Monday, January 7, 2019

A.R.E. Meeting for 1/7/19

Leader: John (for Eric)

Five entities met in a chilly room to discuss knowledge. We reviewed the three experiments that we had over the past three weeks, which took a while.

We finished the chapter on Knowledge in both the SFG book and the Experiments book.

Again, we have a choice of three experiments before we move to the Wisdom chapter.

Experiment: Make a list of two or three qualities which you know are in you but others may not know about because you rarely, if ever, expose them. Select ones which you would like to reveal more often (e.g., a sense of humor, a serious side, warmth, a good organizer, a good listener). When you start up a new relationship, try to show two or three of these qualities early in your experiences together.

Experiment: Identify three or four specific groups of which you are a member (e.g., your family, your work group, your study group, your circle of friends). Try to be a leaven to the consciousness and awareness of the group. Through what you say and do help to direct the flow of energies of each group in the most constructive, hopeful way possible.

Experiment: Consider the relationships in your life about which you have the most knowledge. These are probably ones of trust in which the individuals have been able to share with you deep and important things about themselves. It is likely that they are also the relationships in which you can most easily hurt the other person. For a week make a special effort to be kind-in word and action-to one of these people.

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