have you visited or would like most to visit? What are your attitudes toward various nationalities? What are the interests or talents which are natural to you? What are your present religious interests and biases? What music and paintings intrigue you? What are your favorite foods? Answering these questions will help you discover more than you imagined about previous lives.

Monday, May 20, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 5/20/19

Leader: John

A fabulous five of us gathered to carry on with the chapter on reincarnation. First, however, we had some banter on various topics. John brought in a Scientific American to show how the Rubella vaccine was affecting the country in 1969, and how a magnetic storm in 1918 pretty much provided its own power on transmission lines. Another topic was the essence of flowers in drinks to improve health.

By the time we got through our meditation, the snow was getting so heavy that the library decided to close an hour early. We did get a chance to read one section, “The Law of Karma.”

Next week the library is closed for Memorial Day, so our next meeting won’t be until June 3rd.

Monday, May 13, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 5/13/19

Leader: John

The magnificent seven met again to converse on the Cayce teachings. We had a little discussion about autism and vaccines after a recent Coast-to-Coast show over the weekend. The question was asked what Cayce thought of vaccines. Here is one excerpt:

On July 12, 1935, a twenty-three year old woman, planning to travel to the British Isles, asked:
“(Q) Are inoculations against contagious diseases necessary for me before sailing in September? [from N.Y. to England and Scotland]
“(A) As we find, only where the requirements are such as to demand same would this be adhered to at all. So far as the body-physical condition is concerned, the adherence to the use of carrots, lettuce and celery every day at a meal or as a portion of the meal will insure against any contagious infectious forces with which the body may be in contact.” (Cayce)
She followed this with another question:
“(Q) Can immunization against them be set up in any other manner than by inoculation?
“(A) As indicated, if an alkalinity is maintained in the system—especially with lettuce, carrots and celery, these in the blood supply will maintain such a condition as to immunize a person.” (Cayce)
The experiment from the previous week consisted of words that we would dwell upon, and some of the answers given were mindfulness, moderation, perspective, and love. We heard a little John Van Auken talk about how Ra-Ta dealt with old age by getting rid of the things that made him old. We not only need to get rid of toxins in the physical body, but also in the spiritual body.

In the Edgar Cayce Primer, we started Chapter 3, Reincarnation, and read to the middle of page 21, stopping at “The Law of Karma.” No experiment was discussed.

Monday, May 6, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 5/6/19

Leader: John

The holy seven were back from last week. We started the discussion on what we were thankful for, and several mentioned how much they appreciated eyesight. Eric handed out numerous remedies for eyes, and Sylvia mentioned the following sneakers that were being shown on social media. What color are they? Pink and white, or gray and teal.

Here’s the story:

We listened to the Cayce Lord’s Prayer as recited by Tom Baker (see the link from last week). Supposedly Jesus said this at the Last Supper:

Our Father who art in heaven
Hallowed be thy name
Thy kingdom come
Thy will be done
As in Heaven
So in earth
Give us for tomorrow
The needs of the body
Forget those trespasses
As we forgive those that have trespassed
And do trespass against us
Be Thou the guide in the time of trouble, turmoil, and temptation
Lead us in paths of righteousness
For Thy name’s sake

We read the rest of Lesson One, and finished Lesson Two in The Edgar Cayce Primer.

For an experiment, look at the Summary and Some Next Steps at the bottom of page 17.

  1. Write a list of words that have an impact on you.
  2. Choose one word and dwell upon it, making decisions based upon the quality of motivation which is awakened by that word.
  3. Establish a quiet time when you read something that quickens a high sense of meaning and purpose.
  4. Choose one thing in your life which you have been intending to change for the better.

Monday, April 29, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 4/29/19

Leader: Scott

After seven of us went over last week’s experiments, we graduated from our most recent study of the Search from God books, and moved on to our next project: The Edgar Cayce Primer.

Sylvia brought some oyster plant to show us, and said the plant was listed as a vegetable in the Cayce readings as a source for Gold and Phosphorus. Eric gave his formulation for arthritis (and eye floaters). Scott demonstrated the Violet Ray device, which he brought. We mourned the loss of June’s dog, Happy. We discussed the sources of Cayce’s abilities.

For those interested in the ARE’s most recent lecture by Tom Baker concerning Jesus and the Cayce readings, go to: It’s about an hour and a half in length.

For our reading tonight in the primer, we covered the Preface, Introduction, and made our way into Chapter 1, stopping at the section “The Importance of Having an Ideal,” on page 7.

You can use something we read as an experiment, and maybe next week we can either work our own experiment, or come up with something as a group.

Monday, April 22, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 4/22/19

There were five of us tonight after we welcomed John back from his trip. A lot of interesting conversations occurred.

At first, tattoos were mentioned, and then we transitioned into birthmarks, and how Cayce said they were special. John brought up that a baby was born recently from three merged eggs, and John said two was most that was previously known. We got into habits with numbers among some group members, and how Cayce mentioned that odd numbers were more powerful than even numbers. Sylvia believes this was because even numbers can be divided. Near the end of the meeting, we got into a discussion on the Violet Ray and its healing properties.

There is a recent 4-minute video about the Violet Ray at:

We finished the Experiments book, so next week we should be moving on to the Edgar Cayce Primer. But before that, pick one of the last two experiments for the week.

Experiment: Take note of what your energy levels have tended to be like for the last few weeks. Then try to spend a little more time each day (perhaps only 30 minutes) in sincere and loving service to someone. Observe whether or not this new activity seems to (a) drain energy, (b) create new energy but still not drain any, or (c) reenergize you, renew and rest you.

Experiment: Put concern and love for people first in your life. Try being with people and really enjoying their company and the sharing and love which is possible in being together.

Monday, April 15, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 4/15/19

Leader: Scott

Four of us practiced being trans-personal and raising our group consciousness. Eric gave his theory on why the Radiac device should have copper. Out of the Experiments book, we have three to choose from:

Experiment: Pick one group of which you are a member. Do your part to apply the three ingredients of fostering trans-individual group consciousness.
(The three ingredients are 1) a common ideal, 2) harmony and cooperation, and 3) working together)

Experiment: Use the first few minutes of each new day to get started with the right consciousness.

Experiment: Observe how you think and speak about this country and its leaders. Take responsibility yourself for living more fully some of the ideals upon which the nation was founded.

Monday, March 18, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 3/18/19

Leader: Sylvia

Six studious souls sat studying Spirit. We didn’t do quite well on the Happiness experiments last week, so we delved into the last chapter on Spirit. We started in the Experiments book with one to work on this week:

Experiment: Be alert for signs of the spirit of our changing times. Try to act and think in such a way that you cooperate with and help to build a new world. Be especially aware of how to talk to others about the challenges and difficulties of the times. Let your words bespeak the consciousness of hope.

In the A Search for God book, we read the Introduction, and the sections “ In the Beginning,” and “Man’s Projection.”

As we get closer to finishing this book, remember that our next book will be The Edgar Cayce Primer – Discovering the Path to Self-Transformation by Herbert B. Puryear. If you haven’t got it yet, you might want to consider getting a copy soon.

Monday, March 11, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 3/11/19

Leader: Sylvia

With six happy students attending, we had the makings for a party. We had a lengthy discussion of the experiments of last week, then delved into the final pages of the Happiness chapter of the Experiments book. We read these three experiments, which allows us to pick and choose the one Spirit directs us to apply:

Experiment: Focus for several days on especially trying to make choices which you intuitively feel are the ones which reflect God's will for your life. Make use of your own sense of fulfillment, rightness and happiness as a criterion for evaluating the choices you have made.

Experiment: Write down physical and mental ideals for your relationship with yourself when it fails. Try using and applying these ideals as a way of minimizing feelings of discouragement with yourself.

Experiment: Make special efforts to sow seeds of good in the lives of others. Do not be concerned whether or not you will be around to observe the results.

Monday, March 4, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 3/4/19

Leader: Sylvia

Three souls braved the elements to get warmth through the group. Sylvia got us involved in a “Soul Body Fusion,” which will take a few more weeks to complete and comprehend. Some of the discussion revolved around travel, sinister experiences, manic depressives, and orthodoxy. But the overriding purpose of our visit was gaining progress in our studies. We read to the end of the Happiness chapter in the SFG book.

In the Experiments book, we read to the top of page 131, and have two experiments to choose from:

Experiment: Work with an attitude of surrender in relation to the various people in your life whom you love. Grant them (by your words and your actions) a sense of freedom to grow in the way they think best. Put their relations with themselves before their relationship with you.

Experiment: Observe the moments in which you let the turmoils and uneasiness of these times get to you. It may be the hectic pace or the continual state of things changing. Whenever you begin to feel troubled or tense that certain things may be blocked which you feel you need to get done, then use the affirmation: "If God needs me to get this thing done, He will provide the means." Let the affirmation lift you to a new attitude of faith, trust and happiness about your life.

Monday, February 25, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 2/25/19

Leader: Cindi

Four merciful students met tonight to continue our study into happiness. Sylvia led off with a poem from a card that her sister meant to send her. We later learned how Sylvia became involved with healing. Eric relayed some details he found out about WWI, and the horrors that people had to face.

In the Happiness chapter we read the sections “Who Are Happy?” and “When Are We Happy.” In the Experiments book, we read through the experiment on page 128, which reads:

Experiment: Make an effort to be more unpretentious and quiet in your daily affairs. Ask others about themselves and tum the limelight away from you.

Sylvia takes her turn leading the group in March, thanks to John’s list of upcoming group leaders.

Monday, February 11, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 2/11/19

Leader: Greg (for Cindi)

Four happy friends met tonight to begin the chapter on Happiness. John started off with a dream about a circle of colors that brought another color (a former enemy) into their circle. We also had a brief discussion about reincarnation. In the Happiness chapter, we read “What is Happiness,” and most of the next section “Who are Happy?”

We covered one experiment in the Experiments book (which makes it easier to remember):

Experiment: Bring God into the happy moments of your life. During the day, when you have periods of feeling happy, remember the role that God is always playing in your life. With this recognition and remembrance, or with the words of a short prayer, be thankful.

Monday, February 4, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 2/4/19

Leader: Cindi

Five eager students attended our wisdom session for the week. It was interesting how many used an altered diet for the experiments this week, with peanuts, sugar, and trail mix all involved. In health concerns, Cindi relieved us when she said her most recent tests were good. When Eric asked the question, a definite majority have taken the Shingles vaccine.

We finished reading the chapter on Wisdom in the SFG book. In the Experiments book, we finished the chapter and have three experiments worthy of our time:

Experiment: Make only those decisions which need to be made today. If you find yourself worrying about a future decision, try to reorient your attitude. Trust that when the time comes when you really will have to choose, then you will know what to do. Pray that experience and necessary guidance will be shown to you between now and the time you have to decide.

Experiment: At least for one day go through the whole day without speaking unkindly of anyone. When you feel tempted to speak unkindly about a shortcoming of someone, remember that it is not up to you to make that person face up to himself. You may be right-that fault may be there. Instead, remember your sincere desire to see that person be whole and healed. Act or speak out of wisdom in such a way that it helps bring to the surface that person's wholeness.

Experiment: Where in your life have you honestly explored your capabilities and discovered the boundaries or limits which are unique to you (e.g., in physical exercise, areas of intellectual study, capabilities in your work, talent and skill in the home, etc.)? For those areas where you know of the boundaries which are now best for you, try living within them as best you can without any sense of inadequacy, self-criticism or comparison with others.

Monday, January 28, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 1/28/19

Leader: Eric

Four frigid wisdom seekers witnessed the polar vortex in the library meeting room. There was even a brief discussion about climate change (it must have been the room). Care giving also was part of the evening discussion. Our thoughts and prayers went to Scott on his wife’s surgery, and to Eric who will be spending some time taking care of his father.

In the SFG book, we read one section: “The Approach to Wisdom.”

The experiments to try for the coming week are:

Experiment: Do the right thing when the timing is right, even if by appearances things may seem to be a bit worse at first. Use wisdom to evaluate and judge fruits at all levels.
Examples: Give up a habit you have been wanting to eliminate even though at first it may make you very uncomfortable; or, communicate an emotion you have been keeping bottled up inside you, even though at first it may seem to weaken your relationship to the person you tell.

Experiment: Eliminate shortcuts to wisdom which employ a misuse of intellect and logic. Select something which your intellect tells you will likely lead to good results in the physical plane (e.g., diet or a certain way of behaving with others). Probably it's something you have been thinking about doing for some time, but you already know how it will turn out. Now try living it.

Monday, January 14, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 1/14/19

Leader: Eric

Five regulars convened to grow in Wisdom. We discussed Bible figures (like Enoch) and Eric asked if anyone had Eula Allen’s “The Creation Trilogy.” I notice that the ARE has a circulating file called “Theory of Creation” for $5 for ARE members, but don’t know if Eula Allen had a hand in it.

We read the Introduction to the Wisdom chapter in the SFG book, then covered two experiments in our Experiments book.

The experiments are:

Experiment: Pay attention to the timing of when you say things you know are true or do things which you know are right.

Experiment: With your thoughts bring God and your spiritual ideal into one area which you may have thought was too trivial or too human for His concern. One way to do this is simply to have short periods of prayer while you are involved in that activity.

Monday, January 7, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 1/7/19

Leader: John (for Eric)

Five entities met in a chilly room to discuss knowledge. We reviewed the three experiments that we had over the past three weeks, which took a while.

We finished the chapter on Knowledge in both the SFG book and the Experiments book.

Again, we have a choice of three experiments before we move to the Wisdom chapter.

Experiment: Make a list of two or three qualities which you know are in you but others may not know about because you rarely, if ever, expose them. Select ones which you would like to reveal more often (e.g., a sense of humor, a serious side, warmth, a good organizer, a good listener). When you start up a new relationship, try to show two or three of these qualities early in your experiences together.

Experiment: Identify three or four specific groups of which you are a member (e.g., your family, your work group, your study group, your circle of friends). Try to be a leaven to the consciousness and awareness of the group. Through what you say and do help to direct the flow of energies of each group in the most constructive, hopeful way possible.

Experiment: Consider the relationships in your life about which you have the most knowledge. These are probably ones of trust in which the individuals have been able to share with you deep and important things about themselves. It is likely that they are also the relationships in which you can most easily hurt the other person. For a week make a special effort to be kind-in word and action-to one of these people.